Browsing by Subject Education

Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Are educational initiatives in schools effectively contributing to prevention in Italy?Solarino, S. 
Feb-2011Earthquakes, The hows and whys. Focus on The February 23, 1887 Ligurian earthquakeBerenguer, Jean-Luc* ; Baroux, Emmanuel* ; Laurenti, André* ; Larroque, Christophe* ; Courboulex, Francoise* ; Solarino, Stefano* ; Leputh, Jessica* ; Salichon, Jerome* ; Trevisan, Jenny* ; Simonetti, Noric* ; Migeon, Sebastien* 
2012EDURISK e l'EuropaSolarino, S. 
2012Emergenza e informazioneNostro, C.* ; Camassi, R.* ; Crescimbene, M.* ; La Longa, F.* ; Ercolani, E.* 
Jul-2012Foreword and AcknowledgementsPeppoloni, S.* ; Di Capua, G.* 
Jul-2012Geoethics and geological culture: awareness, responsibility and challengesPeppoloni, S.* ; Di Capua, G.* 
Feb-2020Il Pianeta dei cambiamenti - La tettonica delle Placche. Storia di una teoria rivoluzionaria.Cianetti, Spina* ; Melini, Daniele* 
2009Il terremoto a scuola: una occasione di legame tra società e ricercaSolarino, S. 
2011International Summer School of Volcanology. Volcanic processes in basaltic volcanic islands: learning from monitoring and research activities of the recent eruptive crises of Stromboli – ForewordFrancalanci, L.* ; Rosi, M.* ; Pompilio, M.* 
31-Oct-2011La comunicazione della scienza all’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e VulcanologiaCerrato, S.* ; Rodari, P.* ; Nostro, C.* ; Castellano, C.* 
Jul-2014Layman's Report of the European Project UPStrat-MAFAFerreira, Monica Amaral* ; Falsaperla, Susanna* ; Oliveira, Carlos Sousa* ; Zonno, Gaetano* 
2014Long-Term Disaster-Prevention Strategies Based on EducationMusacchio, G.* ; Bernhardsdottir, A. E.* ; Ferreira, M. A.* ; Falsaperla, S.* ; UPStrat-MAFA Outreach Working Group, .* 
24-Sep-2015Marine Litter in the Pelagos Sanctuary: alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much!Merlino, Silvia* ; Locritani, Marina* ; Giovacchini, Alice* ; Strada, Serena* ; Lavarello, Ilaria* ; Lombardi, D.* 
Dec-2019Metodologie didattiche innovative di educazione dei rischi naturali nei progetti per le scuole del territorio spezzinoPiangiamore, Giovanna 
2021Playing games for risk prevention: design, implementation and testing of serious games in recent European projects UPStrat-MAFA and KnowRISKSolarino, Stefano* ; Ferreira, Monica Amaral* ; Musacchio, Gemma* ; Eva, Elena* 
Feb-2011Terremoti come e perchèBerenguer, Jean-Luc* ; Baroux, Emmanuel* ; Laurenti, André* ; Larroque, Christophe* ; Courboulex, Francoise* ; Solarino, Stefano* ; Leputh, Jessica* ; Salichon, Jerome* ; Trevisan, Jenny* ; Simonetti, Noric* ; Migeon, Sebastien*