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Lodato, Luigi
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Results 1-20 of 22 (Search time: 0.035 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12021The 2004–2005 Mt. Etna Compound Lava Flow Field: A Retrospective Analysis by Combining Remote and Field MethodsFornaciai, Alessandro* ; Andronico, Daniele* ; Favalli, Massimiliano* ; Spampinato, Letizia* ; Branca, Stefano* ; Lodato, Luigi* ; Bonforte, Alessandro* ; Nannipieri, Luca* 
221-Apr-2010The 2007 Stromboli eruption: Event chronology and effusion rates using thermal infrared dataCalvari, S.* ; Lodato, L.* ; Steffke, A.* ; Cristaldi, A.* ; Harris, A. J. L.* ; Spampinato, L.* ; Boschi, E.* 
32006The 5 April 2003 vulcanian paroxysmal explosion at Stromboli volcano (Italy) from field observations and thermal dataCalvari, S.* ; Spampinato, L.* ; Lodato, L.* 
419-Jun-2007Alert system to mitigate tephra fallout hazards at Mt. Etna Volcano, ItalyAlparone, S.* ; Andronico, D.* ; Sgroi, T.* ; Ferrari, F.* ; Lodato, L.* ; Reitano, D.* 
52007Analysis of the 2001 lava flow eruption of Mt. Etna from three-dimensional mappingColtelli, M.* ; Proietti, C.* ; Branca, S.* ; Marsella, M.* ; Andronico, D.* ; Lodato, L.* 
62-Feb-2005Chronology and complex volcanic processes during the 2002–2003 flank eruption at Stromboli volcano (Italy) reconstructed from direct observations and surveys with a handheld thermal cameraCalvari, S.* ; Spampinato, L.* ; Lodato, L.* ; Harris, A. J. L.* ; Patrick, M. R.* ; Dehn, J.* ; Burton, M. R.* ; Andronico, D.* 
72018Coseismic Damage at an Archaeological Site in Sicily, Italy: Evidence of Roman Age Earthquake Surface FaultingBottari, Carla* ; Martorana, Raffaele* ; Scudero, Salvatore* ; Capizzi, P.* ; Cavallaro, D.* ; Pisciotta, Antonino* ; D'Alessandro, Antonino* ; Coltelli, Mauro* ; Lodato, Luigi* 
82003December 2002 flank failure and tsunami at Stromboli volcano inferred by volcanological and geophysical observationsBonaccorso, A.* ; Calvari, S.* ; Garfì, G.* ; Lodato, L.* ; Patané, D.* 
928-Jan-2005Effusive Activity at Mount Etna Volcano (Italy) During the 20th Century: A Contribution to Volcanic Hazard AssessmentAndronico, D.* ; Lodato, L.* 
102014Eruption dynamics and tephra dispersal from the 24 November 2006 paroxysm at South-East Crater, Mt Etna, ItalyAndronico, D.* ; Scollo, S.* ; Lo Castro, M. D.* ; Cristaldi, A.* ; Lodato, L.* ; Taddeucci, J.* 
1112-May-2005Etna 2004–2005: An archetype for geodynamically-controlled effusive eruptionsBurton, M. R.* ; Neri, M.* ; Andronico, D.* ; Branca, S.* ; Caltabiano, T.* ; Calvari, S.* ; Corsaro, R. A.* ; Del Carlo, P.* ; Lanzafame, G.* ; Lodato, L.* ; Miraglia, L.* ; Salerno, G.* ; Spampinato, L.* 
122016"Explosive volcanic activity at Mt. Yasur: A characterization of the acoustic events (9–12th July 2011)"Spina, Laura* ; Taddeucci, Jacopo* ; Cannata, Andrea* ; Gresta, Stefano* ; Lodato, Luigi* ; Privitera, Eugenio* ; Scarlato, Piergiorgio* ; Gaeta, Mario* ; Gaudin, Damien* ; Palladino, Danilo Mauro* 
132004The first period of the 2002 Etna eruption (27 October-5 November): preliminary resultsCalvari, S.* ; Del Carlo, P.* ; Branca, S.* ; Andronico, D.* ; Bruno, N.* ; Burton, M.* ; Caltabiano, T.* ; Cascone, M.* ; Coltelli, M.* ; Condarelli, D.* ; Corsaro, R. A.* ; Cristaldi, A.* ; De Beni, E.* ; Garfì, G.* ; Lanzafame, G.* ; Lodato, L.* ; Longo, V.* ; Mangiagli, S.* ; Messina, L.* ; Miraglia, L.* ; Morabito, F.* ; Murè, F.* ; Neri, M.* ; Pecora, E.* ; Pompilio, M.* ; Salerno, G.* ; Sawyer, G.* ; Scollo, S.* ; Spampinato, L.* 
142005Lava effusion rates from hand-held thermal infrared imagery: an example from the June 2003 effusive activity at StromboliHarris, A. J. L.* ; Dehn, J.* ; Patrick, M.* ; Calvari, S.* ; Ripepe, M.* ; Lodato, L.* 
152017Monitoring the December 2015 summit eruptions of Mt. Etna (Italy): Implications on eruptive dynamicsCorsaro, Rosa Anna* ; Andronico, Daniele* ; Behncke, Boris* ; Branca, Stefano* ; Caltabiano, Tommaso* ; Ciancitto, Francesco* ; Cristaldi, Antonio* ; De Beni, Emanuela* ; La Spina, Alessandro* ; Lodato, Luigi* ; Miraglia, Lucia* ; Neri, Marco* ; Salerno, Giuseppe Giovanni* ; Scollo, Simona* ; Spata, Gaetano* 
162007The morphology and evolution of the Stromboli 2002–2003 lava flow field: an example of a basaltic flow field emplaced on a steep slopeLodato, L.* ; Spampinato, L.* ; Harris, A. J. L.* ; Calvari, S.* ; Dehn, J.* ; Patrick, M.* 
17Apr-2005A multi-disciplinary study of the 200203 Etna eruption: insights into a complex plumbing systemAndronico, D.* ; Branca, S.* ; Calvari, S.* ; Burton, M. R.* ; Caltabiano, T.* ; Corsaro, R. A.* ; Del Carlo, P.* ; Garfì, G.* ; Lodato, L.* ; Miraglia, L.* ; Murè, F.* ; Neri, M.* ; Pecora, E.* ; Pompilio, M.* ; Salerno, G.* ; Spampinato, L.* 
1830-Aug-2004A multidisciplinary approach to detect active pathways for magma migration and eruption at Mt. Etna (Sicily, Italy) before the 2001 and 2002-03 eruptionsAlparone, S.* ; Andronico, D.* ; Giammanco, S.* ; Lodato, L.* 
19May-2003Relationship between tremor and volcanic activity during the Southeast Crater eruption on Mount Etna in early 2000Alparone, S.* ; Andronico, D.* ; Lodato, L.* ; Sgroi, T.* 
202008Shallow magma transport for the 2002-03 Mt. Etna eruption inferred from thermal infrared surveysSpampinato, L.* ; Calvari, S.* ; Oppenheimer, C.* ; Lodato, L.*