Full Name
Santarelli, Lucia
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Results 1-17 of 17 (Search time: 0.028 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
115-Mar-2011Azimuthal propagation of Pc5 geomagnetic field pulsations in the southern polar capLepidi, S.* ; Cafarella, L.* ; Pietrolungo, M.* ; Santarelli, L.* 
26-Jan-2023The CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather InfrastructureLaurenza, Monica* ; Del Moro, Dario* ; Alberti, Tommaso* ; Battiston, Roberto* ; Benella, Simone* ; Benvenuto, F* ; Berrilli, Francesco* ; Bertello, Igor* ; Bertucci, Bruna* ; Biasiotti, Lorenzo* ; Campi, Cristina* ; Carbone, Vincenzo* ; Casolino, M* ; Cecchi Pestellini, Cesare* ; Chiappetta, Federica* ; Coco, Igino* ; Colombo, S* ; Consolini, Giuseppe* ; D'Amicis, Raffaella* ; de Gasperis, Giancarlo* ; De Marco, R* ; Del Corpo, Alfredo* ; Diego, Piero* ; Di Felice, Valeria* ; Di Fino, L* ; Di Geronimo, C* ; Faldi, F* ; Ferrente, Fabiana* ; Feruglio, C* ; Fiandrini, E* ; Di Fiore, Fabrizio* ; Foldes, Raffaello* ; Formato, Valerio* ; Francisco, G* ; Giannattasio, Fabio* ; Giardino, M* ; Giobbi, P* ; Giovannelli, Luca* ; Giusti, M* ; Gorgi, A* ; Heilig, Balazs* ; Iafrate, Giulia* ; Ivanovski, Stavro Lambrov* ; Jerse, G* ; Korsos, Marianna B* ; Lepreti, Fabio* ; Locci, D* ; Magnafico, Carmelo* ; Mangano, V* ; Marcucci, Maria Federica* ; Martucci, M.* ; Massetti, Stefano* ; Micela, Giuseppina* ; Milillo, Anna* ; Miteva, Rositsa* ; Molinaro, M* ; Mugatwala, R* ; Mura, Alessandro* ; Napoletano, G* ; Narici, Livio* ; Neubüser, C* ; Nisticò, G* ; Pauluzzi, M* ; Perfetti, Alessandro* ; Perri, S* ; Petralia, Antonino* ; Pezzopane, Michael* ; Piersanti, Mirko* ; Pietropaolo, Ermanno* ; Pignalberi, Alessio* ; Plainaki, Christina* ; Polenta, Gianluca* ; Primavera, Leonardo* ; Romoli, Giulia* ; Rossi, M* ; Santarelli, Lucia* ; Santi Amantini, G* ; Siciliano, Federico* ; Sindoni, G* ; Spadoni, Sabina* ; Sparvoli, Roberta* ; Stumpo, M* ; Tomassetti, Nicola* ; Tozzi, Roberta* ; Vagelli, Valerio* ; Vasantharaju, N* ; Vecchio, Antonio* ; Vellante, M* ; Vernetto, S* ; Vigorito, Carlo Francesco* ; West, Matthew* ; Zimbardo, Gaetano* ; Zucca, P* ; Zuccarello, Francesca* ; Zuccon, Paolo* 
32007Daily variation at Concordia station (Antarctica) and its dependence on IMF conditionsCafarella, L.* ; Di Mauro, D.* ; Lepidi, S.* ; Meloni, A.* ; Pietrolungo, M.* ; Santarelli, L.* ; Schott, J. J.* 
44-Aug-2008Daily variation at three Antarctic geomagnetic observatories within the polar capPietrolungo, M.* ; Lepidi, S.* ; Cafarella, L.* ; Santarelli, L.* ; Di Mauro, D.* 
5Feb-2014Electromagnetic background noise at L'Aquila Geomagnetic ObservatorySantarelli, L.* ; Palangio, P.* ; De Lauretis, M.* 
6Feb-2008Electromagnetic monitoring of the Earth's interior in the frame of the MEM ProjectPalangio, P.* ; Di Lorenzo, C.* ; Di Persio, M.* ; Masci, F.* ; Mihajlovic, S.* ; Santarelli, L.* ; Meloni, A.* 
72007Fourteen years of geomagnetic daily variation at Mario Zucchelli Station (Antarctica)Santarelli, L.* ; Cafarella, L.* ; Lepidi, S.* ; Di Mauro, D.* ; Meloni, A.* ; Palangio, P.* 
817-May-2021Hints on the Multiscale Nature of Geomagnetic Field Fluctuations During Quiet and Disturbed PeriodsSantarelli, Lucia* ; De Michelis, Paola* ; Consolini, Giuseppe* 
9Apr-2007Low frequency geomagnetic field fluctuations at cap and low latitude during October 29-31, 2003Lepidi, S.* ; Cafarella, L.* ; Santarelli, L.* 
102023A New Installation for Geomagnetic Field Monitoring at Talos Dome, a Remote Antarctic Site Away from Permanent ObservatoriesSantarelli, Lucia* ; Bagiacchi, Paolo* ; Benedetti, Giovanni* ; Di Mauro, Domenico* ; Lepidi, Stefania* 
116-Apr-2011Non-inductive components of electromagnetic signals associated with L’Aquila earthquake sequences estimated by means of inter-station impulse response functionsDi Lorenzo, C.* ; Palangio, P.* ; Santarato, G.* ; Meloni, A.* ; Villante, U.* ; Santarelli, L.* 
122003Pc3-Pc4 pulsations at Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica): seasonal dependence of the power and its relationship with solar wind parametersSantarelli, L.* ; Lepidi, S.* ; Palangio, P.* ; Cafarella, L.* 
132007Propagation of low frequency geomagnetic field fluctuations in antarctica: comparison between two polar cap stationsSantarelli, L.* ; Lepidi, S.* ; Cafarella, L.* 
142017A study of geomagnetic field variations along the 80° S geomagnetic parallelLepidi, Stefania* ; Cafarella, Lili* ; Francia, Patrizia* ; Piancatelli, Andrea* ; Pietrolungo, Manuela* ; Santarelli, Lucia* ; Urbini, Stefano* 
152023Tracking Geomagnetic Storms with Dynamical System Approach: Ground-Based ObservationsAlberti, Tommaso* ; De Michelis, Paola* ; Santarelli, Lucia* ; Faranda, Davide* ; Consolini, Giuseppe* ; Marcucci, Maria Federica* 
16Feb-2009Twenty years of geomagnetic field observations at Mario Zucchelli Station (Antarctica)Cafarella, L.* ; Lepidi, S.* ; Meloni, A.* ; Santarelli, L.* 
172007ULF Geomagnetic Pulsations at High Latitudes: the Italian contributionCafarella, L.* ; De Lauretis, M.* ; Di Mauro, D.* ; Francia, P.* ; Lepidi, S.* ; Meloni, A.* ; Palangio, P.* ; Villante, U.* ; Santarelli, L.*