Issue Date Title Author(s) 5-Sep-2009 The 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (central Italy): A source mechanism and implications for seismic hazard Walters, R. J.* ; Elliott, J. R* ; D’Agostino, N.* ; England, P. C.* ; Hunstad, I.* ; Jackson, J. A.* ; Parsons, B.* ; Phillips, R. J.* ; Roberts, G.*
2020 3D geological reconstruction of the M. Vettore seismogenic fault system (Central Apennines, Italy): Cross-cutting relationship with the M. Sibillini thrust Porreca, Massimiliano* ; Fabbrizzi, Andrea* ; Azzaro, Salvatore* ; Pucci, Stefano* ; Del Rio, Luca* ; Pierantoni, Pietro Paolo* ; Giorgetti, Claudia* ; Roberts, Gerald* ; Barchi, Massimiliano Rinaldo*
2018 A database of the coseismic effects following the 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquake in Central Italy Villani, Fabio* ; Civico, Riccardo* ; Pucci, Stefano* ; Pizzimenti, Luca* ; Nappi, Rosa* ; De Martini, Paolo Marco* ; Agosta, F.* ; Alessio, Giuliana* ; Alfonsi, Laura* ; Amanti, M.* ; Amoroso, Sara* ; Del Rio, L.* ; Branca, Stefano* ; Braun, Thomas* ; Brozzetti, F.* ; Jomard, H.* ; Brunori, Carlo Alberto* ; Comerci, V.* ; Burrato, Pierfrancesco* ; Caciagli, Marco* ; Campobasso, C.* ; Lisi, Arianna* ; Carafa, Michele M. C.* ; Delorme, A.* ; Cucci, Luigi* ; De Ritis, Riccardo* ; Deiana, G.* ; Del Carlo, Paola* ; Di Manna, P.* ; Jacques, E.* ; Di Naccio, Deborah* ; Falconi, L.* ; Gori, Stefano* ; Falcucci, Emanuela* ; Farabollini, P.* ; Walker, J. P. F.* ; Nave, Rosella* ; Ferrarini, F.* ; Frigerio, C.* ; Ferrario, Maria Francesca* ; Ferri, M.* ; Feuillet, N.* ; Fleury, J.* ; Gregory, L. C.* ; Galluzzo, F.* ; Gambillara, R.* ; Gaudiosi, Germana* ; Goodall, H.* ; Guerrieri, L.* ; Point, J.* ; Hailemikael, S.* ; Kastelic, Vanja* ; Hollingsworth, J.* ; Iezzi, F.* ; Invernizzi, C.* ; Ricci, Tullio* ; Jablonska, D.* ; Livio, F.* ; Klinger, Y.* ; Lavecchia, G.* ; Leclerc, F.* ; Liberi, F.* ; Lo Sardo, L.* ; Pistolesi, Elena* ; Malet, J. P.* ; Mariucci, Maria Teresa* ; Pantosti, Daniela* ; Materazzi, M.* ; Maubant, L.* ; Mazzarini, Francesco* ; Tarquini, Simone* ; McCaffrey, K. J. W.* ; Odin, M.* ; Michetti, Alessandro Maria* ; Mildon, Z. K.* ; Montone, Paola* ; Moro, Marco* ; Patera, Antonio* ; Pace, Bruno* ; Paggi, S.* ; Pagliuca, Nicola Mauro* ; Pambianchi, G.* ; Perouse, E.* ; Auciello, E.* ; Pezzo, Giuseppe* ; Pousse, L* ; Piccardi, L.* ; Pierantoni, P. P.* ; Pignone, Maurizio* ; Binda, G.* ; Pinzi, Stefania* ; Ripamonti, L.* ; Pozzi, A.* ; Proposito, M.* ; Puglisi, C.* ; Puliti, I.* ; Rizza, M.* ; Aringoli, D.* ; Roberts, G. P.* ; Roncoroni, M.* ; Van der Woerd, J.* ; Sapia, Vincenzo* ; Saroli, M.* ; Sciarra, Alessandra* ; Cirillo, D.* ; Scotti, O.* ; Terrana, S.* ; Skupinski, Grzegorz* ; Smedile, Alessandra* ; Soquet, A.* ; Tarabusi, Gabriele* ; Vannoli, Paola* ; Tesson, J.* ; Tondi, E.* ; Valentini, A.* ; Vallone, Roberto* ; Venuti, Alessandra* ; Cinti, Francesca Romana* ; Vittori, Eutizio* ; Azzaro, Raffaele* ; Volatili, T.* ; Wedmore, L. N. J.* ; Wilkinson, M.* ; Fracassi, Umberto* ; Zambrano, M.* ; Bisson, Marina* ; Baize, S.* ; Bello, S.* ; Benedetti, L.* ; Bertagnini, Antonella* ; Blumetti, Anna Maria* ; Bonadeo, L.* ; Boncio, P.* ; Bornemann, P.*
