Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Compilation of shipborne magnetic and gravity data images crustal structure of Prydz Bay (East Antarctica)
    (1999-04) ; ; ; ; ;
    Ishihara, T.; Geological Survey of Japan, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
    Leitchenkov, G. L.; VNIIOkeanologia, St. Petersburg, Russia
    Golynsky, A. V.; VNIIOkeanologia, St. Petersburg, Russia
    Alyavdin, S.; Polar Marine Expedition, PMGRE, Lomonosov, Russia
    O'Brien, P. E.; ustralian Geological Survey Organization, Canberra, Australia
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    A magnetic anomaly map and a free air anomaly map of Prydz Bay, of the adjacent slope and over the continental rise area (63°S-69.5°S, 69°E-81°E) were compiled using Russian, Australian, Japanese and other available data (more than 20 000 km in total length). Adjustment of different data sets was performed before gridding and making contour maps. Crossover differences of the magnetic data were significantly reduced by removing data segments with short-period time variations, by applying time variation corrections of Mawson Station to Australian and Japanese data, and by giving a constant bias to each trackline. Crossover differences of the gravity data were also substantially reduced by applying a constant bias to each cruise/leg. According to the compiled gravity data, in the western part of Prydz Bay the continent ocean boundary is inferred to be situated around the shelf edge at the seaward end of Prydz Channel, while it is in the continental rise in the eastern part. The gravity data also suggest the presence of sediments in the Prydz Bay basin reaching a thickness of about 8 km and overlying a "granitic" layer; the Moho beneath the basin is located at a depth of about 22 km. According to the magnetic data, highly-magnetized rocks occur at shallow depths northwest of the Prydz Bay basin and other parts of Prydz Bay.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Interpretation of ground and aeromagnetic surveys of Palmer Land, Antarctic Peninsula
    (1999-04) ; ;
    Golynsky, A. V.; VNII Okeangeologia, St. Petersburg, Russia
    Masolov, V. N.; Polar Marine Geological Research Expedition, Lomonosov, Russia
    Aeromagnetic data for Palmer Land provide new information on crustal structures of the Antarctic Peninsula. Features shown on the compilation of the Lassiter Coast and Orville Coast are characterized by systems of subparallel regional anomaly zones and lineaments. The magnetic data reveal the widespread presence of an orthogonal pattern of crosscutting linear discontinuities that can be interpreted as a Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary fracture pattern. The main displacements in the anomaly pattern between the two units are recognized in Wetmore-Irvine glaciers area where the structure of the Antarctic Peninsula changes orientation from SW-NE to S-N. The NW-SE trending transitional zone is probably a transfer zone associated with north-westerly movement of the Lassiter Coast crustal segment relative to the Orville Coast segment. Within the Lassiter Coast a fragment of Pacific Margin Anomaly (PMA), Central Plateau Magnetic Anomaly and East Coast Magnetic Anomaly (ECMA) are mapped. Two-dimensional modelling suggests that PMA is caused by a limited depth body (8 km) consisting of numerous plutons, probably, of different ages, composition and magnetization. The Central Plateau Magnetic Anomaly and the Merrick-Sweeney-Latady zone of the Orville Coast are represented by strong positive anomaly bands that are associated with gabbro-diorite rocks and accompanying plutons intruded near by the border of Mount Poster Formation and Latady Formation. The ECMA are alignments of high-amplitude magnetic anomalies caused by gabbro-diorite bodies, which are located within the framework of the Cretaceous granite-granodiorite plutons. Granite-granodiorite plutons of Lassiter Coast Intrusive Suite are mostly reflected by positive anomalies (100-500 nT). Modelling studies and the character of distribution of the magnetic anomalies suggest that the plutons of Lassiter Coast Intrusive Suite are prominently reflected in magnetic anomalies of regional extent. The plutonic activities during the geological evolution of Palmer Land have been a more important process than what is apparent from rock outcrops. Magmatic activity abruptly diminished westward from the Behrendt Mountains apparently due to a modification of the crustal structure of the Antarctic Peninsula. The area between the Evans Ice Stream and the Behrendt Mountains is possibly underlain by the non-magnetic equivalent of the Haag Nunataks basement, similar to that which has been inferred for the Ellsworth Mountains.
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