Now showing 1 - 10 of 53
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Rock and fault rheology explain differences between on fault and distributed seismicity
    Analysis of seismicity can illuminate active fault zone structures but also deformation within large volumes of the seismogenic zone. For the Mw 6.5 2016-2017 Central Italy seismic sequence, seismicity not only localizes along the major structures hosting the mainshocks (on-fault seismicity), but also occurs within volumes of Triassic Evaporites, TE, composed of alternated anhydrites and dolostones. These volumes of distributed microseismicity show a different frequency-magnitude distribution than on-fault seismicity. We interpret that, during the sequence, shear strain-rate increase, and fluid overpressure promoted widespread ductile deformation within TE that light-up with distributed microseismicity. This interpretation is supported by field and laboratory observations showing that TE background ductile deformation is complex and dominated by distributed failure and folding of the anhydrites associated with boudinage hydro-fracturing and faulting of dolostones. Our results indicate that ductile crustal deformation can cause distributed microseismicity, which obeys to different scaling laws than on-fault seismicity occurring on structures characterized by elasto-frictional stick-slip behaviour.
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  • Publication
    The role of shale content and pore-water saturation on frictional properties of simulated carbonate faults
    The presence of weak phyllosilicates in mature carbonate fault zones has been invoked to explain weak faults. However, the relation between frictional strength, fault stability, mineralogical composition, and fabric of fault gouge, composed of strong and weak minerals, is poorly constrained. We used a biaxial apparatus to systematically shear different mixtures of shale (68% clay, 23% quartz and 4% plagioclase) and calcite, as powdered gouge, at room temperature, under constant normal stresses of 30, 50, 100 MPa and under room-dry and pore fluid-saturated conditions, i.e. CaCO3-equilibrated water. We performed 30 friction experiments during which velocity-stepping and slide-hold-slide tests were employed to assess frictional stability and to measure frictional healing, respectively. Our frictional data indicate that the mineralogical composition of fault gouges significantly affects frictional strength, stability, and healing as well as the presence of CaCO3-equilibrated water. Under room-dry condition, the increasing shale content determines a reduction in frictional strength, from μ = 0.71 to μ = 0.43, a lowering of the healing rates and a transition from velocity-weakening to velocity-strengthening behavior. Under wet condition, with increasing shale content we observe a more significant reduction in frictional strength (μ = 0.65–0.37), a near-zero healing and a velocity strengthening behavior. Microstructural investigations evidence a transition from localized deformation promoted by grain size reduction, in calcite-rich samples, to a more distributed deformation with frictional sliding along clay-enriched shear planes in samples with shale content greater than 50%. For faults cutting across sedimentary sequences composed of carbonates and clay-rich sediments, our results suggest that clay concentration and its ability to form foliated and interconnected networks promotes important heterogeneities in fault strength and slip behavior.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    The Role of Fault Rock Fabric in the Dynamics of Laboratory Faults
    Fault stability is inherently linked to the frictional and healing properties of fault rocks and associated fabrics. Their complex interaction controls how the stored elastic energy is dissipated, that is, through creep or seismic motion. In this work, we focus on the relevance of fault fabrics in controlling the reactivation and slip behavior of dolomite-anhydrite analog faults. We designed a set of laboratory experiments where we first develop fault rocks characterized by different grain size reduction and localization at normal stresses of σN = 15, 35, 60, and 100 MPa and second, we reload and reactivate these fault rocks at the frictional stability transition, achieved at σN = 35 MPa by reducing the machine stiffness. If normal stress is lowered this way, reactivation occurs with relatively large stress drops and large peak-slip velocities. Subsequent unstable behavior produces slow stick-slip events