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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Aug-2006An alternative 3D inversion method for magnetic anomalies with depth resolutionPignatelli, A.* ; Nicolosi, I.* ; Chiappini, M.* 
Dec-1994Application of seismogram synthesis to the study of earthquake source from strong motion recordsCotton, F.* ; Campiello, M.* 
Apr-2015Crustal setting of the Apennines from joint inversion of seismic tomography and magnetic anomaly data: Evidence from L'Aquila fault zone (Italy)Minelli, Liliana* ; Speranza, Fabio* 
2002Depth model building by constrained magnetotelluric inversionDell'Aversana, P.* ; Morandi, S.* 
2006Depth-to-the-bottom optimization for magnetic data inversion: Magnetic structure of the Latium volcanic region, ItalyCaratori Tontini, F.* ; Cocchi, L.* ; Carmisciano, C.* 
Dec-2006Detection of graves using the micro-resistivity methodMatias, H. C.* ; Monteiro Santos, F. A.* ; Rodrigues Ferreira, F. E.* ; Machado, C.* ; Luzio, R.* 
15-Dec-2009FEM inversion of DInSAR data of the 2009 L’Aquila Earthquake (Italy)Trasatti, E.* ; Kyriakopoulos, Christodoulos* ; Atzori, Simone* ; Chini, Marco* ; Salvi, Stefano* 
15-Dec-2009Finite fault inversion of DInSAR coseismic displacement of the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (central Italy)Atzori, S.* ; Hunstad, I.* ; Chini, M.* ; Salvi, S.* ; Tolomei, C.* ; Bignami, C.* ; Stramondo, S.* ; Trasatti, E.* ; Antonioli, A.* 
18-Jul-2007A global search inversion for earthquake kinematic rupture history: Application to the 2000 western Tottori, Japan earthquakePiatanesi, A.* ; Cirella, A.* ; Spudich, P.* ; Cocco, M.* 
May-2007Magnetic structural evidences of the 41° parallel zone (Tyrrhenian Sea) inferred from potential field data: the 3D model of the discontinuityCocchi, L.
25-Feb-2003Minimum 1-D velocity model in Southeastern Sicily (Italy) from local earthquake data: an improvement in location accuracyMusumeci, C.* ; Di Grazia, G.* ; Gresta, S.* 
4-Mar-2008Multi-exponential inversion of induced polarization relaxation signal of shaly sandTong, M. ; Tao, H. 
2013RECENT AEM CASE STUDY EXAMPLES USING A FULL WAVEFORM TIME-DOMAIN SYSTEM FOR NEAR-SURFACE APPLICATIONSPrikhodko, Alexander* ; Legault, Jean M.* ; Kwan, Karl* ; Eadie, Timothy* ; Oldenborger, Greg A.* ; Sapia, Vincenzo* ; Viezzoli, Andrea* ; Gloaguen, Erwan* ; Smith, Bruce D.* ; Best, Melvyn E.* 
16-Apr-2007Recent deformation at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) detected by DinSar and leveling techniquesManzo, M.* ; Trasatti, E.* ; Giunchi, C.* ; Casu, F.* ; Aquino, I.* ; Berardino, P.* ; Borgstrom, S.* ; Del Gaudio, C.* ; Manunta, M.* ; Ricciardi, G. P.* ; Santosti, E.* ; Tizzani, P.* 
Feb-2006Retrieving leaf area index from multi-angular airborne dataGarcía-Haro, F. J.* ; Camacho-de Coca, F.* ; Meliá, J.* 
Jan-2007Rupture Process of the 2004 Sumatra–Andaman Earthquake from Tsunami Waveform InversionPiatanesi, A.* ; Lorito, S.* 
23-Aug-2008Rupture process of the 2007 Niigata-ken Chuetsu-oki earthquake by non-linear joint inversion of strong motion and GPS dataCirella, A.* ; Piatanesi, A.* ; Tinti, E.* ; Cocco, M.* 
Jan-1997Seismic tomography of the Gulf of Corinth: a comparison of methodsLe Meur, H.* ; Virieux, J.* ; Podvin, P.* 
Dec-2000Seismic transmission tomography: determination of the elastic properties of building structures (some examples)Cardarelli, E. 
Oct-1997Stress tensor computation from earthquake fault-plane solutions: an application to seismic swarms at Mt. Etna volcano (Italy)Gresta, S.* ; Musumeci, C.*