Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Assimilation of GPS-Derived Atmospheric Propagation Delay in DInSAR Data Processing
    (2014-01-26) ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Fornaro, G.; IREA, CNR
    Giuliani, R.; DPC
    Noviello, C.; IREA CNR
    Reale, D.; IREA CNR
    Verde, S.; IREA CNR
    D’Agostino, N.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione CNT, Roma, Italia
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    Microwave radiation is almost insensitive in terms of power attenuation to the presence of atmosphere; the atmo- sphere is however an error source in repeat pass interferometry due to propagation delay variations. This effect represents a main limitation in the detection and monitoring of weak deformation patterns in differential interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR), especially in emergency conditions. Due to the wave- length reduction current, X-Band sensors are even more sensitive to such error sources: procedures adopted in classical advanced DInSAR for atmospheric filtering may fail in the presence of higher revisiting rates. In this work, we show such effect on data acquired by the COSMO-SkyMed constellation. The dataset has been acquired with very high revisiting rates during the emer- gency phase. This feature allows clearly showing the inability of standard filtering adopted in common processing chains in handling seasonal atmospheric delay variations over temporal intervals spanning periods shorter than 1 year. We discuss a pro- cedure for the mitigation of atmospheric propagation delay (APD) that is based on the integration of data of GPS systems which carries out measurements with large observation angles diversity practically in continuous time. The proposed algorithm allows a robust assimilation of the GPS atmospheric delay measurements in the multipass DInSAR processing and found on a linear approx- imation with the height of the atmospheric delay corresponding to a stratified atmosphere. Achieved results show a significant mitigation of the seasonal atmospheric variations.
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  • Publication
    Inversion of Wrapped Differential Interferometric SAR Data for Fault Dislocation Modeling
    (2012) ; ; ; ; ;
    Fornaro, G.; IREA-CNR
    Atzori, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione CNT, Roma, Italia
    Calò, F.; IREA-CNR
    Reale, D.; IREA-CNR
    Salvi, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione CNT, Roma, Italia
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    The Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry technique has dramatically boosted the application of remote sensing in many geophysical disciplines, particularly tectonics. Coseismic interferograms have provided, in many cases, “images of earthquakes,” showing the surface displacement due to the deep fault dislocation. Aside from being visually appealing, interferograms are of fundamental importance for the analysis, by means of appropriate dislocation models, of the geometrical and kinematic characteristics of the fault, which are also parameters of key interest for earthquake risk management. This paper provides a contribution in the general framework of the integration of dislocation models in Differential SAR Interferometry processing. In particular, with reference to coseismic interferograms, it proposes a technique that allows the direct inversion of wrapped interferograms for dislocation model analysis. This option makes it possible to avoid the critical and error-prone processing step of phase unwrapping, carried out in the classical analysis of interferometric data. Examples of inversion of real data, relevant to the 1999 Athens and Izmit earthquakes, demonstrate the feasibility and the advantages of this data processing approach.
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  • Publication
    Space-time distribution of afterslip following the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake
    (2012-02-03) ; ; ; ; ;
    D'Agostino, N.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione CNT, Roma, Italia
    Cheloni, D.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione CNT, Roma, Italia
    Fornaro, G.; IREA, CNR Napoli
    Giuliani, R.; Dipartimento Protezione Civile
    Reale, D.; IREA, CNR Napoli
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    The inversion of multitemporal DInSAR and GPS measurements unravels the coseismic and postseismic (afterslip) slip distributions associated with the 2009 MW 6.3 L’Aquila earthquake and provides insights into the rheological properties and long-term behavior of the responsible structure, the Paganica fault. Well-resolved patches of high postseismic slip (10–20 cm) appear to surround the main coseismic patch (maximum slip ≈1 m) through the entire seismogenic layer above the hypocenter without any obvious depth-dependent control. Time series of postseismic displacement are well reproduced by an exponential function with best-fit decay constants in the range of 20–40 days. A sudden discontinuity in the evolution of released postseismic moment at ≈130 days after the main shock does not correlate with independent seismological and geodetic data and is attributed to residual noise in the InSAR time series. The data are unable to resolve migration of afterslip along the fault probably because of the time interval (six days) between the main shock and the first radar acquisition. Surface fractures observed along the Paganica fault follow the steepest gradients of postseismic line-of-sight satellite displacements and are consistent with a sudden and delayed failure of the shallow layer in response to upward tapering of slip. The occurrence of afterslip at various levels through the entire seismogenic layer argues against exclusive depth-dependent variations of frictional properties on the fault, supporting the hypothesis of significant horizontal frictional heterogeneities and/or geometrical complexities. We support the hypothesis that such heterogeneities and complexities may be at the origin of the long-term variable behavior suggested by the paleoseismological studies. Rupture of fault patches with dimensions similar to that activated in 2009 appears to have a ≈500 year recurrence time interval documented by paleoseismic and historical studies. In addition to that, paleoseismological evidence of large (>0.5 m) coseismic offsets seems to require seismic events, recurring every 1000–2000 years, characterized by (1) multisegment linkage, (2) surface ruptures larger than in 2009, and (3) complete failure of the 2009 coseismic and postseismic patches.
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