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  • Publication
    Open Access
    A scheme for the preparation of strong induced seismic events
    (1999-10) ; ;
    Mansurov, V. A.; Siberian Aerospace Academy, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
    Manjikov, B. Ts.; Institute of Physics and Mechanics of Rock, National Academy of Sciences, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
    A scheme of rockburst preparation is proposed from an analysis of induced seismicity."Rigid" inclusion is the basis of this scheme. Intensive destruction of the inclusion begins when a critical flaw concentration is reached in the volume. The size of the inclusion volume before destruction determines the maximum possible rockburst energy. It is very difficult to determine the place, where the main discontinuity will propagate, thus rockburst location may be determined only within the accuracy of a nucleus-zone size. The results obtained show: a) maximal localization of the failure process in a space occurs during the preparation of the dynamic event, and localization of the failure process in a time follows; b) the period of preparation of a high energy event has discontinuity values scatter less then during the subsequent period; c) both the average size of discontinuity and its variation ratio have good forecasting capability.
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