Browsing by Author Meschis, Marco

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2024Crustal uplift rates implied by synchronously investigating Late Quaternary marine terraces in the Milazzo Peninsula, Northeast Sicily, ItalyMeschis, Marco* ; Romano, Davide* ; Palano, Mimmo* ; Scicchitano, Giovanni* ; De Santis, Vincenzo* ; Scardino, Giovanni* ; Gattuso, Alessandro* ; Caruso, Cinzia Giuseppina* ; Sposito, Fabio* ; Lazzaro, Gianluca* ; Scirè Scappuzzo, Sergio Simone* ; Semprebello, Agostino* ; Morici, Sabina* ; Longo, Manfredi* 
2020Distributed normal faulting in the tip zone of the South Alkyonides Fault System, Gulf of Corinth, constrained using 36Cl exposure dating of late-Quaternary wave-cut platformsRobertson, Jennifer* ; Roberts, G. P.* ; Iezzi, Francesco* ; Meschis, Marco* ; Gheorghiu, D. M.* ; Sahy, Diana* ; Bristow, C.* ; Sgambato, C.* 
2024Empirical scaling correlations between fault lengths and fault slip-rates in seismically-active extensional regions: The Calabria and Messina Strait region (southern Italy) as case studyMeschis, Marco* ; Roberts, Gerald* ; Sgambato, Claudia* ; Michetti, Alessandro Maria* ; Livio, Franz* ; Mildon, Zoe* ; Faure Walker, Joanna* ; Iezzi, Francesco* ; Robertson, Jennifer* ; Gattuso, Alessandro* ; Barberio, Marino Domenico* ; Randazzo, Paolo* ; Caracausi, Antonio* 
2013The implications of revised Quaternary palaeoshoreline chronologies for the rates of active extension and uplift in the upper plate of subduction zonesRoberts, G. P.* ; Meschis, Marco* ; Houghton, S* ; Underwood, C* ; Briant, Rebecca* 
Nov-2023Influence of Fault System Geometry and Slip Rates on the Relative Role of Coseismic and Interseismic Stresses on Earthquake Triggering and Recurrence VariabilitySgambato, Claudia* ; Faure Walker, Joanna* ; Roberts, Gerald P* ; Mildon, Zoe K* ; Meschis, Marco* 
Aug-2023A MATLAB toolbox for computation of velocity and strain rate field from GNSS coordinate time seriesTeza, Giordano* ; Pesci, Arianna* ; Meschis, Marco* 
Jan-2023Middle-late Pleistocene chronology of palaeoshorelines and uplift history in the low-rising to stable Apulian foreland: Overprinting and reoccupationDe Santis, Vincenzo* ; Scardino, Giovanni* ; Scicchitano, Giovanni* ; Meschis, Marco* ; Montagna, Paolo* ; Pons-Branchu, Edwige* ; Ortiz, José E* ; Sánchez-Palencia, Yolanda* ; Caldara, Massimo* 
2018Neogene-Quaternary slow coastal uplift of Western Europe through the perspective of sequences of strandlines from the Cotentin Peninsula (Normandy, France)Pedoja, K* ; Jara-Muñoz, J* ; De Gelder, G* ; Robertson, J* ; Meschis, Marco* ; Fernandez-Blanco, D* ; Nexer, M* ; Poprawski, Yohann* ; Dugué, O* ; Delcaillau, B* ; Bessin, P* ; Benabdelouahed, M* ; Authemayou, C* ; Husson, L* ; Regard, V* ; Menier, D* ; Pinel, B* 
Jun-2024New chronology for submerged relict paleoshorelines and associated rates of crustal vertical movements offshore the Marzamemi village, Sicily (Southern Italy)Varzi, Andrea Giulia* ; Meschis, Marco* ; Fallati, Luca* ; Scicchitano, Giovanni* ; De Santis, Vincenzo* ; Scardino, Giovanni* ; Basso, Daniela* ; Bracchi, Valentina Alice* ; Savini, Alessandra* 
