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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Active faulting in the Maiella massif (central Apennines, Italy)Pizzi, A.* ; Falcucci, E.* ; Gori, S.* ; Galadini, F.* ; Messina, P.* ; Di Vincenzo, M.* ; Esestime, P.* ; Giaccio, B.* ; Pomposo, G.* ; Sposato, A.* 
Jul-2010Caratteri gravimetrici della media Valle del Fiume AternoCesi, Claudio* ; Di Filippo, Michele* ; Di Nezza, Maria* ; Ferri, Fernando* 
23-Apr-2019Complexity of the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake causative fault system (Abruzzi Apennines, Italy) and effects on the Middle Aterno Quaternary basin arrangementPucci, Stefano* ; Villani, Fabio* ; Civico, Riccardo* ; Di Naccio, Deborah* ; Porreca, Massimiliano* ; Benedetti, L.* ; Gueli, A.* ; Stella, G.* ; Baccheschi, Paola* ; Pantosti, Daniela* 
Oct-2007Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), Version 3.0.4: A compilation of potential sources for earthquakes larger than M 5.5 in Italy and surrounding areas.DISS Working Group,* ; Barba, S.* ; Basili, R.* ; Burrato, P.* ; Fracassi, U.* ; Tiberti, M. M.* ; Valensise, G.* ; Vannoli, P.* 
8-Sep-2020Database of Italian Present-day Stress Indicators, IPSI 1.4Mariucci, Maria Teresa* ; Montone, Paola* 
31-May-2010Deliverable # 3.01.2 Slip rate data of seismogenic sources included in DISSBasili, R.* ; Kastelic, V.* ; Burrato, P.* ; D'Ambrogi, C.* ; Carafa, M. M. C.* ; Barba, S.* 
4-Jun-2010Deliverable # 3.01.5 Results of tectonic validation for the seismogenic source model (DISS)Basili, R.* ; Barba, S.* 
30-May-2010Deliverable # D3.01.4 Probability of occurrence for earthquakes generated by individual faults and the associated uncertaintiesBasili, R.* ; Akinci, A.* 
9-Nov-2010Detecting young, slow‐slipping active faults by geologic and multidisciplinary high‐resolution geophysical investigations: A case study from the Apennine seismic belt, Italy.Improta, L.* ; Ferranti, L.* ; De Martini, P. M.* ; Piscitelli, S.* ; Bruno, P. P.* ; Burrato, P.* ; Civico, R.* ; Giocoli, A.* ; Iorio, M.* ; D'Addezio, G.* ; Maschio, L.* 
28-Jun-2012Fault slip rates for the active External Dinarides thrust-and-fold beltKastelic, V.* ; Carafa, M. M. C.* 
2012Gas seepage and seismogenic structures along the North-Anatolian Fault in the eastern Sea of MarmaraGasperini, L.* ; Polonia, A.* ; Del Bianco, F.* ; Etiope, G.* ; Marinaro, G.* ; Favali, P.* ; Italiano, F.* ; Cagatay, M. N.* 
2010Il bacino delle Acque Albule, sinkholes e assetto geologico-strutturaleDi Nezza, Maria* ; Cecchini, Flavio* ; Margottini, Siro* ; Di Filippo, Michele* 
19-Apr-2013Integrating geologic fault data into tsunami hazard studiesBasili, R.* ; Tiberti, M. M.* ; Kastelic, V.* ; Romano, F.* ; Piatanesi, A.* ; Selva, J.* ; Lorito, S.* 
2010Macroarea 2 (L’Aquila Ovest, Cansatessa, Pettino, Coppito).Amoroso, S.* ; Angelino, A.* ; Azzara, Riccardo Mario* ; Bergamaschi, F.* ; Bertrand, E.* ; Bordoni, Paola* ; Cara, F.* ; Cavinato, G. P.* ; Cavuoto, G.* ; Cogliano, R.* ; Cultrera, Giovanna* ; De Caterini, G.* ; Del Monaco, F.* ; Di Eusebio, F.* ; Di Filippo, Michele* ; Di Fiore, V.* ; Di Giulio, G.* ; Di Nezza, Maria* ; Duval, A.* ; Fodarella, A.* ; Iavarone, M.* ; Leoni, G.* ; Marcucci, S.* ; Marsan, P.* ; Milana, Giuliano* ; Monaco, P.* ; Pucillo, S.* ; Rapolla, A.* ; Régnier, J.* ; Riccio, G.* ; Sanò, Tito* ; Scotto di Vettimo, P.* ; Taddei, B.* ; Tallini, Marco* ; Tarallo, D.* ; Totani, G.* ; Zaffiro, Paolo* 
2014A Multidisciplinary approach for the determination of subsurface structure of Leonessa Plain (Central Appennines, Italy).Skrame, Klodian* ; Di Filippo, Michele* ; Di Nezza, Maria* 
May-1996Palaeoseismologic and geomorphic investigations along the middle portion of the Ovindoli-Pezza Fault (Central Italy)D'Addezio, G.* ; Pantosti, D.* ; De Martini, P. M.* 
2003Paleoseismology of silent faults in the Central Apennines (Italy): the Campo Imperatore Fault (Gran Sasso Range Fault System)Galadini, F.* ; Galli, P.* ; Moro, M.* 
2003Paleoseismology of silent faults in the Central Apennines (Italy): the Mt. Vettore and Laga Mts. FaultsGaladini, F.* ; Galli, P.* 
25-Aug-2010Present-day stress in the area of L'Aquila April 6 2009 earthquake (Italy)Mariucci, M. T.* ; Pierdominici, S.* ; Montone, P.*