Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Regional study of the ionosphere quietness over Europe
    (1994-04) ; ;
    Gulyaeva, T. L.; Izmiran Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region, Russia
    Stanislawska, I.; Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, Poland
    Regional catalogues of the ionospherically disturbed and quiet days are developed on the basis of the analysis of vertical-incidence sounding data over European area during 1964-1990. This paper presents the results obtained by comparing and combining two regional catalogues of the ionospheric disturbed and quiet days into one definitive catalogue recommended for implementation in the PRIME oriented and other studies. According to the criteria applied to the F region peak parameters, only 10 to 20% days per year manifest quietness of acceptable level. Comparison of ionospherically quiet days with geomagnetically quiet periods during 1976-1988 shows coincidence of quiet days in both fields not more than 30% of times considered. Conventional practice of analysis of the ionosphere state by comparing it with the geomagnetic conditions should be forerun by specification of the proper ionospheric quiet and disturbed periods.
      208  230
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Forecasting geomagnetic activity three hours in advance for ionospheric applications
    (2001-10) ; ; ;
    De Franceschi, G.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Gulyaeva, T. L.; IZMIRAN, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region, Russia
    Perrone, L.; Space Research Centre, PAS, Warsaw, Poland
    ; ;
    An attempt at forecasting the magnetic activity index three hours in advance is presented. This approach is based on a suitable treatment of time-weighted accumulations of the three-hourly magnetic index Kp. The statistical analysis of impact of magnetic activity on the positive and negative disturbances of the F 2 layer peak electron density NmF 2 is made for 25 ionosondes in Europe and Russia during 1997 to 2001. It is shown that the response of positive and negative ionosphere disturbances to peak of magnetic activity Kpmax delays by 1 to 48 h. Two peaks of occurrence of positive and negative ionospheric disturbed periods are found referring to Kpmax equal to 3 and 4 for DNmF2+ and Kpmax equal to 4 and 5 for DNmF2– shifted regarding similar distribution of forecasted Kpm indices depicting two maxima at Kp equal to 1.7 and 2.7. Comparisons are made with observations and IRI-2001 model predictions.
      162  201
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Enhanced variability in the topside ionosphere
    (1995-09) ; ;
    Gulyaeva, T.; Izmiran, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region, Russia
    Spalla, P.; Istituto cli Ricerche sulle Onde Elettromagnetiche, C.N.R. Firenze, Italy
    Variability of total electron content (TEC) observed by the Faraday rotation method at Florence has been stud- ied with the same technique applied independently to the ionospheric parameters foF2 and M(3000)F2 of the ground-based vertical-incidence sounding database (VID). Results of daily and monthly TEC disturbance indices at sub-ionospheric point are compared with variability of the ionosphere at Rome and Gibilmanna (de- duced from VID) for a period of 1976 to 1991. During moderate and high solar activity the variability of TEC is greater than the variability of VID, whereas during solar minimum the situation is opposite. In this context joint TEC and VID observations distinguish either the F region peak or the topside ionosphere heights where the dynamic processes dominate at different times.
      162  136
  • Publication
    Open Access
    COST 296 scientific results designed for operational use
    (2009-08) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Stanislawska, I.; Space Research Centre PAS, Warsaw, Poland
    Belehaki, A.; National Observatory of Athens, Athens, Greece
    Jakowski, N.; DLR, Institute of Communications and Navigation, Neustrelitz, Germany
    Zolesi, B.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2, Roma, Italia
    Gulyaeva, T. L.; IZMIRAN, Troitsk, Moscow Region, Russia
    Cander, L. R.; Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, UK
    Reinisch, B. W.; Center for Atmospheric Research, UMass Lowell, USA
    Pezzopane, M.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2, Roma, Italia
    Tsagouri, I.; National Observatory of Athens, Athens, Greece
    Tomasik, L.; Space Research Centre PAS, Warsaw, Poland
    Galkin, I.; Center for Atmospheric Research, UMass Lowell, USA
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    The main objective of the COST 296 Action «Mitigation of Ionospheric Effects on Radio Systems» is the establishment/ improvement of ionospheric services by coordinating the development of specific algorithms, models, and tools capable of operating in a near-real-time mode. Key elements of these activities are contributions related to monitoring, modelling, and imaging of customer-relevant ionospheric quantities. COST stimulates, coordinates, and supports Europe’s goals of development and global cooperation by providing high quality information and knowledge of ionospheric and plasmaspheric conditions enabling high quality and reliable operation of radio systems. It also provides a platform for sharing such tools as algorithms or models, and for the joint development of advanced technologies. It takes advantage of many national and European service initiatives, for example DIAS (, SWACI (, ESWUA (, RWC-Warsaw (, the COST Prompt Ionospheric Database digisondes/,, and others. Existing national capabilities are taken into account to develop synergies and avoid duplication. The enhancement of environment monitoring networks and associated instrumentation yields mutual advantages for European and regional services specialized for local user needs. It structurally increases the integration of limited-area services, and generates a platform employing the same approach to each task differing mostly in input and output data. In doing so it also provides a complementary description of the environmental state within issued information, as well as providing a platform for interaction among local end users, who define what kind of information they need, for system providers, who finalize the tools necessary to obtain required information, and for local service providers, who do the actual processing of data, tailoring it to specific users’ needs. Such an initiative creates a unique opportunity for small national services to consolidate their product design so that is no longer limited to their own activity, but can serve the wider European services. The development and improvement of techniques for mitigating ionospheric effects on radio systems by the COST 296 Action prepared those services that implemented the new design techniques for the newly announced EU and ESA policy-Space Situation Awareness (SSA). COST 296 developments applied to nowcasting and forecasting services are an essential input to the Operational SSA Ionosphere.
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