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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Seismic zonation of the Dead Sea Transform Fault area
    (2000-02) ; ; ;
    Khair, K.; Department of Geology, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
    Karakaisis, G. F.; Geophysics Laboratory, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
    Papadimitriou, E. E.; Geophysics Laboratory, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
    ; ;
    The Dead Sea Transform Fault constitutes the northwestern boundary of the Arabian plate, accommodating the plate’s lateral movement relative to the African plate. A complete and homogeneous catalogue of historical earthquakes has been compiled and used in the subdivision of the fault area into the following segments: 1) Araba segment, which extends along Wadi Araba and the southernmost part of the Dead Sea (29.5°-31.3°N) and trends SSW-NNE with scarce historical and instrumental seismicity; 2) Jordan-valley segment, which extends along the central and northern parts of the Dead Sea and the Jordan valley to the Huleh depression (31.3°-33.1° N) and trends S-N with moderate historical seismicity; 3) Beqa’a segment, which extends along the western margin of the Beqa’a valley in Lebanon (33.1°-34.5°N) and trends SSW-NNE with strong historical seismicity; 4) El-Ghab segment, which extends along the eastern flank of the coastal mountain range of Syria (34.5°-35.8°N) and trends S-N with moderate historical seismicity; 5) Karasu segment, which extends along the Karasu valley in SE Turkey (35.8°-37.3°N) and trends SSW-NNE, exhibiting the strongest historical seismicity of the area. Probabilities for the generation of strong (M > 6.0) earthquakes in these segments during the next decade are given, by the application of the regional time and magnitude predictable model.
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