Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Open Access
    An agricultural decision support system for optimal land use regarding groundwater vulnerability
    (IGI Global, 2012) ; ; ; ;
    Voudouris, K.; Aristotle University, Greece
    Polemio, M.; CNR-IRPI, italy
    Kazakis, N.; Aristotle University, Greece
    Sifaleras, A.; University of Macedonia, Greece
    ; ; ; ; ;
    Wang, J.; Montclair State University, USA
    The availability of good quality water is worldwide a basic condition to pursue the socioeconomic development. The agriculture water demand can be damaged by contamination of groundwater resources. This paper proposes a tool to preserve the groundwater quality by using groundwater vulnerability assessment methods and a decision support system (DSS). Vulnerability map could be used for planning, policy, management, and contamination assessment. The mapping of intrinsic groundwater vulnerability was based on reliable methods, i.e., the DRASTIC and the SINTACS methods. A vulnerability map could be used for planning, policy, management, and contamination assessment. A DSS was developed in order to assess the groundwater vulnerability and pollution risk due to agricultural activities and land use changes. The proposed DSS software package was designed using the Matlab language. The software is a friendly application for everyone ranging from the novice user, e.g., a student, to an operations research scientist. It quickly and efficiently performs the task that is scheduled to carry out, and it can incorporate new maps in order to cover new areas. The tool was tested using two study areas located in the Mediterranean area. The test sites are dominated by different prevalent hydrogeological features, i.e., the typical porous features of alluvial deposits in the Greek study area and the typical fissured and karstic features of limestones and dolostones in the Italian study area.
      362  387
  • Publication
    An Agricultural Decision Support System for optimal land use regarding Groundwater Vulnerability
    (2010) ; ; ; ;
    Voudouris, K.; Aristotle University, Greece
    Polemio, M.; CNR-IRPI, Italy
    Kazakis, N.; Aristotle University, Greece
    Sifaleras, A.; University of Macedonia, Greece
    ; ; ;
    The availability of good quality water is worldwide a basic condition to pursue the socioeconomic development. The agriculture water demand can be damaged by contamination of groundwater resources. This paper proposes a tool to preserve the groundwater quality by using groundwater vulnerability assessment methods and a decision support system (DSS). Vulnerability map could be used for planning, policy, management, and contamination assessment. The mapping of intrinsic groundwater vulnerability was based on reliable methods, i.e., the DRASTIC and the SINTACS methods. A vulnerability map could be used for planning, policy, management, and contamination assessment. A DSS was developed in order to assess the groundwater vulnerability and pollution risk due to agricultural activities and land use changes. The proposed DSS software package was designed using the Matlab language. The software is a friendly application for everyone ranging from the novice user, e.g., a student, to an operations research scientist. It quickly and efficiently performs the task that is scheduled to carry out, and it can incorporate new maps in order to cover new areas. The tool was tested using two study areas located in the Mediterranean area. The test sites are dominated by different prevalent hydrogeological features, i.e., the typical porous features of alluvial deposits in the Greek study area and the typical fissured and karstic features of limestones and dolostones in the Italian study area.
      214  30