Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Seismic vulnerability assessment of masonry buildings in a region of moderate seismicity
    (1997-10) ; ; ;
    Riuscetti, M.; Dipartimento di Georisorse e Territorio, Università di Udine, Italy
    Carniel, R.; Dipartimento di Georisorse e Territorio, Università di Udine, Italy
    Cecotti, C.; Dipartimento di Georisorse e Territorio, Università di Udine, Italy
    ; ;
    To assess the seismic vulnerability of masonry buildings is largely matter of personal feeling and experience especially when dealing with old houses made of heterogeneous materials and without a plan. One way to predict their resistance to earthquake forces is the experience on models put on a shaking table. Costs and scaling problems, particularly severe for stone walls, are limiting factors in the extensive use of this technique. After the Friuli 1976 earthquake, the regional government arranged a detailed survey of damages suffered by buildings to be repaired. These data organised in the FRED (Friuli Earthquake Database) make it possible to compare, on a statistically significant basis, the a priori vulnerability with the effective damage. One further step towards the practical use of the results is given by characterising the relevant features of the buildings with the same parameters which can be found in the General Census periodically produced by the Italian Statistical Institute (ISTAT).
      188  533
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Dynamical tools for the analysis of long term evolution of volcanic tremor at Stromboli
    (1999-06) ; ;
    Carniel, R.; Dipartimento di Georisorse e Territorio, Università di Udine, Italy
    Di Cecca, M.; Dipartimento di Georisorse e Territorio, Università di Udine, Italy
    Stromboli is characterized by persistent seismic activity, both in terms of tremor and of discrete events associated with moderate explosions defining the so-called "Strombolian activity". This kind of permanent activity suggests the probable existence of a dynamical system governing the volcano. The purpose of this paper is to extract information on the "Stromboli dynamical system" from the seismic recordings. The analysis is carried out using the theory of non-linear dynamical systems and the delayed coordinates phase-space reconstruction. Several methods are presented and discussed in order to analyze volcanic tremor data in this framework; finally the time evolution of the computed parameters, both in the long term and close in time to paroxysmal phases, is presented and discussed. Evidence for a strong deterministic component in the dynamics of the volcano is shown.
      140  774
  • Publication
    Open Access
    On the persistency of crater assignment criteria for Stromboli explosion-quakes
    (1996-03) ; ;
    Carniel, R.; Dipartimento di Georisorse e Territorio, Università di Udine, Italy
    Iacop, F.; Dipartimento di Georisorse e Territorio, Università di Udine, Italy
    On the basis of the results of previous works by our group, this paper aims to investigate the correlation between features of a kind of seismic events recorded at Stromboli (the so called explosion-quakes) and the source of such explosions, i.e. the different craters. The purpose is that of finding parameters in order to try an automatic assignment of new events to their crater of origin. These parameters must be searched for both in time and in frequency domain. Afterwards the stability in time of the discrimination is discussed. An important « side effect» of this analysis is the discovery that the percentage of summital explosions not producing seismic signals recordable by a 2 s seismometer is not negligible.
      193  143
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Spectral precursors of paroxysmal phases of Stromboli
    (1996-03) ; ;
    Carniel, R.; Dipartimento di Georisorse e Territorio, Università di Udine, Italy
    Iacop, F.; Dipartimento di Georisorse e Territorio, Università di Udine, Italy
    In this work we investigate the characteristics of the seismicity at Stromboli volcano during more than two years, i.e. from 11 May 1992 to 21 August 1994. The three paroxysmal phases of 1993 mark significant changes in the Strombolian activity; nevertheless, these are not the only ones observed. In fact, the energy content, both in terms of volcanic tremor and of number of events drops to very low values after the periods of intense activity, accompanied by a change in the spectral content of the tremor. However, equally abrupt changes in the frequency content, not accompanied by evident intensity variations, can be observed some weeks after the end of the crises. The volcano seems therefore to behave like a dynamical system with many «quite stable » states with abrupt transitions between them. An interesting observation is the appearance of an energy concentration in the spectral sectors below 3 Hz before more violent eruptive episodes; although the duration of such a phenomenon is variable, it has to be investigated as a possible precursor of potentially dangerous activity of the volcano. A continuous monitoring of the spectral content of volcanic tremor on Stromboli is confirmed to be an essential tool in order to understand the behaviour of Stromboli volcano and to try to forecast its paroxysmal phases.
      249  292
  • Publication
    Open Access
    A «tidal» magnetic field?
    (1997-10) ;
    Bocchio, F.; Dipartimento di Georisorse e Territorio, Università di Udine, Italy
    t is shown that on the magnetization axis of a uniformly magnetized body of constant density the magnetic field intensity displays a «tidal» structure,i.e. the ratios among the differential magnetic field intensity in three orthogonal directions are the same as the ratios among the gravitational gradient tensor components pertaining to the same directions; it is also seen that the same characteristic ratios occur, both locally and non-locally, among the components of the magnetic field intensity and among the components of the gradient tensors of the two fields.
      114  113