Browsing by Author Ricci, Tullio

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 100  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19-Nov-20071. Gas Hazard Assessment In The Roman Province By TDL And Accumulation ChamberCarapezza, M. L.* ; Barberi, F.* ; Barrancos, J.* ; Fisher, C.* ; Perez, N.* ; Ranaldi, M.* ; Ricci, T.* ; Tarchini, L.* ; Weber, K.* 
28-Jan-20143-D density structure and geological evolution of Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) inferred from land-based and sea-surface gravity dataLinde, N.* ; Baron, L.* ; Ricci, T.* ; Finizola, A.* ; Revil, A.* ; Muccini, F.* ; Cocchi, L.* ; Carmisciano, C.* 
20163-D high-speed imaging of volcanic bomb trajectory in basaltic explosive eruptionsGaudin, D.* ; Taddeucci, Jacopo* ; Houghton, B. F.* ; Orr, T. R.* ; Andronico, Daniele* ; Del Bello, E.* ; Kueppers, U.* ; Ricci, Tullio* ; Scarlato, Piergiorgio* 
16-Aug-2017The 3-D structure of the Somma-Vesuvius volcanic complex (Italy) inferred from new and historic gravimetric dataLinde, Niklas* ; Ricci, Tullio* ; Baron, Ludovic* ; Shakas, Alexis* ; Berrino, Giovanna* 
24-Mar-20213‐D Deep Electrical Resistivity Tomography of the Major Basin Related to the 2016 Mw 6.5 Central Italy Earthquake FaultSapia, Vincenzo* ; Villani, Fabio* ; Fischanger, Federico* ; Lupi, Matteo* ; Baccheschi, Paola* ; Pantosti, Daniela* ; Pucci, Stefano* ; Civico, Riccardo* ; Sciarra, Alessandra* ; Smedile, Alessandra* ; Romano, Valentina* ; De Martini, Paolo Marco* ; Murgia, Federica* ; Materni, Valerio* ; Giannattasio, Fabio* ; Pizzimenti, Luca* ; Ricci, Tullio* ; Brunori, Carlo Alberto* ; Coco, Igino* ; Improta, Luigi* 
2009Active degassing structures of Stromboli and variations in diffuse CO2 output related to the volcanic activityCarapezza, M. L.* ; Ricci, T.* ; Ranaldi, M.* ; Tarchini, L.* 
2010Adventive hydrothermal circulation on Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) revealed by geophysical and geochemical approaches: Implications for general fluid flow models on volcanoesFinizola, A.* ; Ricci, T.* ; Deiana, R.* ; Barde Cabusson, S.* ; Rossi, M.* ; Praticelli, N.* ; Giocoli, A.* ; Romano, G.* ; Delcher, E.* ; Suski, B.* ; Revil, A.* ; Menny, P.* ; Di Gangi, F.* ; Letort, J.* ; Peltier, A.* ; Villasante-Marcos, V.* ; Douillet, G.* ; Avard, G.* ; Lelli, M.* 
15-May-2018Anatomy of a fumarolic system inferred from a multiphysics approachGresse, Marceau* ; Vandemeulebrouck, Jean* ; Byrdina, Svetlana* ; Chiodini, Giovanni* ; Roux, Philippe* ; Rinaldi, Antonio Pio* ; Wathelet, Marc* ; Ricci, Tullio* ; Letort, Jean* ; Petrillo, Zaccaria* ; Tuccimei, Paola* ; Lucchetti, Carlo* ; Sciarra, Alessandra* 
2019Anomalous Discharge of Endogenous Gas at Lavinio (Rome, Italy) and the Lethal Accident of 5 September 2011Barberi, Franco* ; Carapezza, Maria Luisa* ; Tarchini, Luca* ; Ranaldi, Massimo* ; Ricci, Tullio* ; Gattuso, Alessandro* 
2014Atmospheric dispersion of natural carbon dioxide emissions on Vulcano island, Italy.Granieri, D* ; Carapezza, M. L.* ; Barberi, F.* ; Ranaldi, M.* ; Ricci, T.* ; Tarchini, L.* 
2019The buried caldera boundary of the Vesuvius 1631 eruption revealed by present-day soil CO2 concentrationPoret, Matthieu* ; Finizola, A.* ; Ricci, Tullio* ; Ricciardi, Giuseppe* ; Linde, N.* ; Mauri, G.* ; Barde Cabusson, S.* ; Guichet, Xavier* ; Baron, L.* ; Shakas, Alexis* ; Gouhier, M.* ; Levieux, G.* ; Morin, J.* ; Roulleau, E.* ; Sortino, Francesco* ; Vassallo, R.* ; Di Vito, Mauro Antonio* ; Orsi, Giovanni* 
