Browsing by Subject Mount Etna

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 70  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Feb-2009The 16 November 2006 flank collapse of the south-east crater at Mount Etna, Italy: Study of the deposit and hazard assessmentNorini, G.* ; De Beni, E.* ; Andronico, D.* ; Polacci, M.* ; Burton, M. R.* ; Zucca, F.* 
1996The 1669 eruption at Mount Etna: chronology, petrology and geochemistry, with inferences on the magma sources and ascent mechanismCorsaro, R. A.* ; Cristofolini, R.* ; Patanè, L.* 
22-Dec-2020The 1974 West Flank Eruption of Mount Etna: A Data-Driven Model for a Low Elevation Effusive EventLormand, Charline* ; Harris, Andrew J. L.* ; Chevrel, Magdalena Oryaëlle* ; Calvari, Sonia* ; Gurioli, Lucia* ; Favalli, Massimiliano* ; Fornaciai, Alessandro* ; Nannipieri, Luca* 
6-Mar-2008The 4–5 September 2007 lava fountain at South-East Crater of Mt Etna, ItalyAndronico, D.* ; Cristaldi, A.* ; Scollo, S.* 
30-May-2019Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis spatial epidemiology in the Mount Etna region, ItalyBoumediene, F* ; Vasta, Rosario* ; Rascunà, Cristina* ; Lo Fermo, S.* ; Volanti, P* ; Marziolo, R.* ; Patti, F.* ; Ferrante, M* ; Preux, Pierre-Marie* ; Marin, B* ; Giammanco, Salvatore* ; Zappia, M.* ; Nicoletti, A.* 
Mar-2007Arrival of extremely volatile-rich high-Mg magmas changes explosivity of Mount EtnaKamenetsky, V. S.* ; Pompilio, M.* ; Métrich, N.* ; Sobolev, A. V.* ; Kuzmin, D. V.* ; Thomas, R.* 
Sep-2001The Catania 1669 lava eruptive crisis: simulation of a new possible eruptionCrisci, G. M.* ; Di Gregorio, S.* ; Rongo, R.* ; Scarpelli, M.* ; Spataro, W.* ; Calvari, S.* 
2006Characterization of volcanic thermal anomalies by means of sub-pixel temperature distribution analysisLombardo, V.* ; Buongiorno, M. F.* ; Amici, S.* 
4-Jun-2013Chlorine isotope composition of volcanic gases and rocks at Mount Etna (Italy) and inferences on the local mantle sourceRizzo, A. L.* ; Caracausi, A.* ; Liotta, M.* ; Paonita, A.* ; Barnes, J. D.* ; Corsaro, R. A.* ; Martelli, M.* 
29-Jan-2018Combined morphological and thermal analysis of lava flows: A way to boost understanding of emplacement dynamicsTarquini, Simone* ; Coppola, Diego* 
Jan-2009Comparison between different methodologies for detecting Radon in soil along an active fault: the case of the Pernicana fault system, Mt. Etna (Italy)Giammanco, S.* ; Immè, G.* ; Mangano, G.* ; Morelli, D.* ; Neri, M.* 
Mar-2013Continuous monitoring of fumarole temperatures at Mount Etna (Italy)Madonia, P.* ; Rizzo, A. L.* ; Diliberto, I. S.* ; Favara, R.* 
2015Crystal size distributions of plagioclase in lavas from the July–August 2001 Mount Etna eruptionFornaciai, Alessandro* ; Perinelli, Cristina* ; Armienti, Pietro* ; Favalli, Massimiliano* 
10-Oct-2003Cycles and trends in the recent eruptive behaviour of Mount Etna (Italy)Behncke, B.*; Neri, M.* 
2010Detecting short-term evolution of Etnean cinder cones: a LIDAR-based approachFornaciai, A.* ; Behncke, B.* ; Favalli, M.* ; Neri, M.* ; Tarquini, S.* ; Boschi, E.* 
30-Apr-2004Development of tumuli in the medial portion of the 1983 aa flow-field, Mount Etna, SicilyDuncan, A. M.* ; Guest, J. E.* ; Stofan, E.* ; Anderson, S.* ; Pinkerton, H.* ; Calvari, S.* 
2004Differences in Landsat TM derived lava flow thermal structures during summit and flank eruption at Mount EtnaLombardo, V.* ; Buongiorno, M. F.* ; Pieri, D.* ; Merucci, L.* 
1-Jun-2012Dispersion index of topographic surfacesFavalli, M.* ; Tarquini, S.* ; Fornaciai, A.* ; Boschi, E.* 
19-Oct-2023Double dare: Climate change and volcanic activity threatens local populations of Meta menardi (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) in SicilyNicolosi, Giuseppe* ; Piano, Elena* ; De Beni, Emanuela* ; Isaia, Marco* 
13-Nov-2004Dynamics of Mount Etna Volcano inferred from static and kinematic GPS measurementsPuglisi, G.* ; Bonforte, A.*