Browsing by Subject fluids

Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Aug-2007The 8th ICGG International Conference on Gas Geochemistry Preface: Fluids and tectonicsBoschi, E.* ; Italiano, F.* ; Martinelli, G.* 
Jan-2009Bacterial and archaeal populations at two shallow hydrothermal vents off Panarea Island (Eolian Islands, Italy)Maugeri, T.* ; Lentini, V.* ; Gugliandolo, C.* ; Italiano, F.* ; Cousin, S.* ; Stackebrandt, E.* 
2022Chemical interaction driven by deep fluids in the damage zone of a seismogenic carbonate faultMarchesini, Barbara* ; Carminati, Eugenio* ; Aldega, Luca* ; Mirabella, Francesco* ; Petrelli, Maurizio* ; Caracausi, Antonio* ; Barchi, Massimiliano Rinaldo* 
Sep-2023Editorial: Volcanic and tectonic degassing: fluid origin, transport and implicationsZhang, Maoliang* ; Li, Ying* ; Caracausi, Antonio* ; Pinti, Daniele L* 
20-Jun-2008First observations of non-volcanic, long-period seismicity in the Central Apennines, ItalyPiccinini, D.* ; Saccorotti, G.* 
2023Geochemical features and seismic imaging of the tectonic zone between the Tibetan Plateau and Ordos Block, central northern ChinaLi, Ying* ; Chen, Zhi* ; Sun, Anhui* ; Liu, Zhaofei* ; Caracausi, Antonio* ; Martinelli, Giovanni* ; Lu, Chang* 
2023Hydrogeochemical multi-component approach to assess fluids upwelling and mixing in shallow carbonate-evaporitic aquifers (Contursi area, southern Apennines, Italy)Gori, Francesca* ; Paternoster, Michele* ; Barbieri, Maurizio* ; Buttitta, Dario* ; Caracausi, Antonio* ; Parente, Fabrizio* ; Sulli, Attilio* ; Petitta, Marco* 
Aug-2007Investigating correlations of local seismicty with anomalous geoelectrical, hydrogeological and geochemical signals jointly recorded in Basilicata Region (Southern Italy)Colangelo, G.* ; Heinicke, J.* ; Lapenna, V.* ; Martinelli, G.* ; Mucciarelli, M.* 
2007Mantle wedge dynamics vs crustal seismicity in the Apennines (Italy)Ventura, G.* ; Cinti, F. R.* ; Di Luccio, F.* ; Pino, N. A.* 
2010On the Increase of Background Seismicity Rate during the 1997-1998 Umbria-Marche, Central Italy, Sequence: Apparent Variation or Fluid-Driven Triggering?Lombardi, A. M.* ; Cocco, M.* ; Marzocchi, W.* 
2005Results of gas flux records in the seismically active area of Val d'Agri (Southern Italy)Colangelo, G.* ; Heinicke, J.* ; Koch, U.* ; Lapenna, V.* ; Martinelli, G.* ; Telesca, L.* 
28-Apr-2023Scattering Attenuation Images of the Control of Thrusts and Fluid Overpressure on the 2016–2017 Central Italy Seismic SequenceGabrielli, Simona* ; Akinci, Aybige* ; De Siena, Luca* ; Del Pezzo, Edoardo* ; Buttinelli, Mauro* ; Maesano, Francesco Emanuele* ; Maffucci, Roberta* 
Apr-2009A seismic sequence from Northern Apennines (Italy) provides new insight on the role of fluids in the active tectonics of accretionary wedgesCalderoni, G.* ; Di Giovambattista, R.* ; Burrato, P.* ; Ventura, G.* 
Apr-2008Shallow to intermediate resistivity features of the Colfiorito Fault System inferred by DC and MT surveyDiaferia, I.* ; Loddo, M.* ; Schiavone, D.* ; Siniscalchi, A.* 
2001Significance of earthquake-related anomalies in fluids of Val D'Agri (southern Italy)Italiano, F.* ; Martelli, M.* ; Nuccio, P. M.* ; Martinelli, G.* ; Paternoster, M.* 
2020Slow-to-fast transition of giant creeping rockslides modulated by undrained loading in basal shear zonesAgliardi, Federico* ; Scuderi, Marco Maria* ; Fusi, Nicoletta* ; Collettini, Cristiano* 
2013Thermal fluids along the East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ): geochemical features and relationships with the tectonic settingItaliano, F.* ; Sasmaz, A.* ; Yuce, G.* ; Ocan, O.*