Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Exploiting the legacy of N.N. Ambraseys: known and unknown earthquakes in the Anatolian area
    N.N. Ambraseys left us a wealth of papers and volumes on a number of topics; many of them concern the historical earth- quake investigation. One of the last works is the 2009 volume (Ambraseys in Earthquakes in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East: a multidisciplinary study of 2000 years of seismicity, Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 2009), where he summarizes the results of more than thirty years of investigation through archives and libraries, covering earthquakes of a large area, from Albania to Caucasus. For each earthquake, a short summary of the main effects is supplied, together with the list of the sources used. Such information is intended as material for assessing location and size of the earthquakes, task that the author accomplished only in a very preliminary way for a few earthquakes, only. In addition to exhaustive descriptions of the most known earthquakes and the relevant historical sources, the volume contains information on a large number of earthquakes, so far unknown to the current earthquake catalogues. This paper intends to represent a homage to his immense work, partially showing the potential of his volume. We briefly present here some case histories, including the preliminary location and size of the earthquakes – known and unknown—around Anatolia. We add some examples of how he was able to prove that some alleged earthquakes are actually to be considered as fake or very doubtful. We also present the damage information supplied for some known and unknown earthquakes, and how they can be used for assessing location and size of them.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    The historical earthquakes of Syria: an analysis of large and moderate earthquakes from 1365 B.C. to 1900 A.D.
    (2005) ; ; ;
    Sbeinati, M. R.; Department of Geology, Atomic Energy Commission of Syria, Damascus, Syria
    Darawcheh, R.; Department of Geology, Atomic Energy Commission of Syria, Damascus, Syria
    Mouty, M.; Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria
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    The historical sources of large and moderate earthquakes, earthquake catalogues and monographs exist in many depositories in Syria and European centers. They have been studied, and the detailed review and analysis resulted in a catalogue with 181 historical earthquakes from 1365 B.C. to 1900 A.D. Numerous original documents in Arabic, Latin, Byzantine and Assyrian allowed us to identify seismic events not mentioned in previous works. In particular, detailed descriptions of damage in Arabic sources provided quantitative information necessary to re-evaluate past seismic events. These large earthquakes (I0>VIII) caused considerable damage in cities, towns and villages located along the northern section of the Dead Sea fault system. Fewer large events also occurred along the Palmyra, Ar-Rassafeh and the Euphrates faults in Eastern Syria. Descriptions in original sources document foreshocks, aftershocks, fault ruptures, liquefaction, landslides, tsunamis, fires and other damages. We present here an updated historical catalogue of 181 historical earthquakes distributed in 4 categories regarding the originality and other considerations, we also present a table of the parametric catalogue of 36 historical earthquakes (table I) and a table of the complete list of all historical earthquakes (181 events) with the affected locality names and parameters of information quality and completeness (table II) using methods already applied in other regions (Italy, England, Iran, Russia) with a completeness test using EMS-92. This test suggests that the catalogue is relatively complete for magnitudes >6.5. This catalogue may contribute to a comprehensive and unified parametric earthquake catalogue and to a realistic assessment of seismic hazards in Syria and surrounding regions.
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