Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    A New Passive Tomography of the Aigion Area (Gulf of Corinth, Greece) from the 2002 Data Set
    We present the results of a tomographic study performed in the framework of the 3F-Corinth project. The aim of this work is to better understand the rifting process by imaging the crustal structure of the western Gulf of Corinth. Forty-nine stations were deployed for a period of six months, allowing us to monitor the microseismicity. Delayed P and S first-arrival times have been simultaneously inverted for both hypocenter locations and 3-D velocity distributions. We use an improved linearized tomography method based on an accurate finite-difference travel-time computation to invert the data set. The obtained Vp and Vs models confirm the presence of a two-layer vertical structure characterized by a sharp velocity gradient lying at 5–7 km depth, which may be interpreted as a lithological contrast. The shallower part of the crust (down to 5 km depth) is controlled by the N-S extension and lacks seismicity. The deeper part (7–13 km depth) matches the seismogenic zone and is characterized by faster and more heterogeneous anomalies. In this zone, the background seismicity reveals a low-angle active surface dipping about 20° toward the north and striking WNW-ESE. The position of this active structure is consistent with both high Vp/Vs and low Vp.Vs anomalies identified at 8–12 km depth and suggesting a highly fracturated and fluid-saturated zone. Both the geometry of the active structure beneath the gulf and the presence of fluids at 8–12 km depth are in accordance with a low-angle detachment model for the western part of the Gulf of Corinth.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Rapid assessment of S-wave profiles from the inversion of multichannel
    (1998-04) ; ;
    Tselentis, G. A.; University of Patras, Seismological Laboratory, Rio, Greece
    Delis, G.; University of Patras, Seismological Laboratory, Rio, Greece
    The importance of detailed knowledge of the shear-wave velocity structure of the upper geological layers was recently stressed in strong motion studies. In this work we describe an algorithm which we have developed to infer the 1D shear wave velocity structure from the inversion of multichannel surface wave dispersion data (ground-roll). Phase velocities are derived from wavenumber-frequency stacks while the inversion process is speeded up by the use of Householder transformations. Using synthetic and experimental data, we examined the applicability of the technique in deducing S-wave profiles. The comparison of the obtained results with those derived from cross-hole measurements and synthesized wave fields proved the reliability of the technique for the rapid assessment of shear wave profiles during microzonation investigations.
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