Browsing by Author Pulvirenti, Fabio

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2021The 2011-2019 Long Valley Caldera inflation: New insights from separation of superimposed geodetic signals and 3D modelingSilverii, Francesca* ; Pulvirenti, Fabio* ; Montgomery-Brown, Emily* ; Borsa, Adrian A* ; Neely, W R* 
Oct-2014An adjoint-based FEM optimization of coseismic displacements following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake: new insights for the limits of the upper plate reboundPulvirenti, F.* ; Jin, S.* ; Aloisi, M.* 
10-Mar-2017The December 2015 Mount Etna eruption: An analysis of inflation/deflation phases and faulting processesAloisi, Marco* ; Jin, Shuanggen* ; Pulvirenti, Fabio* ; Scaltrito, Antonio* 
9-Feb-2023Dynamics of volcanic vortex ringsPulvirenti, Fabio* ; Scollo, Simona* ; Ferlito, Carmelo* ; Schwandner, Florian M* 
13-May-2011Magma, faults, and gravitational loading at Mount Etna: The 2002–2003 eruptive periodAloisi, M.* ; Mattia, M.* ; Monaco, C.* ; Pulvirenti, F.* 
2021A New Analysis of Caldera Unrest through the Integration of Geophysical Data and FEM Modeling: The Long Valley Caldera Case StudyPulvirenti, Fabio* ; Silverii, Francesca* ; Battaglia, Maurizio* 
2021New fault slip distribution for the 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor Cucapah earthquake based on realistic 3D finite element inversions of coseismic displacements using space geodetic dataPulvirenti, Fabio* ; Liu, Zhen* ; Lundgren, Paul* ; Gonzalez‐Ortega, Alejandro* ; Aloisi, Marco* 
2017Present-day kinematics and deformation processes in the southern Tyrrhenian region: new insights on the northern Sicily extensional beltNeri, Giancarlo* ; Siligato, Giuseppe* ; Totaro, Cristina* ; Pulvirenti, Fabio* ; Presti, Debora* ; Palano, Mimmo* ; Cannavò, Flavio* ; Aloisi, Marco* ; Orecchio, Barbara* 
Sep-2017Time-dependent Coulomb stress changes induced by the 2002-2003 Etna magmatic intrusions and implications on following seismic activitiesPulvirenti, F.* ; Aloisi, M.* ; Jin, S.*