Browsing by Author Trolese, Matteo

Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Advances in our understanding of pyroclastic current behavior from the 1980 eruption sequence of Mount St. Helens volcano (Washington), USABrand, Brittany* ; Pollock, Nicholas* ; Vallance, James W* ; Esposti Ongaro, Tomaso* ; Roche, Olivier* ; Trolese, Matteo* ; Giordano, Guido* ; Marshall, Aaron A* ; Criswell, William* 
2017Assessment of thermal evolution of Paleozoic successions of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland)Schito, Andrea* ; Corrado, Sveva* ; Trolese, Matteo* ; Aldega, Luca* ; Caricchi, Chiara* ; Cirilli, Simonetta* ; Grigo, Domenico* ; Guedes, Alexandra* ; Romano, Claudia* ; Spina, Amalia* ; Valentim, Bruno* 
Jun-2019The footprint of column collapse regimes on pyroclastic flow temperatures and plume heightsTrolese, Matteo* ; Cerminara, Matteo* ; Esposti Ongaro, Tomaso* ; Giordano, Guido* 
15-Nov-2017Forced transport of thermal energy in magmatic and phreatomagmatic large volume ignimbrites: Paleomagnetic evidence from the Colli Albani volcano, ItalyTrolese, Matteo* ; Giordano, Guido* ; Cifelli, Francesca* ; Winkler, Aldo* ; Mattei, Massimo* 
Jul-2017Reply to Narkiewicz (2017) comment on “Thermal evolution of Paleozoic successions of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland)”Schito, Andrea* ; Corrado, S.* ; Trolese, Matteo* ; Aldega, Luca* ; Caricchi, Chiara* ; Cirilli, Simonetta* ; Grigo, D.* ; Guedes, A.* ; Spina, A.* ; Valentim, B.* 
1-Feb-2024Thermal transient PDC behavior induced by topographic drops: A test case at Mt. St. Helens, USATrolese, Matteo* ; Cerminara, Matteo* ; Giordano, Guido* ; Brand, Brittany* ; Pollock, Nicholas* ; Cifelli, Francesca* ; Mattei, Massimo*