Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Open Access
    The effect of lateral variations of friction on crustal faulting
    (1994-12) ; ;
    Boatwright, J.; U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, U.S.A
    Cocco, M.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica, Roma, Italy
    We propose that lateral variations in fault friction control the heterogeneity of slip observed in large earthquakes, We model these variations using a rate and state-dependent friction law, where we differentiate velocity-weakening into strong and weak-seismic fields, and velocity-strengthening into compliant and viscous fields. The strong-seismic field comprises the seismic slip concentrations, or asperities. The two «intermediate» frictional fields, weak-seismic and compliant, modulate both the tectonic loading and the dynamic rupture process. During the interseismic period, the compliant and viscous regions slip aseismically while the strong-seismic regions remain locked, evolving into stress concentrations that fail only in main shocks. The weak-seismic regions contain most of the interseismic activity and aftershocks, but also «creep seismically», that is, most of the weak-seismic area slips aseismically, actuating the seismicity on the remaining area. This «mixed» frictional behavior can be obtained from a sufficiently heterogenous distribution for the critical slip distance. The interseismic slip provides an inherent rupture resistance: dynamic rupture fronts decelerate as they penetrate into these unloaded compliant or creeping weak-seismic areas, diffusing into broad areas of accelerated afterslip. Aftershocks occur in both the weak-seismic and compliant areas around the fault, but most of the stress is diffused through aseismic slip. Rapid afterslip on these peripheral areas can also produce aftershocks within the main shock rupture area, by reloading weak fault areas that slipped in the main shock and then healed. We test this frictional model by comparing the interevent seismicity and aftershocks to the coseismic slip distribution for the 1966 Parkfield, 1979 Coyote Lake, and 1984 Morgan Hill earthquakes.
      135  392
  • Publication
    A Stochastic Estimate of Ground Motion at Oceano, California, for the M 6.5 22 December 2003 San Simeon Earthquake, Derived from Aftershock Recordings
    (2006-08) ; ;
    Di Alessandro, C.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Boatwright, J.; U.S.G.S. Menlo Park
    The U.S. Geological Survey deployed a digital seismic station in Oceano, California, in February 2004, to investigate the cause of damage and liquefaction from the 22 December 2003 Mw 6.5 San Simeon earthquake. This station recorded 11 Mw 2.8 aftershocks in almost 8 weeks. We analyze these recordings, together with recordings of the mainshock and the same aftershocks obtained from nearby stations in Park Hill and San Luis Obispo, to estimate the mainshock ground motion in Oceano. We estimate the Fourier amplitude spectrum using generalized spectral ratio analysis. We test a set of aftershocks as Green’s functions by comparing simulated and recorded acceleration amplitude spectra for the mainshock at San Luis Obispo and Park Hill. We convolve the aftershock accelerograms with a stochastic operator to simulate the duration and phase of the mainshock accelerograms. This approximation allows us to extend the range of aftershocks that can be used as Green’s functions to events nearly three magnitude units smaller than the mainshock. Our realizations for the mainshock accelerogram at Oceano yield peak ground accelerations distributed as 28% +/- 4%g. We interpret these realizations as upper bounds for the actual ground motion, because our analysis assumes a linear response, whereas the presence of liquefaction indicates that the ground behaved nonlinearly in Oceano.
      136  21
  • Publication
    Open Access
    A comparison of coda and S-wave spectral ratios as estimates of site response in the southern San Francisco Bay area
    We calculate spectral ratios for S waves and codas to evaluate the amplification of 14 sites in the southern San Francisco Bay area relative to a nearby bedrock site in the Coyote Hills. Our data are seismograms written by Loma Prieta aftershocks: the epicentral distances and azimuths to the stations are effectively the same. All the sites in the study are amplified with respect to the reference site at frequencies from 0.5 to 7 Hz. The shapes of the S-wave and coda spectral ratios are similar, but the coda ratios are greater than the S-wave ratios by as much as a factor of 4. The difference is larger for sites on alluvial and bay mud deposits, particularly at frequencies around 1 Hz, suggesting the presence of waves trapped in the alluvial basin. In general, the length of the analysis window affects the S-wave spectral ratios for alluvial sites. Longer windows give ratios similar to coda ratios, apparently because these windows include more of the phases that contribute to the coda. We classify the sites according to their geological characteristics and surficial shear-wave velocities. For the S-wave ratios, the differences between the classes showed no systematic trend; the softest and hardest soil classes we consider have practically identical S-wave amplifications. The average coda ratios for the site classes clearly increase as the soil classes include slower and "softer" materials. After correction for differences in reference sites, the coda amplifications are very similar to the relative amplifications for these site classes estimated by Borcherdt and Glassmoyer (1992) from the strong-motion recordings of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.
      76  64