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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Nuove conoscenze sul Gargano centrale
    (1996) ; ; ;
    Zezza, F.; Politecnico di Bari
    Macrì, F.; Politecnico di Bari
    Polemio, M.; CNR-IRPI
    ; ;
    The relationship is examined between the lithostratigraphic sequence, the deposition environment and the hydrogeological characteristics of the carbonatic lithofacies forming the hydrogeological unit of the Gargano, on the basis of results acquired by means of five wells bored for the first time at considerable depth in the central part of the promontory. The importance of the role played by the lithofacies of tidal-lagoon environment, represented by micritic limestones and laminar dolomites, is shown. These lithofacies, which are scarcely permeable or practically impermeable and not karsified up to and below sea level, affect the flow of groundwaters which are under pressure. The hydrogeological characteristics of the underground waters and of the aquifer are related to the sedimentary characteristics of the different lithofacies and to the position with respect to the area of recharge and flow towards the sea.
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