Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Societal need for improved understanding of climate change, anthropogenic impacts, and geo-hazard warning drive development of ocean observatories in European Seas
    (2011) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Ruhl, H. A.; NOCS
    Andrè, M.; UPC
    Beranzoli, L.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2, Roma, Italia
    Çagatay, M. N.; ITU
    Colaço, A.; Univ. Azores
    Cannat, M.; IPGP
    Dañobeitia, J. J.; CSIC-UTM
    Favali, P.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2, Roma, Italia
    Géli, L.; IFREMER
    Gillooly, M.; IMI
    Greinert, J.; NIOZ
    Hall, P. O. J.; Univ. Goteborg
    Huber, R.; MARUM
    Karstensen, J.; Univ. Kiel
    Lampitt, R. S.; NOCS
    Larkin, K. E.; NOCS
    Lykousis, V.; HCMR
    Mienert, J.; Univ. Tromsø
    Miranda, J. M.; Univ. Lisboa
    Person, R.; IFREMER
    Priede, I. G.; Univ. Aberdeen
    Puillat, I.; IFREMER
    Thomsen, L.; Jacobs Univ. Bremen
    Waldmann, C.; MARUM
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    Society’s needs for a network of in situ ocean observing systems cross many areas of earth and marine science. Here we review the science themes that benefit from data supplied from ocean observatories. Understanding from existing studies is fragmented to the extent that it lacks the coherent long-term monitoring needed to address questions at the scales essential to understand climate change and improve geo-hazard early warning. Data sets from the deep sea are particularly rare with long-term data available from only a few locations worldwide. These science areas have impacts on societal health and well-being and our awareness of ocean function in a shifting climate. Substantial efforts are underway to realise a network of open-ocean observatories around European Seas that will operate over multiple decades. Some systems are already collecting high-resolution data from surface, water column, seafloor, and sub-seafloor sensors linked to shore by satellite or cable connection in real or near-real time, along with samples and other data collected in a delayed mode. We expect that such observatories will contribute to answering major ocean science questions including: How can monitoring of factors such as seismic activity, pore fluid chemistry and pressure, and gas hydrate stability improve seismic, slope failure, and tsunami warning? What aspects of physical oceanography, biogeochemical cycling, and ecosystems will be most sensitive to climatic and anthropogenic change? What are natural versus anthropogenic changes? Most fundamentally, how are marine processes that occur at differing scales related? The development of ocean observatories provides a substantial opportunity for ocean science to evolve in Europe. Here we also describe some basic attributes of network design. Observatory networks provide the means to coordinate and integrate the collection of standardised data capable of bridging measurement scales across a dispersed area in European Seas adding needed certainty to estimates of future oceanic conditions. Observatory data can be analysed along with other data such as those from satellites, drifting floats, autonomous underwater vehicles, model analysis, and the known distribution and abundances of marine fauna in order to address some of the questions posed above. Standardised methods for information management are also becoming established to ensure better accessibility and traceability of these data sets and ultimately to increase their use for societal benefit. The connection of ocean observatory effort into larger frameworks including the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) and the Global Monitoring of Environment and Security (GMES) is integral to its success. It is in a greater integrated framework that the full potential of the component systems will be realised.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    From bottom landers to observatory networks
    (2006) ; ; ; ; ;
    Person, R.; IFREMER, Centre de Brest, Plouzané, France
    Aoustin, Y.; IFREMER, Centre de Brest, Plouzané, France
    Blandin, J.; IFREMER, Centre de Brest, Plouzané, France
    Marvaldi, J.; IFREMER, Centre de Brest, Plouzané, France
    Rolin, J. F.; IFREMER, Centre de Brest, Plouzané, France
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    For a long time, deep-sea investigation relied on autonomous bottom landers. Landers can vary in size from 200 kg weight to more than 2 t for the heaviest scientific landers and are used during exploration cruises on medium periods, from one week to some months. Today, new requirements appear. Scientists want to understand in detail the phenomena outlined during exploration cruises, to elaborate a model for future forecasting. For this, it is necessary to deploy instrumentation at a precise location often for a long period. A new mode of ocean science investigation using longterm seafloor observatories to obtain four dimensional data sets has appeared. Although this concept has been proposed for many years, the high level of investment required limits the number of projects implemented. Only multidisciplinary programs, supported by a strong social requirement were funded. Some observatories have been deployed.
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