2020 Distributed normal faulting in the tip zone of the South Alkyonides Fault System, Gulf of Corinth, constrained using 36Cl exposure dating of late-Quaternary wave-cut platforms Robertson, Jennifer* ; Roberts, G. P.* ; Iezzi, Francesco* ; Meschis, Marco* ; Gheorghiu, D. M.* ; Sahy, Diana* ; Bristow, C.* ; Sgambato, C.*
2024 Empirical scaling correlations between fault lengths and fault slip-rates in seismically-active extensional regions: The Calabria and Messina Strait region (southern Italy) as case study Meschis, Marco* ; Roberts, Gerald* ; Sgambato, Claudia* ; Michetti, Alessandro Maria* ; Livio, Franz* ; Mildon, Zoe* ; Faure Walker, Joanna* ; Iezzi, Francesco* ; Robertson, Jennifer* ; Gattuso, Alessandro* ; Barberio, Marino Domenico* ; Randazzo, Paolo* ; Caracausi, Antonio*
2021 Fault2SHA Central Apennines database and structuring active fault data for seismic hazard assessment Faure Walker, Joanna* ; Boncio, Paolo* ; Pace, Bruno* ; Roberts, Gerald* ; Benedetti, Lucilla* ; Scotti, Oona* ; Visini, Francesco* ; Peruzza, Laura*
2013 The implications of revised Quaternary palaeoshoreline chronologies for the rates of active extension and uplift in the upper plate of subduction zones Roberts, G. P.* ; Meschis, Marco* ; Houghton, S* ; Underwood, C* ; Briant, Rebecca*
Nov-2023 Influence of Fault System Geometry and Slip Rates on the Relative Role of Coseismic and Interseismic Stresses on Earthquake Triggering and Recurrence Variability Sgambato, Claudia* ; Faure Walker, Joanna* ; Roberts, Gerald P* ; Mildon, Zoe K* ; Meschis, Marco*
1-Nov-2022 Out of phase Quaternary uplift-rate changes reveal normal fault interaction, implied by deformed marine palaeoshorelines Meschis, Marco* ; Roberts, G. P.* ; Robertson, Jennifer* ; Mildon, Zoe K* ; Sahy, Diana* ; Goswami, R* ; Sgambato, C* ; Faure Walker, Joanna* ; Michetti, Alessandro Maria* ; Iezzi, Francesco*
Aug-2023 The performance of differential point positioning using low-cost GNSS in comparison to DInSAR for monitoring coseismic displacement of the Provenzana–Pernicana fault system (Mt. Etna, 2018 December eruptive phase) Wilkinson, M W* ; Bonforte, Alessandro* ; Jones, Richard R* ; Wadsworth, Fabian B* ; Roberts, G P* ; Guglielmino, Francesco*
2016 Quaternary geology and paleoseismology in the Fucino and L’Aquila basins Vittori, Eutizio* ; Villani, Fabio* ; Tironi, Giacomo* ; Tertulliani, Andrea* ; Smeraglia, Luca* ; Smedile, Alessandra* ; Serva, Leonello* ; Roberts, Gerald* ; Pucci, Stefano* ; Potenza, Francesco* ; Michetti, Alessandro Maria* ; Messina, Paolo* ; Guerrieri, Luca* ; Graziani, Laura* ; Galli, Paolo* ; Galadini, Fabrizio* ; Doglioni, Carlo* ; Civico, Riccardo* ; Blumetti, Anna Maria* ; Bernardini, Filippo* ; Amoroso, Sara*
Sep-2023 Quaternary uplift of palaeoshorelines in southwestern Crete: the combined effect of extensional and compressional faulting Robertson, Jennifer* ; Roberts, G. P.* ; Ganas, Athanassios* ; Meschis, Marco* ; Gheorghiu, Delia M* ; Shanks, Richard P*