with low stress drop and with either asymmetric or Gaussian slip velocity function depending on the inherited fault fabric. If normal stress is raised, deformation is accommodated within angular cataclasites promoting stable slip. The integration of microstructural data (showing brittle reworking of preexisting textures) with mechanical data (documenting restrengthening and dilation upon reactivation) suggests that frictional and chemically assisted healing, which is common in natural faults during the interseismic phase, can be a relevant process in developing large instabilities. We also conclude that fault rock heterogeneity (fault fabric) modulates the slip velocity function and thus the dynamics of repeating stick-slip cycles.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Fabric controls fault stability in serpentinite gouges
    Serpentinites are polymineralic rocks distributed almost ubiquitously across the globe in active tectonic regions. Magnetite-rich serpentinites are found in the low-strain domains of serpen- tinite shear zones, which act as potential sites of nucleation of unstable slip. To assess the potential of earthquake nucleation in these materials, we investigate the link between me- chanical properties and fabric of these rocks through a suite of laboratory shear experiments. Our experiments were done at room temperature and cover a range of normal stress and slip velocity from 25 to 100 MPa and 0.3 to 300 μm s −1 , respecti vel y. We show that magnetite-rich serpentinites are ideal materials since they display strong sensitivity to the loading rate and are susceptible to nucleation of unstable slip, especially at low forcing slip velocities. We also aim at the integration of mechanical and microstructural results to describe the underlying mechanisms that produce the macroscopic behaviour. We show that mineralogical composi- tion and mineral structure dictates the coexistence of two deformation mechanisms leading to stable and unstable slip. The weakness of phyllosilicates allows for creep during the interseis- mic phase of the laboratory seismic cycle while favouring the restoration of a load-bearing granular framework, responsible of the nucleation of unstable events. During dynamic slip, fault zone shear fabric determines the mode of slip, producing either asymmetric or Gaussian slip time functions for either fast or slow events. We report rate/state friction parameters and integrate our mechanical data with microstructural observations to shed light on the mech- anisms dictating the complexity of laborator y ear thquakes. We show that mineralogical and fabric heterogeneities control fault slip behaviour.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    On the evolution of elastic properties during laboratory stick-slip experiments spanning the transition from slow slip to dynamic rupture
    The physical mechanisms governing slow earthquakes remain unknown, as does the relationship between slow and regular earthquakes. To investigate the mechanism(s) of slow earthquakes and related quasi‐dynamic modes of fault slip we performed laboratory experiments on simulated fault gouge in the double direct shear configuration. We reproduced the full spectrum of slip behavior, from slow to fast stick slip, by altering the elastic stiffness of the loading apparatus (k) to match the critical rheologic stiffness of fault gouge (kc). Our experiments show an evolution from stable sliding, when k > kc, to quasi‐dynamic transients when k ~ kc, to dynamic instabilities when k < kc. To evaluate the microphysical processes of fault weakening we monitored variations of elastic properties. We find systematic changes in P wave velocity (Vp) for laboratory seismic cycles. During the coseismic stress drop, seismic velocity drops abruptly, consistent with observations on natural faults. In the preparatory phase preceding failure, we find that accelerated fault creep causes a Vp reduction for the complete spectrum of slip behaviors. Our results suggest that the mechanics of slow and fast ruptures share key features and that they can occur on same faults, depending on frictional properties. In agreement with seismic surveys on tectonic faults our data show that their state of stress can be monitored by Vp changes during the seismic cycle. The observed reduction in Vp during the earthquake preparatory phase suggests that if similar mechanisms are confirmed in nature high‐resolution monitoring of fault zone properties may be a promising avenue for reliable detection of earthquake precursors.
