Browsing by Author Obermann, Anne

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20203D crustal structure of the Eastern Alpine region from ambient noise tomographyMolinari, Irene* ; Obermann, Anne* ; Kissling, Edi* ; Hetényi, Gyorgy* ; Boschi, Lapo* ; AlpArray-EASI, Working Group* 
Dec-2021Constraining the Moho Depth Below Bhutan With Global-Phase Seismic InterferometryObermann, Anne* ; Ruigrok, Elmer* ; Bianchi, Irene* ; Hetényi, Gyorgy* 
Nov-2023Editorial: Women in science: seismology 2022Ciaccio, Maria Grazia* ; Soldati, Gaia* ; Obermann, Anne* 
10-Oct-2018Enhanced hydrothermal processes at the new-born Lusi eruptive system, IndonesiaLupi, Matteo* ; Mazzini, Adriano* ; Sciarra, Alessandra* ; Collignon, Marine* ; Schmid, Daniel W.* ; Husein, Alwi* ; Romeo, Giovanni* ; Obermann, Anne* ; Karyono, Karyono* 
7-Nov-2017Esperimento di sismica passiva per lo studio di dettaglio dei vulcani di fango nella Riserva Naturale Regionale delle Salse di Nirano (Modena)Giovani, Lucian* ; Vallocchia, Massimiliano* ; Antunes, Veronica* ; Lupi, Matteo* ; Obermann, Anne* ; Mazzini, Adriano* ; Sciarra, Alessandra* ; Ricci, Tullio* ; Moretti, Milena* 
29-Jun-2022Insights into the dynamics of the Nirano Mud Volcano through seismic characterization of drumbeat signals and V/H analysisAntunes, Veronica* ; Planès, Thomas* ; Obermann, Anne* ; Panzera, Francesco* ; D'Amico, Sebastiano* ; Mazzini, Adriano* ; Sciarra, Alessandra* ; Ricci, Tullio* ; Lupi, Matteo* 
27-May-2021Moho topography beneath the European Eastern Alps by global-phase seismic interferometryBianchi, Irene* ; Ruigrok, Elmer* ; Obermann, Anne* ; Kissling, Edi* 
May-2019Structure of Masaya and Momotombo volcano, Nicaragua, investigated with a temporary seismic networkObermann, Anne* ; Molinari, Irene* ; Métaxian, Jean-Philippe* ; Grigoli, Francesco* ; Strauch, Wilfried* ; Wiemer, Stefan*