Browsing by Author Bachmann, Olivier

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Ascent and decompressional boiling of geothermal liquids tracked by solute mass balances: a key to understand the hydrothermal explosions of Milos (Greece)Chiodini, Giovanni* ; Bini, Giulio* ; Massaro, Silvia* ; Caliro, Stefano* ; Kanellopoulos, Christos* ; Tassi, Franco* ; Vaselli, Orlando* ; Vougioukalakis, Georgios* ; Bachmann, Olivier* 
2018Crystallization and partial melting of rhyolite and felsite rocks at Krafla volcano: A comparative approach based on mineral and glass chemistry of natural and experimental productsMasotta, M.* ; Mollo, Silvio* ; Nazzari, Manuela* ; Tecchiato, Vanni* ; Scarlato, Piergiorgio* ; Papale, Paolo* ; Bachmann, O.* 
2021Decoding multiple zoning patterns in clinopyroxene phenocrysts at Vulcano Island: A record of dynamic crystallization through interconnected reservoirsPalummo, Flavia* ; Mollo, Silvio* ; Petrone, Chiara Maria* ; Ellis, Ben* ; De Astis, Gianfilippo* ; Nazzari, Manuela* ; Scarlato, Piergiorgio* ; Bachmann, Olivier* 
2020Deep versus shallow sources of CO2 and Rn from a multi-parametric approach: the case of the Nisyros caldera (Aegean Arc, Greece)Bini, Giulio* ; Chiodini, Giovanni* ; Lucchetti, Carlo* ; Moschini, Piergiorgio* ; Caliro, Stefano* ; Mollo, Silvio* ; Selva, Jacopo* ; Tuccimei, Paola* ; Galli, Gianfranco* ; Bachmann, Olivier* 
2019Diffuse emission of CO2 and convective heat release at Nisyros caldera (Greece)Bini, Giulio* ; Chiodini, Giovanni* ; Cardellini, Carlo* ; Vougioukalakis, Georges* ; Bachmann, Olivier* 
2019The effect of CaO on the partitioning behavior of REE, Y and Sc between olivine and melt: Implications for basalt-carbonate interaction processesDi Stefano, Flavio* ; Mollo, Silvio* ; Blundy, Jonathan* ; Scarlato, Piergiorgio* ; Nazzari, Manuela* ; Bachmann, Olivier* 
14-Jan-2022Garnet petrochronology reveals the lifetime and dynamics of phonolitic magma chambers at Somma-VesuviusWotzlaw, Jörn-Frederik* ; Bastian, Lena* ; Guillong, Marcel* ; Forni, Francesca* ; Laurent, Oscar* ; Neukampf, Julia* ; Sulpizio, Roberto* ; Chelle-Michou, Cyril* ; Bachmann, Olivier* 
2018An integrated P-T-H2O-lattice strain model to quantify the role of clinopyroxene fractionation on REE+Y and HFSE patterns of mafic alkaline magmas: Application to eruptions at Mt. EtnaMollo, Silvio* ; Blundy, Jonathan* ; Scarlato, Piergiorgio* ; De Cristofaro, Serena Pia* ; Tecchiato, Vanni* ; Di Stefano, Flavio* ; Vetere, Francesco* ; Holtz, Francois* ; Bachmann, Olivier* 
2015A K-feldspar–liquid hygrometer specific to alkaline differentiated magmasMollo, Silvio* ; Masotta, Matteo* ; Forni, Francesca* ; Bachmann, Olivier* ; De Astis, Gianfilippo* ; Moore, Gordon* ; Scarlato, Piergiorgio* 
Nov-2018Long-term magmatic evolution reveals the beginning of a new caldera cycle at Campi FlegreiForni, Francesca* ; Degruyter, Wim* ; Bachmann, Olivier* ; De Astis, Gianfilippo* ; Mollo, Silvio* 