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  • Publication
    Reactivation of normal faults as high-angle reverse faults due to low frictional strength: Experimental data from the Moonlight Fault Zone, New Zealand
    Large normal faults are frequently reactivated as high-angle reverse faults during basin inversion. Elevated fluid pressure is commonly invoked to explain high-angle reverse slip. Analogue and numerical modeling have demonstrated that frictional weakening may also promote high-angle reverse slip, but there are currently no frictional strength measurements available for fault rocks collected from large high-angle reverse faults. To test the hypothesis that frictional weakening could facilitate high-angle reverse slip, we performed single- and double-direct friction experiments on fault rocks collected from the Moonlight Fault Zone in New Zealand, a basin-bounding normal fault zone that was reactivated as a high-angle reverse fault (present-day dip angle 60°–75°). The fault core is exposed in quartzofeldspathic schists exhumed from c. 4–8 km depth and contains a <20 m thick sequence of breccias, cataclasites and foliated cataclasites that are enriched in chlorite and muscovite. Friction experiments on water-saturated, intact samples of foliated cataclasite at room temperature and normal stresses up to 75 MPa yielded friction coefficients of 0.19<μ < 0.25. On the assumption of horizontal maximum compressive stress, reactivation analysis indicates that a friction coefficient of <0.25 will permit slip on high-angle reverse faults at hydrostatic (or even sub-hydrostatic) fluid pressures. Since foliated and phyllosilicate-rich fault rocks are common in large reactivated fault zones at basement depths, long-term frictional weakening is likely to act in concert with episodic build-ups of fluid pressure to promote high-angle reverse slip during basin inversion.
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  • Publication
    Y-B-P-R or S-C-C′? Suggestion for the nomenclature of experimental brittle fault fabric in phyllosilicate-granular mixtures
    Mineralogy, fabric, and frictional properties are fundamental aspects of faults. Despite the extensive effort spent in the characterization of such fault properties, the description of fabric elements is not always univocal and nomenclatures such as the Y-B-P-R and the S-C-C′ are at times used interchangeably. This work presents a sys- tematic mineralogical, microstructural, and frictional characterization of natural gouges designed to constrain a criterion for the distinction between the Y-B-P-R and S-C-C′ fabric. For this purpose, we tested four representative natural mixtures of granular minerals (quartz) with increasing amount of phyllosilicates (muscovite). 24 fric- tional experiments were performed at constant normal stresses of 25, 50, 75 and 100 MPa, at both room dry and water saturated condition. We document that Y-B-P-R fabric typically develops in frictionally strong, granular- rich experimental faults. This fabric is associated to strain localization in narrow shear zones characterized by intense grain size reduction and dominant cataclastic processes. Conversely, S-C-C′ fabric is observed in phyllosilicate-rich experimental faults, which are characterized by distributed deformation and pervasive foli- ation. Deformation is mainly accommodated by frictional sliding along the well-oriented phyllosilicate foliae. The transition from Y-B-P-R to S-C-C′ is observed for phyllosilicates content >30% and is facilitated by secondary mechanical processes as networking of phyllosilicates and grain mantling. The evolution from Y-B-P-R to S-C-C′ fabric is also associated with a marked reduction in friction, in healing rate and changes in the rate and state friction parameters. Despite their geometrical similarities, we show that Y-B-P-R and S-C-C′ represent distinct fabrics reflecting the dichotomy that exists between frictionally strong, granular-rich, and frictionally weak, phyllosilicate-rich faults.
