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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Apr-2013A ~125° post-early Serravallian counterclockwise rotation of the Gorgoglione Formation (Southern Apennines, Italy): New constraints for the formation of the Calabrian ArcMaffione, M.* ; Speranza, F.* ; Cascella, A.* ; Longhitano, S. G.* ; Chiarella, D.* 
2007The 3He/4He Halo of the Kazbek Volcanic Center, Northern CaucasusLavrushin, V. Y.* ; Polyak, B. G.* ; Strizhov, V. P.* ; Italiano, F.* ; Rizzo, A.* 
Jun-2022The AlpArray Research Seismicity-CatalogueBagagli, Matteo* ; Molinari, Irene* ; Diehl, Tobias* ; Kissling, Edi* ; Giardini, Domenico* ; AlpArray Working Group* 
17-May-2011CO2 and He degassing at El Chichón volcano, Chiapas, Mexico: gas flux, origin and relationship with local and regional tectonicsMazot, A.* ; Rouwet, D.* ; Taran, Y.* ; Inguaggiato, S.* ; Varley, N.* 
26-Jul-2016Comparison of the historic seismicity and strain-rate pattern from a dense GPS-GNSS network solution in the Italian PeninsulaCasula, Giuseppe* ; Bianchi, Maria Giovanna* 
2004Diffuse degassing of carbon dioxide at Somma-Vesuvius volcanic complex (Southern Italy) and its relation with regional tectonicsAiuppa, A.* ; Caleca, A.* ; Federico, C.* ; Gurrieri, S.* ; Valenza, M.* 
2023Fault dip vs shear stress gradientZaccagnino, Davide* ; Doglioni, Carlo* 
2015The February 2014 Cephalonia Earthquake (Greece): 3D Deformation Field and Source Modeling from Multiple SAR TechniquesMerryman Boncori, J. P.* ; Papoutsis, I.* ; Pezzo, G.* ; Tolomei, C.* ; Atzori, S.* ; Ganas, A.* ; Karastathis, V.* ; Salvi, S.* ; Kontoes, C.* ; Antonioli, A.* 
Sep-2021Geochemical investigations of the geothermal systems from the Island of Sicily (southern Italy)Donato, Assunta* ; Tassi, Franco* ; Pecoraino, Giovannella* ; Manzella, Adele* ; Vaselli, Orlando* ; Gagliano Candela, Esterina* ; Santilano, Alessandro* ; La Pica, Leonardo* ; Scaletta, Claudio* ; Capecchiacci, Francesco* 
6-Feb-2016Geodynamics of the Calabrian Arc area (Italy) inferred from a dense GNSS network observationsCasula, Giuseppe 
Feb-2020Il Pianeta dei cambiamenti - La tettonica delle Placche. Storia di una teoria rivoluzionaria.Cianetti, Spina* ; Melini, Daniele* 
Jun-2012Introduction: The ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf (MIS) and Southern McMurdo Sound (SMS) Drilling ProjectsPaulsen, T. S.* ; Pompilio, M.* ; Niessen, F.* ; Panter, K.* ; Jarrard, R. D.* 
21-Oct-2008La Rete Integrata Nazionale GPS (RING): stato dell'arte a due anni dalla nascitaAvallone, A.* ; Cacere, G.* ; Falco, L.* ; Moschillo, R.* ; Pignone, M.* ; D'Anastasio, E.* ; Zarrilli, L.* ; Pietrantonio, G.* ; Riguzzi, F.* ; Serpelloni, E.* ; Anzidei, M.* ; Casula, G.* ; D'Agostino, N.* ; D'Ambrosio, C.* ; Devoti, R.* ; Selvaggi, G.* 
19-Jan-2007Local tomography and focal mechanisms in the south-western Alps: Comparison if methods and tectonic implicationsBéthoux, N.* ; Sue, C.* ; Paul, A.* ; Virieux, J.* ; Fréchet, J.* ; Thouvenot, F.* ; Cattaneo, M.* 
May-2007Magnetic structural evidences of the 41° parallel zone (Tyrrhenian Sea) inferred from potential field data: the 3D model of the discontinuityCocchi, L.
Oct-2012Neogene tectonic and climatic evolution of the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica — Chronology of events from the AND-1B drill holeWilson, G. S.* ; Levy, R. H.* ; Naish, T. R.* ; Powell, R. D.* ; Florindo, F.* ; Ohneiser, C.* ; Sagnotti, L.* ; Winter, D. M.* ; Cody, R.* ; Henrys, S.* ; Ross, J.* ; Krissek, L.* ; Niessen, F.* ; Pompillio, M.* ; Scherer, R.* ; Alloway, B. V.* ; Barrett, P. J.* ; Brachfeld, S.* ; Browne, G.* ; Carter, L.* ; Cowan, E.* ; Crampton, J.* ; DeConto, R. M.* ; Dunbar, G.* ; Dunbar, N.* ; Dunbar, R.* ; von Eynatten, H.* ; Gebhardt, C.* ; Giorgetti, G.* ; Graham, I.* ; Hannah, M.* ; Hansaraj, D.* ; Harwood, D. M.* ; Hinnov, L.* ; Jarrard, R. D.* ; Joseph, L.* ; Kominz, M.* ; Kuhn, G.* ; Kyle, P.* ; Läufer, A.* ; McIntosh, W. C.* ; McKay, R.* ; Maffioli, P.* ; Magens, D.* ; Millan, C.* ; Monien, D.* ; Morin, R.* ; Paulsen, T.* ; Persico, D.* ; Pollard, D.* ; Raine, J. I.* ; Riesselman, C.* ; Sandroni, S.* ; Schmitt, D.* ; Sjunneskog, C.* ; Strong, C. P.* ; Talarico, F.* ; Taviani, M.* ; Villa, G.* ; Vogel, S.* ; Wilch, T.* ; Williams, T.* ; Wilson, T. J.* ; Wise, S.* 
2015Neotectonics and long-term seismicity in Europe and the Mediterranean regionCarafa, M. M. C.* ; Barba, S.* ; Bird, P.* 
2001Numerical modelling of the Aegean-Anatolian region: geodynamical constraints from observed rheological heterogeneitiesCianetti, Spina* ; Gasperini, Paolo* ; Giunchi, Carlo* ; Boschi, Enzo* 
2004Procida volcanic history: new insights into the evolution of the Phlegraean Volcanic District (Campania region, Italy)De Astis, G.* ; Pappalardo, L.* ; Piochi, M.* 
2005Recent activity of Nisyros volcano (Greece) inferred from structural, geochemical and seismological dataCaliro, S.* ; Chiodini, G.* ; Galluzzo, D.* ; Granieri, D.* ; La Rocca, M.* ; Ventura, G.*