1-Nov-2022Out of phase Quaternary uplift-rate changes reveal normal fault interaction, implied by deformed marine palaeoshorelinesMeschis, Marco* ; Roberts, G. P.* ; Robertson, Jennifer* ; Mildon, Zoe K* ; Sahy, Diana* ; Goswami, R* ; Sgambato, C* ; Faure Walker, Joanna* ; Michetti, Alessandro Maria* ; Iezzi, Francesco* 
Sep-2023Quaternary uplift of palaeoshorelines in southwestern Crete: the combined effect of extensional and compressional faultingRobertson, Jennifer* ; Roberts, G. P.* ; Ganas, Athanassios* ; Meschis, Marco* ; Gheorghiu, Delia M* ; Shanks, Richard P* 
23-Oct-2022Refining Rates of Active Crustal Deformation in the Upper Plate of Subduction Zones, Implied by Geological and Geodetic Data: The E-Dipping West Crati Fault, Southern ItalyMeschis, Marco* ; Teza, Giordano* ; Serpelloni, Enrico* ; Elia, Letizia* ; Lattanzi, Giovanni* ; Di Donato, Miriana* ; Castellaro, Silvia* 
2021Refining the middle-late Pleistocene chronology of marine terraces and uplift history in a sector of the Apulian foreland (southern Italy) by applying a synchronous correlation technique and amino acid racemization to Patella spp. and Thetystrombus latusDe Santis, Vincenzo* ; Scardino, Giovanni* ; Meschis, Marco* ; Ortiz, José* ; Sánchez-Palencia, Yolanda* 
2020Regional Deformation and Offshore Crustal Local Faulting as Combined Processes to Explain Uplift Through Time Constrained by Investigating Differentially Uplifted Late Quaternary Paleoshorelines: The Foreland Hyblean Plateau, SE SicilyMeschis, Marco* ; Scicchitano, Giovanni* ; Roberts, Gerald P* ; Robertson, Jennifer* ; Barreca, Giovanni* ; Monaco, Carmelo* ; Spampinato, Cecilia Rita* ; Sahy, Diana* ; Antonioli, Fabrizio* ; Mildon, Zoe K* ; Scardino, Giovanni* 
2018The Relationships Between Regional Quaternary Uplift, Deformation Across Active Normal Faults, and Historical Seismicity in the Upper Plate of Subduction Zones: The Capo D'Orlando Fault, NE SicilyMeschis, Marco* ; Roberts, G. P.* ; Robertson, J.* ; Briant, Rebecca* 
2019Slip on a mapped normal fault for the 28th December 1908 Messina earthquake (Mw 7.1) in ItalyMeschis, Marco* ; Roberts, Gerald* ; Mildon, Zoe* ; Robertson, Jennifer* ; Michetti, Alessandro Maria* ; Faure Walker, Joanna* 
Apr-2024Spatial migration of temporal earthquake clusters driven by the transfer of differential stress between neighbouring fault/shear-zone structuresRoberts, G P* ; Sgambato, Claudia* ; Mildon, Zoe K* ; Iezzi, Francesco* ; Beck, Joakim* ; Robertson, Jennifer* ; Papanikolaou, Ioannis* ; Michetti, Alessandro Maria* ; Faure Walker, Joanna P* ; Meschis, Marco* ; Shanks, Richard* ; Phillips, R* ; McCaffrey, Kenneth J W* ; Vittori, Eutizio* ; Mitchell, S* 
Nov-2022Surface faulting earthquake clustering controlled by fault and shear-zone interactionsMildon, Zoe K* ; Roberts, Gerald P* ; Faure Walker, Joanna* ; Beck, Joakim* ; Papanikolaou, Ioannis* ; Michetti, Alessandro Maria* ; Toda, Shinji* ; Iezzi, Francesco* ; Campbell, Lucy* ; McCaffrey, Kenneth J. W.* ; Shanks, Richard* ; Sgambato, Claudia* ; Robertson, Jennifer* ; Meschis, Marco* ; Vittori, Eutizio* 
2019Temporally constant Quaternary uplift rates and their relationship with extensional upper‐plate faults in south Crete (Greece), constrained with 36-Cl cosmogenic exposure datingRobertson, Jennifer* ; Meschis, Marco* ; Roberts, Gerald* ; Ganas, Athanassios* ; Gheorghiu, Delia M*