Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Feasibility study (I stage) of CO2 geological storage by ECBM tecniques in the Sulcis Coal Province (SW Sardinia).
    (2006-06) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Quattrocchi, F.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Bencini, R.
    Amorino, B.
    Basili, R.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Caddeo, B.
    Cantucci, B.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Cara, R.
    Cauli, G.
    Cinti, D.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Deidda, G.
    Deriu, G.
    Fadda, A.
    Fandino, V.
    Ferenzena, S.
    Giannelli, A.
    Galli, G.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Mazzotti, M.
    Ottinger, S.
    Pizzino, L.
    Pini, R.
    Sardu, G.
    Voltattorni, N.
    An ECBM feasibility study started for the Sulcis Coal Province (SW Sardinia, Italy): available geochemical, structural-geology, stratigraphic and reservoir engineering considerations as well as the newly gathered experimental data are discussed, including: fluid geochemistry (major and minor elements, dissolved gases, C and He isotopic ratios) of different strata/reservoir, coal composition and experimental data on CO2/CH4 adsorption-desorption on coal. A MapInfo GIS structure was built up including stratigraphic, geo-structural, hydro-geochemical, coal-compositional and environmental-impact information as well as the CO2 sources location and typology. Despite preliminary, these data highlighted both the challenging positive and negative aspects of the Sulcis Coal Province versus the exploitation of the ECBM technique. The most important objective of this phase I of the project is the selection of the best Sulcis ECBM test-pilot site, which will be followed (Phase II-2007) by the choice of a scaled up site and possibly by a future network (Phase III-2008). CO2 geological storage and CH4 production potentials in Sulcis have been grossly evaluated as a whole, in the frame of the Sardinia region CO2 sources, including the coal-fired power plants, both existent and foreseen (hundreds of millions of tonnes of CO2 are possible to be stored underground in the next decades).
      277  562
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Experimental study of CO2 sequestration by ECBM recovery: the case of Sulcis coal.
    (2006-06) ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Pini, R.
    Ottinger, S.
    Burlini, L.
    Storti, G.
    Mazzotti, M.
    Bencini, R.
    Quattrocchi, F.
    An ECBM (Enhanced Coal Bed Methane) feasibility study started for the Sulcis Coal Province (SW Sardinia, Italy) in December 2004: geochemical, structural-geology, stratigraphic and reservoir engineering considerations are discussed. The first newly gathered experimental data are discussed, including: fluid geochemistry (major and minor elements, dissolved gases, C and He isotopic ratios) of the reservoir, coal composition and experimental data on CO2/CH4 adsorption on coal. A MapInfo GIS structure was built up including stratigraphical, geo-structural, hydrogeochemical, coal-compositional and environmental impact information as well as the CO2 sources location and typology. Even if these data could be preliminary with respect to the coal characteritics effectively located at the future injection depth, they highlighted both the challenging positive and negative aspects of the Sulcis Coal Province versus the exploitation of the ECBM technique. The most important objective of this phase I of the project is the selection of the best Sulcis ECBM test-pilot site, which will be followed (Phase II) by the choice of a scaled up site and possibly by a future network (Phase III). These phases are foreseen to be accompanied by the selection of progressively added CO2 industrial sources, to be used within the project economic spreadsheet model, actually in evolution. CO2 geological storage and CH4 production potentials in Sulcis have been grossly evaluated as a whole, in the frame of the Sardinia region CO2 sources, including the coal-fired power plants, both existent and foreseen (hundreds of millions of tonns of CO2 are possible to be stored underground in the next decades). The reservoir estimates, both for the CO2 injection and for the CH4 production are clearly involving to start the test-site phase exploitation, in the frame of an auspicabile international operative project.
      173  209
  • Publication
    Adsorption of pure carbon dioxide and methane on dry coal from Sulcis coal Province (SW Sardinia, Italy).
    (2006-12-31) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Ottiger, S.; 0
    Pini, R.; 0
    Storti, G.; 0
    Mazzotti, M.; 0
    Bencini, R.; 0
    Quattrocchi, F.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Sardu, G.; 0
    Deriu, G.; 0
    ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    When coal seams are formed by compaction of plants, gases including methane are generated and accumulated into the coal cleats or adsorbed into the coal micropores. Such coalbed methane is normally recovered by means of reservoir-pressure depletion, i.e. by pumping out water and degassing the reservoir. A more attractive process with higher yields is the so-called Enhanced Coal Bed Methane recovery (ECBM), whereby carbon dioxide is pumped into the coal seam to displace methane thanks to higher CO2 adsorptivity. Injecting CO2 in unminable coal seams leads not only to methane recovery but also to CO2 sequestration. The factors still limiting the implementation of ECBM recovery are economical, i.e. lack of penalties for CO2 emissions, as well as technological and scientific, i.e. limited understanding of fundamental issues related to ECBM. Therefore, the goal of this study is to combine experimental measurements and modelling to characterize pure and multicomponent competitive adsorption of CO2 and CH4 on coal and study the coalbed dynamics using breakthrough experiments, including the effect of the injection of CO2 on matrix swelling and permeability. Since December 2004, a feasibility study throughout the Sulcis Coal Province in Sardinia [Quattrocchi, 2004] is in progress and one of its objectives is to correlate the results of the mentioned experiments with the compositional patterns of the coal, considering its role in the CBM-ECBM exploitation.
      219  32