Browsing by Author Argnani, Andrea

Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023The 1908 Messina Straits Earthquake: Cornerstones and the Need to Step ForwardArgnani, Andrea* ; Pino, Nicola Alessandro* 
2004An atlas of Mediterranean seismicityVannucci, G.* ; Pondrelli, S.* ; Argnani, A.* ; Morelli, A.* ; Gasperini, P.* ; Boschi, E.* 
2015Constraints on the geodynamic evolution of the Africa-Iberia plate margin across the Gibraltar Strait from seismic tomographyMonna, S.* ; Argnani, A.* ; Cimini, G. B.* ; Frugoni, F.* ; Montuori, C.* 
2013The deformation offshore of Mount Etna as imaged by multichannel seismic reflection profilesArgnani, A.* ; Mazzarini, F.* ; Bonazzi, C.* ; Bisson, M.* ; Isola, I.* 
13-Aug-2014Fast geodetic strain-rates in eastern Sicily (southern Italy): New insights into block tectonics and seismic potential in the area of the great 1693 earthquakeMastrolembo Ventura, B.* ; Serpelloni, E.* ; Argnani, A.* ; Bonforte, A.* ; Burgmann, R.* ; Anzidei, M.* ; Baldi, P.* ; Puglisi, G.* 
Jun-1997Foreland deformation in the Central Adriatic and its bearing on the evolution of the Northern ApenninesArgnani, A.* ; Frugoni, F.* 
1993Foreland deformational pattern in the Southern Adriatic SeaArgnani, A.* ; Favali, P.* ; Frugoni, F.* ; Gasperini, M.* ; Ligi, M.* ; Marani, M.* ; Mattietti, G.* ; Mele, G.* 
1994Foreland tectonics in the southern Adriatic SeaArgnani, A.* ; Bortoluzzi, G.* ; Favali, P.* ; Frugoni, F.* ; Gasperini, M.* ; Ligi, M.* ; Marani, M.* ; Mattietti, G.* ; Mele, G.* 
2019Integrated crustal model beneath the Po Plain (Northern Italy) from surface wave tomography and Bouguer gravity dataTondi, Rosaria* ; Vuan, Alessandro* ; Borghi, Alessandra* ; Argnani, Andrea* 
25-Jan-2007Kinematics of theWestern Africa-Eurasia plate boundary from focal mechanisms and GPS dataSerpelloni, E.* ; Vannucci, G.* ; Pondrelli, S.* ; Argnani, A.* ; Casula, G.* ; Anzidei, M.* ; Baldi, P.* ; Gasperini, P.* 
30-May-2015The May 20 (M W 6.1) and 29 (M W 6.0), 2012, Emilia (Po Plain, northern Italy) earthquakes: New seismotectonic implications from subsurface geology and high-quality hypocenter locationCarannante, S.* ; Argnani, A.* ; Massa, M.* ; D'Alema, E.* ; Lovati, S.* ; Moretti, M.* ; Cattaneo, M.* ; Augliera, P.* 
Oct-2007Pattern of deformation around the central Aeolian Islands: evidence from multichannel seismics and GPS dataArgnani, A.* ; Serpelloni, E.* ; Bonazzi, C.* 
2012Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Messina Strait Area (Sicily, Italy)Grezio, A.* ; Sandri, L.* ; Marzocchi, W.* ; Argnani, A.* ; Gasparini, P.* ; Selva, J.* 
31-Mar-2020Progetto SPOT - Sismicità Potenzialmente Innescabile Offshore e Tsunami: Report integrato di fine progettoAntoncecchi, Ilaria* ; Ciccone, Francesco* ; Dialuce, Gilberto* ; Grandi, Silvia* ; Terlizzeze, Franco* ; Di Bucci, Daniela* ; Dolce, Mauro* ; Argnani, Andrea* ; Mercorella, Alessandra* ; Pellegrini, Claudio* ; Rovere, Marzia* ; Armigliato, Alberto* ; Pagnoni, Gianluca* ; Paparo, Maria Ausilia* ; Tinti, Stefano* ; Zaniboni, Filippo* ; Basili, Roberto* ; Cavallaro, Danilo* ; Coltelli, Mauro* ; Firetto Carlino, Marco* ; Lipparini, Lorenzo* ; Lorito, Stefano* ; Maesano, Francesco Emanuele* ; Romano, Fabrizio* ; Scarfì, Luciano* ; Tiberti, Mara Monica* ; Volpe, Manuela* ; Fedorik, Jakub* ; Toscani, Giovanni* ; Borzi, Barbara* ; Faravelli, Marta* ; Bozzoni, Francesca* ; Pascale, Venanzio* ; Quaroni, Davide* ; Germagnoli, Fabio* ; Belliazzi, Stefano* ; Del Zoppo, Marta* ; Di Ludovico, Marco* ; Lignola, Gian Piero* ; Prota, Andrea* 
Dec-2016Reply to the “Comment on “The May 1 20 (MW 6.1) and 29 (MW 6.0), 2012, Emilia (Po Plain, northern Italy) earthquakes: New seismotectonic implications from subsurface geology and high-quality hypocenter location” by Carannante et al., 2015” by Bonini L., et alArgnani, Andrea* ; Carannante, Simona* ; Massa, Marco* ; Lovati, Sara* ; D'Alema, Ezio* 
2016The role of continental margins in the final stages of arc formation: Constraints from teleseismic tomography of the Gibraltar and Calabrian Arc (Western Mediterranean)Argnani, Andrea* ; Cimini, Giovanni Battista* ; Frugoni, Francesco* ; Monna, Stephen* ; Montuori, Caterina* 
Jun-2000The Southern Tyrrhenian subduction system: recent evolution and neotectonic implicationsArgnani, A. 
Jun-2001Tectonics and seismicity of the ApulianRidge south of Salento peninsula(Southern Italy)Argnani, A.* ; Frugoni, F.* ; Cosi, R.* ; Ligi, M.* ; Favali, P.* 
1996Tettonica dell'Adriatico meridionaleArgnani, A.* ; Favali, P.* ; Frugoni, F.* ; Gasperini, M.* ; Ligi, M.* ; Marani, M.* ; Mele, G.* 
20-Jan-2021Tsunamis From Submarine Collapses Along the Eastern Slope of the Gela Basin (Strait of Sicily)Zaniboni, Filippo* ; Pagnoni, Gianluca* ; Paparo, Maria Ausilia* ; Gauchery, Tugdual* ; Rovere, Marzia* ; Argnani, Andrea* ; Armigliato, Alberto* ; Tinti, Stefano*