Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Carbonate coastal aquifer of Vlora bay and groundwater submarine discharge (southwestern Albania)
    (2011) ; ; ; ;
    Polemio, M.; CNR-IRPI
    Pambuku, A.; Albanian Geological Service
    Limoni, P.P.; CNR-IRPI
    Petrucci, O.; CNR IRPI
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    The study discusses the large karstic coastal aquifer of Vlora Bay. This case is peculiar, as the submarine groundwater discharge has a relevant rate of terrestrial inflow in an almost closed bay that is located in an environmentally valuable area. The study is based on four methodological activities: geological and hydrogeological conceptualisation, climatic study and hydrological balance, numerical modelling, and monitoring. A geodatabase was created considering hundreds of data points (wells, springs, rivers, lagoons, and seas) and monthly time series of rainfall, temperature, and river discharge. Monitoring activity was realised over a hydrological year, installing a rainfall network tool and using a network of tens of sampling points, including springs, wells, lagoons and sea. Chemical-physical and stable isotope determinations were realised. Two main groups of aerial springs are fed by the aquifer, one of which is of a coastal type. The total spring discharge is roughly 4 m3/s. The GSD was assessed as being equal to 1.4 m3/s on the basis of the current rate of anthropic discharge and climatic conditions. The study showed the peculiarities of this carbonate coastal aquifer and the importance of its groundwater, which is the chief water source for the third-largest Albanian town. The groundwater quality was generally high, mainly due to the negligible presence of contamination sources on the relief in which the aquifer outcrops. The rate of seawater intrusion effects was also low, thanks to favourable aquifer 3-D geometry and high recharge levels. The increasing anthropic activities constitute a relevant risk in the absence of the introduction of rigorous land and water management criteria.
      243  347
  • Publication
    Open Access
    The coastal karstic aquifer of Vlora (Albania)
    (2008-06-22) ; ; ;
    Polemio, M.; CNR-IRPI
    Pambuku, A.; Servizio Geologico di Albania
    Petrucci, O.; CNR-IRPI
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    The coastal karstic aquifer of Mt. Oyramanges (1864 m asl) is located in the Vlora Bay, along the Adriatic coast. The quality of the spring water there is so high that it is used to supply the drinking supply of the second largest Albanian town, Vlora. Starting from a geological and tectonic conceptualization of the area, a GIS approach based on long-term rainfall, temperature and river yield time series has been used to define hydrologic balance. The assessment of recharge and the measurement of sub-aerial spring discharge permit the rough assessment of submarine groundwater discharge. The definition of the flow domain and of groundwater chemical features is pursued with an on-going survey which includes chemical and isotopic analyses of rainfall, groundwater and sea water.
      140  247