Browsing by Subject Northern Apennines

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 37  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014The 2013 Lunigiana (Central Italy) earthquake: Seismic source analysis from DInSAR and seismological data, and geodynamical implications for the northern ApenninesPezzo, G.* ; Merryman Boncori, J. P.* ; Atzori, S.* ; Piccinini, D.* ; Antonioli, A.* ; Salvi, S.* 
201030 years of seismicity in the south-western Alps and northern Apennines as recorded by the Regional Seismic Network of northwestern ItalyEva, Claudio* ; Barani, Simone* ; Carenzo, Giacomo* ; De Ferrari, Roberto* ; Eva, Elena* ; Ferretti, Gabriele* ; Pasta, Marco* ; Pavan, Mauro* ; Scafidi, Davide* ; Solarino, Stefano* ; Spallarossa, Daniele* ; Turino, Chiara* ; Zunino, Enzo* 
Nov-2006Analisi strutturale di crosta e mantello in prossimità dell’alta Val di Chiana (Toscana orientale)Roselli, P.* ; Piana Agostinetti, N.* ; Braun, T.* 
15-Oct-2009Analysis of small magnitude seismic sequences along the Northern Apennines (Italy)Piccinini, D.* ; Piana Agostinetti, N.* ; Roselli, P.* ; Ibs-von Seht, M.* ; Braun, T.* 
Aug-1998Applicability of the dipole-dipole method for structural studies: examples from the Northern ApenninesGiudici, M.* ; Alfano, L.* 
20-Jul-2001Belt bending driven by lateral bending of subducting lithospheric slab: geophysical evidences from the northern Apennines (Italy)Lucente, F. P.* ; Speranza, F.* 
15-Apr-2007Crustal and Upper Mantle Three-Dimensional Stratification and Anisotropy from Receiver Functions (Northern Apennines-Italy)Roselli, P.* ; Piana Agostinetti, N.* ; Braun, T.* 
Apr-2009Deep geometry and rheology of an orogenic wedge developing above a continental subduction zone: Seismological evidence from the northern-central Apennines (Italy)Chiarabba, C.* ; De Gori, P.* ; Speranza, F.* 
Jun-2021Deformation history of a foredeep basin during the incorporation of its deposits within an advancing orogenic wedge: The case of the Oligocene-Early Miocene Macigno Costiero Formation, southern Tuscany, northern Apennines, ItalyTavarnelli, Enrico* ; Mazzarini, Francesco* ; Scialoja, Eric* ; Isola, Ilaria* 
2008‘‘Earliest Zanclean age for the Colombacci and uppermost Di Tetto formations of the « latest Messinian » northern Apennines: New palaeoenvironmental data from the Maccarone section (Marche Province, Italy)’’ by Popescu et al. (2007) Geobios 40 (359–373)Roveri, M.* ; Bertini, A.* ; Cipollari, P.* ; Cosentino, D.* ; Di Stefano, A.* ; Florindo, F.* ; Gennari, R.* ; Gliozzi, E.* ; Grossi, F.* ; Iaccarino, S.* ; Lugli, S.* ; Manzi, V.* 
2011Evidence for active folding and faulting at the northern Apennines mountain front near Bologna, Italy from high resolution seismic reflection profilingBruno, P. P. G.* ; Pazzaglia, F. J.* ; Picotti, V.* 
2015Exhumation patterns along shallow low-angle normal faults: an example from the Altotiberina active fault system (Northern Apennines, Italy)Caricchi, Chiara* ; Aldega, Luca* ; Barchi, Massimiliano R.* ; Corrado, Sveva* ; Grigo, Domenico* ; Mirabella, Francesco* ; Zattin, Massimiliano* 
2008Fault weakening due to CO2 degassing in the Northern Apennines: short- and long-term processesCollettini, C.* ; Cardellini, C.* ; Chiodini, G.* ; De Paola, N.* ; Holdsworth, R. E.* ; Smith, S. A. F.* 
2019From cylindrical to non‐cylindrical foreland basin: Pliocene–Pleistocene evolution of the Po Plain–Northern Adriatic basin (Italy)Amadori, Chiara* ; Toscani, Giovanni* ; Di Giulio, Andrea* ; Maesano, Francesco Emanuele* ; D’Ambrogi, Chiara* ; Ghielmi, Manlio* ; Fantoni, Roberto* 
2021Geology of the Northern Apennines nappe stack on eastern Elba (Italy): new insights on the Neogene orogenic evolution of the Northern Tyrrhenian SeaPapeschi, Samuele* ; Ryan, Eric* ; Musumeci, Giovanni* ; Mazzarini, Francesco* ; Garofalo, Paolo Stefano* ; Viola, Giulio* 
2001Geomagnetic depth sounding in the Northern Apennines (Italy)Armadillo, E.* ; Bozzo, E.* ; Cerv, V.* ; De Santis, A.* ; Di Mauro, D.* ; Gambetta, M.* ; Meloni, A.* ; Pek, J.* ; Speranza, F.* 
2009Late Pliocene-Quaternary evolution of outermost hinterland basins of the Northern Apennines (Italy), and their relevance to active tectonicsSani, F.* ; Bonini, M.* ; Piccardi, L.* ; Vannucci, G.* ; Delle Donne, D.* ; Benvenuti, M.* ; Moratti, G.* ; Corti, G.* ; Montanari, D.* ; Sedda, L.* ; Tanini, C.* 
24-Apr-2005Lateral Changes of seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle around the Northern ApenninesPondrelli, S.* ; Margheriti, L.* ; Baccheschi, P.* ; Piana Agostinetti, N.* ; Piccinini, D.* ; Plomerova, J.* ; Amato, A.* ; Park, J.* ; Brandon, M.* ; RETREAT Seismology Team* 
Dec-2014Looking for layered anisotropic structures in the mantle beneath the northern ApenninesSalimbeni, S.* ; Pondrelli, S.* ; Margheriti, L.* ; Levin, V.* ; Park, J.* 
2009Messinian-Early Pliocene crustal shortening along the Tyrrhenian margin of Tuscany, ItalySani, F.* ; Bonini, M.* ; Cerrina Feroni, A.* ; Mazzarini, F.* ; Moratti, G.* ; Musumeci, G.* ; Corti, G.* ; Iatta, F.* ; Ellero, A.*