Browsing by Author Nielsen, Stefan

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 59  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Can earthquake size be controlled by the initial seconds of rupture?Nielsen, S. 
2000Constraints on stress and friction from dynamic rupture models of the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquakeNielsen, S.* ; Olsen, K.* 
Oct-2013Coseismic recrystallization during shallow earthquake slipSmith, S. A. F.* ; Di Toro, G.* ; Kim, S.* ; Ree, J.-H.* ; Nielsen, S. B.* ; Billi, A.* ; Spiess, R.* 
2012Deformation and ultrafine dynamic recrystallization of quartz in pseudotachylyte-bearing brittle faults: A matter of a few secondsBestmann, M.* ; Pennacchioni, G.* ; Nielsen, S.* ; Goeken, M.* ; de Wall, H.* 
Apr-2007Detailed analysis of wave propagation beneath the Campi Flegrei Caldera, ItalyNisii, V.* ; Saccorotti, G.* ; Nielsen, S.* 
2022Determination of parameters characteristic of dynamic weakening mechanisms during coseismic slipCornelio, Chiara* ; Spagnuolo, Elena* ; Nielsen, Stefan* ; Aretusini, Stefano* ; Passelègue, François. X.* ; Violay, Marie* ; Cocco, Massimo* ; Di Toro, Giulio* 
28-Sep-2011Earthquake fault dynamics: Insights from laboratory experimentsNielsen, Stefan* ; et, al.* 
2006Earthquake magnitude estimation from peak amplitudes of very early seismic signals on strong motion recordsZollo, A.* ; Lancieri, M.* ; Nielsen, S.* 
2019Earthquake Nucleation Size: Evidence of Loading Rate Dependence in Laboratory FaultsGuérin‐Marthe, Simon* ; Nielsen, Stefan* ; Bird, Robert* ; Giani, Stefano* ; Di Toro, Giulio* 
2005Earthquake rupture dynamics frozen in exhumed ancient faultsDi Toro, G.* ; NIelsen, S.* ; Pennacchioni, G.* 
1998Earthquakes on dipping faults: the effects of broken symmetryOglesby, D.* ; Archuleta, R.* ; Nielsen, S.* 
Jan-2014Effect of glass on the frictional behavior of basalts at seismic slip ratesViolay, M. E. S.* ; Di Toro, G.* ; Nielsen, S. B.* ; Gilbert, B.* ; Spagnuolo, E.* ; Azais, P.* ; Del Gaudio, P.* ; Scarlato, P.* 
Dec-2013Effect of water on the frictional behavior of cohesive rocks during earthquakesViolay, M. E. S.* ; Nielsen, S. B.* ; Gibert, B.* ; Spagnuolo, E.* ; Cavallo, A.* ; Azais, P.* ; Vinciguerra, S.* ; Di Toro, G.* 
16-Apr-2016An empirically based steady state friction law and implications for fault stabilitySpagnuolo, Elena* ; Nielsen, S.* ; Violay, M.* ; Di Toro, Giulio* 
1-Jun-2010Energy radiation from intermediate to large magnitude earthquakes: implications for dynamic fault weakeningMalagnini, L.* ; Nielsen, S.* ; Mayeda, K.* ; Boschi, E.* 
2009Estimating earthquake magnitude with early arrivals; a test using dynamic and kinematic modelsMurphy, S.* ; Nielsen, S.* 
2010Experimental observation of stick-slip instability frontsNielsen, S.* ; Taddeucci, J.* ; Vinciguerra, S.* 
24-Mar-2011Fault lubrication during earthquakesDi Toro, G.* ; Han, R.* ; Hirose, T.* ; De Paola, N.* ; Nielsen, S.* ; Mizoguchi, K.* ; Ferri, F.* ; Cocco, M.* ; Shimamoto, T.* 
2011Fault roughness at seismogenic depths from LIDAR and photogrammetric analysisBistacchi, A.* ; Griffith, W. A.* ; Smith, S.* ; Di Toro, G.* ; Jones, R.* ; Nielsen, S.* 
25-Sep-2007Fault weakness during seismic slipDi Toro, G.* ; Nielsen, S.*