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  • Publication
    Frictional stability and earthquake triggering during fluid pressure stimulation of an experimental fault
    It is widely recognized that the significant increase of M > 3.0 earthquakes in Western Canada and the Central United States is related to underground fluid injection. Following injection, fluid overpressure lubricates the fault and reduces the effective normal stress that holds the fault in place, promoting slip. Although, this basic physical mechanism for earthquake triggering and fault slip is well understood, there are many open questions related to induced seismicity. Models of earthquake nucleation based on rate- and state-friction predict that fluid overpressure should stabilize fault slip rather than trigger earthquakes. To address this controversy, we conducted laboratory creep experiments to monitor fault slip evolution at constant shear stress while the effective normal stress was systematically reduced via increasing fluid pressure. We sheared layers of carbonate-bearing fault gouge in a double direct shear configuration within a true-triaxial pressure vessel. We show that fault slip evolution is controlled by the stress state acting on the fault and that fluid pressurization can trigger dynamic instability even in cases of rate strengthening friction, which should favor aseismic creep. During fluid pressurization, when shear and effective normal stresses reach the failure condition, accelerated creep occurs in association with fault dilation; further pressurization leads to an exponential acceleration with fault compaction and slip localization. Our work indicates that fault weakening induced by fluid pressurization can overcome rate strengthening friction resulting in fast acceleration and earthquake slip. Our work points to modifications of the standard model for earthquake nucleation to account for the effect of fluid overpressure and to accurately predict the seismic risk associated with fluid injection.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Frictional controls on the seismogenic zone: Insights from the Apenninic basement, Central Italy
    Crustal seismicity is in general confined within the seismogenic layer, which is bounded at depth by processes related to the brittle-ductile transition (BDT) and in the shallow region by fault zone consolidation state and mineralogy. In the past 10-15 years, high resolution seismological and geodetic data have shown that faulting within and around the traditional seismogenic zone occurs in a large variety of slip modes. Frictional and structural heterogeneities have been invoked to explain such differences in fault slip mode and behaviour. However, an integrated and comprehensive picture remains extremely challenging because of difficulties to properly characterize fault rocks at seismogenic depths. Thus, the central-northern Apennines provide a unique opportunity because of the integration of deep-borehole stratigraphy and seismic reflection profiles with high resolution seismological data and outcrop studies. These works show that seismic sequences are limited within the sedimentary cover (depth < 9-10 km), suggesting that the underlaying basement plays a key-role in dictating the lower boundary of the seismogenic zone. Here we integrate structural data on exhumed outcrops of basement rocks with laboratory friction data to shed light on the mechanics of the Apenninic basement. Structural data highlight heterogeneous and pervasive deformation where foliated and phyllosilicate-rich rocks surround more competent quartz-rich lenses up to hundreds of meters in thickness. Phyllosilicate horizons deform predominantly by folding and foliation-parallel frictional sliding whereas quartz-rich lenses are characterized by brittle signatures represented by extensive fracturing and minor faulting. Laboratory experiments revealed that quartz-rich lithologies have relatively high friction, μ ≈ 0.51, velocity-strengthening to neutral behaviour, and elevated healing rates. On the contrary, phyllosilicate-rich (muscovite and chlorite) lithologies show low friction, 0.23 < μ < 0.31, a marked velocity strengthening behaviour that increases with increasing sliding velocity and negligible rates of frictional healing. Our integrated approach suggests that in the Apenninic basement deformation occurs along shear zones distributed on thickness up-to several kilometres, where the frictionally stable, foliated, and phyllosilicate-rich horizons favour aseismic deformation and therefore confine the depth of major earthquake ruptures and the seismogenic zone.
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  • Publication
    Experimental Insights Into Fault Reactivation in Gouge‐Filled Fault Zones
    Faults in the brittle crust constitute preexisting weakness zones that can be reactivateddepending on their friction, orientation within the local stressfield, and stressfield magnitude.Analytical approaches to evaluate the potential for fault reactivation are generally based on theassumption that faults are ideal planes characterized by zero thickness and constant friction. However,natural faults are complex structures that typically host thick fault rocks. Here we experimentallyinvestigate the reactivation of gouge‐bearing faults and compare the resulting data with theoreticalpredictions based on analytical models. We simulate preexisting faults by conducting triaxial experimentson sandstone cylinders containing saw‐cutsfilled with a clay‐rich gouge and oriented at different angles,from 30° to 80°, to the maximum principal stress. Our results show the reactivation of preexistingfaults when oriented at 30°, 40°, and 50° to the maximum principal stress and the formation of a newfracture for fault orientations higher than 50°. Although these observations are consistent with the faultlock‐up predicted by analytical models, the differential stress required for reactivation strongly differsfrom theoretical predictions. In particular, unfavorable oriented faults appear systematically weaker,especially when a thick gouge layer is present. We infer that the observed weakness relates to the rotationof the stressfield within the gouge layer during the documented distributed deformation that precedesunstable fault reactivation. Thus, the assumption of zero‐thickness planar fault provides only an upperbound to the stress required for reactivation of misoriented faults, which might result in misleadingpredictions of fault reactivation.
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