Browsing by Subject Seismic Hazard

Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2014The 2012 Emilia, Italy, Quasi-Consecutive Triggered Mainshocks: Implications for Seismic HazardTramelli, Anna* ; Convertito, Vincenzo* ; Pino, Nicola Alessandro* ; Piochi, Monica* ; Troise, Claudia* ; De Natale, Giuseppe* 
202328th September 2018 Mw 7.5 Sulawesi Supershear Earthquake, Indonesia: Ground effects and macroseismic intensity estimation using ESI-2007 scaleNaik, Sambit Prasanajit* ; Mohanty, Asmita* ; Valkaniotis, Sotiris* ; Mittal, Himanshu* ; Porfido, Sabina* ; Michetti, Alessandro Maria* ; Gwon, Ohsang* ; Park, Kiwoong* ; Jaya, Asri* ; Paulik, Ryan* ; Li, Chuanyou* ; Mikami, Takahito* ; Kim, Young-Seog* 
15-Jul-2007Ampliamento del sito web per la disseminazione dei dati del progetto S1Meletti, C.* ; Meroni, F.* ; Martinelli, F.* ; Locati, M.* ; Cassera, A.* ; Stucchi, M.* 
Mar-2017A Bayesian seismic hazard analysis for the city of NaplesFaenza, Licia* ; Pierdominici, Simona* ; Hainzl, Sebastian* ; Cinti, Francesca Romana* ; Sandri, Laura* ; Selva, Jacopo* ; Tonini, Roberto* ; Perfetti, Paolo* 
May-2013CRISIS2008: A Flexible Tool to Perform Probabilistic Seismic Hazard AssessmentOrdaz, M.* ; Martinelli, F.* ; D'Amico, V.* ; Meletti, C.* 
2015Interseismic ground velocities in Central Apennines from GPS and InSAR measurements: new contributions for seismic hazard models by preliminary results of ESA CHARMING projectPezzo, G.* ; Merryman Boncori, J. P.* ; Visini, F.* ; Carafa, M. M. C.* ; Devoti, R.* ; Atzori, S.* ; Kastelic, V.* ; Berardino, P.* ; Fornaro, G.* ; Riguzzi, F.* ; Pietrantonio, G.* ; D'Amico, V.* ; Meletti, C.* ; Salvi, S.* 
8-Oct-2013Investigating the Origin of Seismic SwarmsGovoni, A.* ; Passarelli, L.* ; Braun, T.* ; Maccaferri, F.* ; Moretti, M.* ; Lucente, F. P.* ; Rivalta, E.* ; Cesca, S.* ; Hainzl, S.* ; Woith, H.* ; De Gori, P.* ; Dahm, T.* ; Chiarabba, C.* ; Margheriti, L.* 
30-Aug-2010Italian Map of Design Earthquakes from Multimodal Disaggregation Distributions: Preliminary Results.Chioccarelli, E.* ; Iervolino, I.* ; Convertito, V.* 
16-Nov-2009Looking for surface faulting ancestors of the l'Aquila April 6, 2009 event: preliminary paleoseismological data and seismic hazard implicationsCinti, F. R.* ; Civico, R.* ; Cucci, L.* ; De Martini, P. M.* ; Pantosti, D.* ; Pierdominici, S.* ; Pucci, S.* ; Brunori, C. A.* 
2015Mid-term review results of the ESA STSE Pathfinder CHARMING project (Constraining Seismic Hazard Models with InSAR and GPS)Merryman Boncori, J. P.* ; Devoti, R.* ; Visini, F.* ; Carafa, M. M. C.* ; Pezzo, G.* ; Fornaro, G.* ; Berardino, P.* ; Atzori, S.* ; D'Amico, V.* ; Kastelic, M.* ; Meletti, C.* ; Pietrantonio, G.* ; Riguzzi, F.* ; Salvi, S.* ; Fernandez Prieto, D.* 
17-Sep-2009Modifica del codice SeisRisk III per l’utilizzo con dati di intensitàGómez Capera, Augusto Antonio* ; Sudati, Dario Ivano* 
6-Sep-2010The new release of the Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources, DISS 3.1.1.Vannoli, P.* ; Barba, S.* ; Basili, R.* ; Burrato, P.* ; Fracassi, U.* ; Kastelic, V.* ; Tiberti, M. M.* ; Valensise, G.* 
2010Overview of the earthquake earlywarning system development in Southern ItalyIannaccone, G.* ; Zollo, A.* ; Bobbio, A.* ; Cantore, L.* ; Convertito, V.* ; Corciulo, M.* ; Di Crosta, M.* ; Elia, L.* ; Emolo, A.* ; Festa, G.* ; Iervolino, I.* ; Lancieri, M.* ; Martino, C.* ; Satriano, C.* ; Sorrentino, S.* ; Stabile, T. A.* ; Vassallo, M.* ; Weber, E.* 
31-May-2007Probabilistic Estimates of Seismic Hazard and Public Awareness in JapanShimazaki, K. 
21-Sep-2016Site classification map of Italy based on surface geologyDi Capua, G.* ; Peppoloni, S.* ; Amanti, M.* ; Cipolloni, C.* ; Conte, G.* 
30-Oct-2023Slip localization on multiple fault splays accommodating distributed deformation across normal fault complexitiesIezzi, Francesco* ; Francescone, Marco* ; Pizzi, Alberto* ; Blumetti, Anna Maria* ; Boncio, Paolo* ; Di Manna, Pio* ; Pace, Bruno* ; Piacentini, Tommaso* ; Papasodaro, Felicia* ; Morelli, Francesco* ; Caciagli, Marco* ; Chiappini, Massimo* ; D'Ajello Caracciolo, Francesca* ; Materni, Valerio* ; Nicolosi, Iacopo* ; Sapia, Vincenzo* ; Urbini, Stefano* 
Apr-2017The use of HVSR measurements for investigating buried tectonic structures: the Mirandola anticline, Northern Italy, as a case studyTarabusi, G.* ; Caputo, R.* 
31-Jul-2007Valutazione del valore della ordinata spettrale a 1sec e ad altri periodi di interesse ingegneristico. Progetto INGV-DPC S1, Deliverable D3Montaldo, V.* ; Meletti, C.*