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  • Publication
    GPS sensitivity analysis applied to non-permanent deformation control networks
    (1999) ; ; ; ;
    Betti, B.; DIIAR Politecnico di Milano
    Biagi, L.; Polo di Como Politecnico di Milano
    Crespi, M; DITS Università La Sapienza Roma
    Riguzzi, F.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione CNT, Roma, Italia
    ; ; ;
    This paper illustrates the surveys and the results obtained in an experiment whose goal is to evaluate the Global Positioning System (GPS) sensitivity and accuracy for deformation control on non-permanent network of di fferent extensions. To this aim a high-precision device was properly built to set up known displacements along three orthogonal axes of a GPS antenna. One of the antennas in the considered GPS networks was moved according to centimeter and sub-centimeter displacements; after careful GPS data pro- cessing, it was evaluated whether these simulated deformations were correctly a posteriori detected and at which probability level. This experiment was carried out both on a local (baselines ranging between 3 and 30 km)and on a regional (baselines ranging between 300 and 600 km) GPS network. The results show that in the local network it is possible to identify the displacements at a level of 10 mm in height and at a level of 5 mm in horizontal position. The analysis of the regional network showed that it is fundamental to investigate new strategies to model the troposphere; in fact, it is necessary to improve the precision of the height in order to correctly identify displacements lower than 60± 80 mm; on the contrary, horizontal displacements can be evidenced at the level of 20 mm.
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