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Showing results 1 to 20 of 33  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19-Feb-2004Aftershocks driven by a high-pressure CO2 source at depthMiller, S. A.* ; Collettini, C.* ; Chiaraluce, L.* ; Cocco, M.* ; Barchi, M.* ; Kaus, B. J. P.* 
2016Asynchronous changes of CO2, H2 and He concentrations in soil gases: a theoretical model and experimental resultsDi Martino, R. M. R.* ; Camarda, M.* ; Gurrieri, S.* ; Valenza, M.* 
6-May-2017Atmospheric dispersion modelling of CO2 emission in the Colli Albani volcanic district (central Italy)Gasparini, Andrea* ; Grandia, Fidel* ; Tarchini, Luca* 
4-Apr-2017Carbon isotope composition of CO2-rich inclusions in cumulate-forming mantle minerals from Stromboli volcano (Italy)Gennaro, Mimma Emanuela* ; Grassa, Fausto* ; Martelli, Mauro* ; Renzulli, Alberto* ; Rizzo, Andrea Luca* 
17-Apr-2015CO2 bubble generation and migration during magma-carbonate interactionBlythe, L. S.* ; Deegan, F. M.* ; Freda, C.* ; Jolis, E. M.* ; Masotta, M.* ; Misiti, V.* ; Taddeucci, J.* ; Troll, V. R.* 
2004CO2 soil flux at Vulcano (Italy): comparison between active and passive methodsCarapezza, M. L.* ; Granieri, D.* 
2010A CO2-rich gas trigger of explosive paroxysms at Stromboli basaltic volcano, ItalyAllard, P. 
Apr-2021The composition of fluids stored in the central Mexican lithospheric mantle: Inferences from noble gases and CO2 in mantle xenolithsSandoval-Velasquez, Andres* ; Rizzo, Andrea Luca* ; Frezzotti, Maria Luce* ; Saucedo, Ricardo* ; Aiuppa, Alessandro* 
2015The concentration transients of CO2, H2, and He in the volcanic gases: theoretical model and experimental resultsDi Martino, R. M. R.* ; Camarda, M.* ; Gurrieri, S.* ; Valenza, M.* 
Apr-2015Continuous monitoring of hydrogen and carbon dioxide at Stromboli volcanoDi Martino, R. M. R.* ; Camarda, M.* ; Gurrieri, S.* ; Valenza, M.*
Apr-2009Coupling high-frequency measurement of 222Rn, 220Rn in soil gases withGiammanco, S.* ; Lopez, M.* ; Neri, M.* ; Murè, F.* 
2015Detailed Petrophysical and Geophysical Characterization of Core Samples from the Potential Caprock-reservoir System in the Sulcis Coal Basin (Southwestern Sardinia – Italy)Fais, Silvana* ; Ligas, Paola* ; Cuccuru, Francesco* ; Maggio, Enrico* ; Plaisant, Alberto* ; Pettinau, Alberto* ; Casula, Giuseppe* ; Bianchi, Maria Giovanna* 
2023Dolostone pulverization induced by coseismic rapid decompression of CO2-rich gas in nature (Matese, Apennines, Italy)Billi, Andrea* ; Smeraglia, Luca* ; Aldega, Luca* ; Balsamo, Fabrizio* ; Barberio, Marino Domenico* ; Boschi, Chiara* ; Caracausi, Antonio* ; Carminati, Eugenio* ; Iannace, Alessandro* ; Mercuri, Marco* ; Pizzati, Mattia* ; Tavani, Stefano* 
21-Sep-2010Earth's degassingChiodini, G. 
2018Extensive CO2 degassing in the upper mantle beneath oceanic basaltic volcanoes: First insights from Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion Island)Boudoire, G.* ; Rizzo, Andrea Luca* ; Di Muro, A.* ; Grassa, Fausto* ; Liuzzo, Marco* 
2011First observational evidence for the CO2-driven origin of Stromboli’s major explosionsAiuppa, A.* ; Burton, M.* ; Allard, P.* ; Caltabiano, T.* ; Giudice, G.* ; Gurrieri, S.* ; Liuzzo, M.* ; Salerno, G.* 
2009Geochemical modeling of CO2 storage in deep reservoirs: The Weyburn Project (Canada) case studyCantucci, B.* ; Montegrossi, G.* ; Vaselli, O.* ; Tassi, F.* ; Quattrocchi, F.* ; Perkins, E. H.* 
4-Dec-2018Geochemistry of Noble Gases and CO2 in Fluid Inclusions From Lithospheric Mantle Beneath Wilcza Góra (Lower Silesia, Southwest Poland)Rizzo, Andrea Luca* ; Pelorosso, Beatrice* ; Coltorti, Massimo* ; Ntaflos, Theodoros* ; Bonadiman, Costanza* ; Matusiak-Małek, Magdalena* ; Italiano, Francesco* ; Bergonzoni, Giovanni* 
2006Hydrogeological insights at Stromboli volcano (Italy) from geoelectrical, temperature and CO2 soil degassing investigationsFinizola, A.* ; Revil, A.* ; Rizzo, E.* ; Piscitelli, S.* ; Ricci, T.* ; Morin, J.* ; Angeletti, B.* ; Mocochain, L.* ; Sortino, F.* 
2010Long term variations of the Campi Flegrei (Italy) volcanic system as revealed by the monitoring of hydrothermal activityChiodini, G.* ; Caliro, S.* ; Cardellini, C.* ; Granieri, D.* ; Avino, R.* ; Baldini, A.* ; Donnini, M.* ; Minopoli, C.*