Browsing by Author Di Bartolomeo, Paolo

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
24-Aug-20142014 state-of-the-art of the OGS Northeastern Italy Seismic NetworkPesaresi, Damiano* ; Saraò, Angela* ; Bragato, Pier Luigi* ; Di Bartolomeo, Paolo* ; Durì, Giorgio* ; Bertoni, Michele* 
2006ACQUIRING SEISMIC DATA IN THE NORTH-EAST OF ITALY: THE OGS-CRS EXPERIENCE IN USING THE ANTELOPE SOFTWARE SUITEPesaresi, D.* ; Bragato, P. L.* ; Di Bartolomeo, P.* ; Durì, G.* ; Govoni, A.* ; Ponton, F.* ; Zuliani, D.* 
6-Sep-2010Acquiring, archiving, analyzing and exchanging seismic data in real time at the Seismological Research Center of the OG S in Italy: an updated viewSaraò, Angela* ; Pesaresi, Damiano* ; Bragato, Pier Luigi* ; Di Bartolomeo, Paolo* ; Plasencia Linares, Milton Percy* 
2-May-2010Acquiring, archiving, analyzing and exchanging seismic data in real time at the Seismological Research Center of the OGS in ItalySaraò, Angela* ; Pesaresi, Damiano* ; Bragato, Pier Luigi* ; Di Bartolomeo, Paolo* ; Plasencia Linares, Milton Percy* 
2011Acquiring, archiving, analyzing and exchanging seismic data in real time at the Seismological Research Center of the OGS in ItalyBragato, P. .* ; Di Bartolomeo, P.* ; Pesaresi, D.* ; Plasencia Linares, M. P.* ; Saraò, A.* 
Oct-2007Background seismicity in the Central Apennines of Italy: The Abruzzo region case studyBagh, S.* ; Chiaraluce, L.* ; De Gori, P.* ; Moretti, M.* ; Govoni, A.* ; Di Bartolomeo, P.* ; Romanelli, M.* 
10-Jun-2009Data mining from Antelope at OGS-CRS (Udine, Italy)Pesaresi, D.* ; Bragato, P. L.* ; Di Bartolomeo, P.* ; Saraò, A.* ; Bernardi, P.* ; Govoni, A.* 
4-Apr-2011Improving the seismic monitoring of North-eastern Italy: the state of the art of the North-eastern Italy (NI) Seismic Network run by OGSPesaresi, Damiano* ; Bragato, Pier Luigi* ; Saraò, Angela* ; Di Bartolomeo, Paolo* ; Plasencia Linares, Milton Percy* ; Durì, Giorgio* 
5-Jul-2005Mainshocks and aftershocks of the 2002 molise seismic sequence, southern ItalyChiarabba, C.* ; De Gori, P.* ; Chiaraluce, L.* ; Bordoni, P.* ; Cattaneo, M.* ; De Martin, M.* ; Frepoli, A.* ; Michelini, A.* ; Monachesi, G.* ; Moretti, M.* ; Augliera, P.* ; D'Alema, E.* ; Frapiccini, M.* ; Gassi, A.* ; Marzorati, S.* ; Di Bartolomeo, P.* ; Gentile, S.* ; Lovisa, L.* ; Govoni, A.* ; Romanelli, M.* ; Ferretti, G.* ; Pasta, M.* ; Splallarossa, D.* ; Zunino, E.* 
2003A microseismic study in a low seismicity area of Italy: the Città di Castello 2000-2001 experimentPiccinini, D.* ; Cattaneo, M.* ; Chiarabba, C.* ; Chiaraluce, L.* ; De Martin, M.* ; Di Bona, M.* ; Moretti, M.* ; Selvaggi, G.* ; Augliera, P.* ; Spallarossa, D.* ; Ferretti, G.* ; Michelini, A.* ; Govoni, A.* ; Di Bartolomeo, P.* ; Romanelli, M.* ; Fabbri, J.*