31-May-2010Carbon Dioxide Diffuse Soil Degassing: A Precious Tool For Identifying Productive Geothermal ReservoirsBarberi, F.* ; Carapezza, M. L.* ; Ranaldi, M.* ; Ricci, T.* ; Tarchini, L.* 
9-Jun-2021Characterising vent and crater shape changes at Stromboli: implications for risk areasSchmid, Markus* ; Kueppers, Ulrich* ; Civico, Riccardo* ; Ricci, Tullio* ; Taddeucci, Jacopo* ; Dingwell, Donald Bruce* 
2017Characteristics of puffing activity revealed by ground-based, thermal infrared imaging: the example of Stromboli Volcano (Italy)Gaudin, Damien* ; Taddeucci, Jacopo* ; Scarlato, Piergiorgio* ; Harris, Andrew* ; Bombrun, Maxime* ; Del Bello, Elisabetta* ; Ricci, Tullio* 
2020CO2 and H2S Degassing at Fangaia Mud Pool, Solfatara, Campi Flegrei (Italy): Origin and Dynamics of the Pool BasinRouwet, Dmitri* ; Tamburello, Giancarlo* ; Ricci, Tullio* ; Sciarra, Alessandra* ; Capecchiacci, Francesco* ; Caliro, Stefano* 
2016Conditions for long-lasting gas eruptions: The 2013 event at Fiumicino International Airport (Rome, Italy)Giordano, G.* ; Carapezza, Maria Luisa* ; Della Monica, G.* ; Todesco, Micol* ; Tuccimei, P.* ; Carlucci, G.* ; De Benedetti, A. A.* ; Gattuso, Allessandro* ; Lucchetti, C.* ; Piersanti, M.* ; Ranaldi, M.* ; Tarchini, L.* ; Pagliuca, Nicola Mauro* ; Ricci, Tullio* ; Facchini, S.* ; D'Ambrosio, F.* ; Misuraca, M.* ; Bonamico, A.* ; Geshi, N.* 
2020Continuous monitoring of CO2 and H2S air concentration and soil CO2 flux survey for gas hazard assessment at Tor Caldara nature reserve (Anzio, Italy).Carapezza, Maria Luisa* ; Tarchini, Luca* ; Ranaldi, Massimo* ; Ricci, Tullio* ; De Simone, Gabriele* ; Diano, Giuseppe* ; Gattuso, Alessandro* ; Pagliuca, Nicola Mauro* 
2006Correlated increase in CO2 fumarolic content and diffuse emission from La Fossa crater (Vulcano, Italy): Evidence of volcanic unrest or increasing gas release from a stationary deep magma body?Granieri, D.* ; Carapezza, M. L.* ; Chiodini, G.* ; Avino, R.* ; Caliro, S.* ; Ranaldi, M.* ; Ricci, T.* ; Tarchini, L.* 
2016Coseismic effects of the 2016 Amatrice seismic sequence: first geological resultsPucci, Stefano* ; De Martini, Paolo Marco* ; Civico, Riccardo* ; Nappi, Rosa* ; Ricci, Tullio* ; Villani, Fabio* ; Brunori, Carlo Alberto* ; Caciagli, Marco* ; Sapia, Vincenzo* ; Cinti, Francesca Romana* ; Moro, Marco* ; Di Naccio, Deborah* ; Gori, Stefano* ; Falcucci, Emanuela* ; Vallone, R* ; Mazzarini, Francesco* ; Tarquini, S.* ; Del Carlo, P.* ; Kastelic, Vanja* ; Carafa, Michele Matteo C.* ; De Ritis, Riccardo* ; Gaudiosi, Germana* ; Nave, Rosella* ; Alessio, Giuliana* ; Burrato, Pierfrancesco* ; Smedile, Alessandra* ; Alfonsi, Laura* ; Vannoli, Paola* ; Pignone, Maurizio* ; Pinzi, Stefania* ; Fracassi, Umberto* ; Pizzimenti, L.* ; Mariucci, Maria Teresa* ; Pagliuca, Nicola Mauro* ; Sciarra, Alessandra* ; Carluccio, Roberto* ; Nicolosi, Iacopo* ; Chiappini, Massimo* ; D'Ajello Caracciolo, Francesca* ; Pezzo, Giuseppe* ; Patera, Antonio* ; Azzaro, Raffaele* ; Pantosti, Daniela* ; Montone, Paola* ; Saroli, M.* ; Lo Sardo, L.* ; Lancia, M.* 
2017Coseismic ruptures of the 24 August 2016, Mw 6.0 Amatrice earthquake (central Italy)Pucci, Stefano* ; De Martini, Paolo Marco* ; Civico, Riccardo* ; Villani, Fabio* ; Nappi, Rosa* ; Ricci, Tullio* ; Azzaro, Raffaele* ; Brunori, Carlo Alberto* ; Caciagli, Marco* ; Cinti, Francesca Romana* ; Sapia, Vincenzo* ; De Ritis, Riccardo* ; Mazzarini, Francesco* ; Tarquini, S.* ; Gaudiosi, Germana* ; Nave, Rosella* ; Alessio, Giuliana* ; Smedile, Alessandra* ; Alfonsi, Laura* ; Cucci, Luigi* ; Pantosti, Daniela*