12-Feb-2024 QUIN 2.0 - new release of the QUaternary fault strain INdicators database from the Southern Apennines of Italy Lavecchia, Giusy* ; Bello, Simone* ; Andrenacci, Carlo* ; Cirillo, Daniele* ; Pietrolungo, Federico* ; Talone, Donato* ; Ferrarini, Federica* ; de Nardis, Rita* ; Galli, Paolo* ; Faure Walker, Joanna* ; Sgambato, Claudia* ; Menichetti, Marco* ; Monaco, Carmelo* ; Gambino, Salvatore* ; De Guidi, Giorgio* ; Barreca, Giovanni* ; Carnemolla, Francesco* ; Brighenti, Fabio* ; Giuffrida, Salvatore* ; Pirrotta, Claudia* ; Carboni, Filippo* ; Ferranti, Luigi* ; Valoroso, Luisa* ; Toscani, Giovanni* ; Barchi, Massimiliano Rinaldo* ; Roberts, Gerald* ; Brozzetti, Francesco*
2020 Regional Deformation and Offshore Crustal Local Faulting as Combined Processes to Explain Uplift Through Time Constrained by Investigating Differentially Uplifted Late Quaternary Paleoshorelines: The Foreland Hyblean Plateau, SE Sicily Meschis, Marco* ; Scicchitano, Giovanni* ; Roberts, Gerald P* ; Robertson, Jennifer* ; Barreca, Giovanni* ; Monaco, Carmelo* ; Spampinato, Cecilia Rita* ; Sahy, Diana* ; Antonioli, Fabrizio* ; Mildon, Zoe K* ; Scardino, Giovanni*
2012 Relationships between fault geometry, slip rate variability and earthquake recurrence in extensional settings Cowie, P. A.* ; Roberts, G. P.* ; Bull, J. M.* ; Visini, F.*
2018 The Relationships Between Regional Quaternary Uplift, Deformation Across Active Normal Faults, and Historical Seismicity in the Upper Plate of Subduction Zones: The Capo D'Orlando Fault, NE Sicily Meschis, Marco* ; Roberts, G. P.* ; Robertson, J.* ; Briant, Rebecca*
22-Jun-2010 Shallow subsurface structure of the 2009 April 6Mw 6.3 L’Aquila earthquake surface rupture at Paganica, investigated with ground-penetrating radar Roberts, G.* ; Raithatha, B.* ; Sileo, G.* ; Pizzi, A.* ; Pucci, S.* ; Walker, J. F.* ; Wilkinson, M.* ; McCaffrey, K.* ; Phillips, R.* ; Michetti, A.* ; Guerrieri, L.* ; Blumetti, A. M.* ; Vittori, E.* ; Cowie, P.* ; Sammonds, P.* ; Galli, P.* ; Boncio, P.* ; Bristow, C.* ; Walters, R.*
2019 Slip on a mapped normal fault for the 28th December 1908 Messina earthquake (Mw 7.1) in Italy Meschis, Marco* ; Roberts, Gerald* ; Mildon, Zoe* ; Robertson, Jennifer* ; Michetti, Alessandro Maria* ; Faure Walker, Joanna*
Apr-2024 Spatial migration of temporal earthquake clusters driven by the transfer of differential stress between neighbouring fault/shear-zone structures Roberts, G P* ; Sgambato, Claudia* ; Mildon, Zoe K* ; Iezzi, Francesco* ; Beck, Joakim* ; Robertson, Jennifer* ; Papanikolaou, Ioannis* ; Michetti, Alessandro Maria* ; Faure Walker, Joanna P* ; Meschis, Marco* ; Shanks, Richard* ; Phillips, R* ; McCaffrey, Kenneth J W* ; Vittori, Eutizio* ; Mitchell, S*
May-1996 Structural and seismological segmentation of the Gulf of Corinth fault system: implications for models of fault growth Roberts, G. P.* ; Koukouvelas, I.*