28-Oct-2016MeMoVolc report on classification and dynamics of volcanic explosive eruptionsBonadonna, C.* ; Cioni, R.* ; Costa, A.* ; Druitt, T.* ; Phillips, J.* ; Pioli, L.* ; Andronico, D.* ; Harris, A.* ; Scollo, S.* ; Bachmann, O.* ; Bagheri, G.* ; Biass, S.* ; Brogi* ; Cashman, K.* ; Dominguez, L* ; Dürig, T.* ; Galland, O.* ; Giordano, G.* ; Gudmundsson, M.* ; Hort, M.* ; Höskuldsson, A.* ; Houghton, B.* ; Komorowski, J. C.* ; Küppers, U.* ; Lacanna, G.* ; Le Pennec, J. L.* ; Macedonio, G.* ; Manga, M.* ; Manzella, I.* ; de’ Michieli Vitturi, M.* ; Neri, A.* ; Pistolesi, M.* ; Polacci, M.* ; Ripepe, M.* ; Rossi, E.* ; Scheu, B.* ; Sulpizio, R.* ; Tripoli, B.* ; Valade, S.* ; Valentine, G.* ; Vidal, C.* ; Wallenstein, N.* 
2019Modeling the Crystallization and Emplacement Conditions of a Basaltic Trachyandesitic Sill at Mt. Etna VolcanoNazzari, Manuela* ; Di Stefano, Flavio* ; Mollo, Silvio* ; Scarlato, Piergiorgio* ; Tecchiato, Vanni* ; Ellis, Ben* ; Bachmann, Olivier* ; Ferlito, Carmelo* 
2014New petrological constraints on the last eruptive phase of the Sabatini Volcanic District (central Italy): Clues from mineralogy, geochemistry, and Sr–Nd isotopesDel Bello, E.* ; Mollo, S.* ; Scarlato, P.* ; von Quadt, A.* ; Forni, F.* ; Bachmann, O.* 
2022Nitrogen, helium, and argon reveal the magmatic signature of fumarole gases and episodes of outgassing from upper-crustal magma reservoirs: The case of the Nisyros caldera (Aegean Arc, Greece)Bini, Giulio* ; Chiodini, Giovanni* ; Caliro, Stefano* ; Tassi, Franco* ; Vaselli, Orlando* ; Rizzo, Andrea Luca* ; Mollo, Silvio* ; Vougioukalakis, Georgios E* ; Bachmann, Olivier* 
2018Olivine compositional changes in primitive magmatic skarn environments: A reassessment of divalent cation partitioning models to quantify the effect of carbonate assimilationDi Stefano, Flavio* ; Mollo, Silvio* ; Scarlato, Piergiorgio* ; Nazzari, Manuela* ; Bachmann, Olivier* ; Caruso, Marco* 
2016The origin of a zoned ignimbrite: Insights into the Campanian Ignimbrite magma chamber (Campi Flegrei, Italy)Forni, Francesca* ; Bachmann, Olivier* ; Mollo, Silvio* ; De Astis, Gianfilippo* ; Gelman, Sarah E* ; Ellis, Ben S* 
2018Petrological constraints on the high-Mg basalts from Capo Marargiu (Sardinia, Italy): Evidence of cryptic amphibole fractionation in polybaric environmentsTecchiato, Vanni* ; Gaeta, Mario* ; Mollo, Silvio* ; Scarlato, Piergiorgio* ; Bachmann, Olivier* ; Perinelli, Cristina* 
2020A review of the lattice strain and electrostatic effects on trace element partitioning between clinopyroxene and melt: Applications to magmatic systems saturated with Tschermak-rich clinopyroxenesMollo, Silvio* ; Blundy, Jonathan* ; Scarlato, Piergiorgio* ; Vetere, Francesco* ; Holtz, Francois* ; Bachmann, Olivier* ; Gaeta, Mario* 
2018The role of magma mixing/mingling and cumulate melting in the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff caldera-forming eruption (Campi Flegrei, Southern Italy)Forni, Francesca* ; Petricca, Eleonora* ; Bachmann, Olivier* ; Mollo, Silvio* ; De Astis, Gianfilippo* ; Piochi, Monica* 
2018Snapshots of primitive arc magma evolution recorded by clinopyroxene textural and compositional variations: The case of hybrid crystal-rich enclaves from Capo Marargiu Volcanic District (Sardinia, Italy)Tecchiato, Vanni* ; Gaeta, Mario* ; Mollo, Silvio* ; Bachmann, Olivier* ; von Quadt, Albrecht* ; Scarlato, Piergiorgio*