Browsing by Author Eva, Elena

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 60  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023The 2021–2022 Genoa seismic sequences reveal distributed strike-slip deformation in the Alps-Apennines transition zone, NW ItalyEva, Elena* ; Malusà, Marco Giovanni* ; Solarino, Stefano* 
201030 years of seismicity in the south-western Alps and northern Apennines as recorded by the Regional Seismic Network of northwestern ItalyEva, Claudio* ; Barani, Simone* ; Carenzo, Giacomo* ; De Ferrari, Roberto* ; Eva, Elena* ; Ferretti, Gabriele* ; Pasta, Marco* ; Pavan, Mauro* ; Scafidi, Davide* ; Solarino, Stefano* ; Spallarossa, Daniele* ; Turino, Chiara* ; Zunino, Enzo* 
15-Nov-2022Along-strike variations in the fossil subduction zone of the Western Alps revealed by the CIFALPS seismic experiments and their implications for exhumation of (ultra-) high-pressure rocksPaul, Anne* ; Malusà, Marco Giovanni* ; Solarino, Stefano* ; Salimbeni, Simone* ; Eva, Elena* ; Nouibat, Ahmed* ; Pondrelli, Silvia* ; Aubert, Coralie* ; Dumont, Thierry* ; Guillot, Stéphane* ; Schwartz, Stéphane* ; Zhao, Liang* 
2012An alternative model for the recent evolution of the Northern–Central Apennines (Italy)Elter, F. M.* ; Elter, P.* ; Eva, C.* ; Eva, E.* ; Kraus, R. K.* ; Padovano, M.* ; Solarino, S.* 
Jun-2022Aumento del livello del mare. Cosa è importante sapere per affrontare i prossimi cambiamenti.De Lucia, Maddalena* ; Anzidei, Marco* ; Musacchio, Gemma* ; Solarino, Stefano* ; Eva, Elena* 
2007Calcolare la magnitudo è semplice!Solarino, S* ; Eva, E* 
2002Crustal structure of the Lunigiana-Garfagnana area (Tuscany, Italy): seismicity, fault-plane solutions, and seismic tomographyFerretti, G.* ; Solarino, Stefano* ; Eva, Elena* 
Feb-2021The Deep Structure of the Alps based on the CIFALPS Seismic Experiment: A SynthesisMalusà, Marco Giovanni* ; Guillot, Stéphane* ; Zhao, Liang* ; Paul, A.* ; Solarino, Stefano* ; Dumont, Thierry* ; Schwartz, Stéphane* ; Aubert, Coralie* ; Baccheschi, Paola* ; Eva, Elena* ; Lu, Yang* ; Lyu, Chao* ; Piana Agostinetti, Nicola* ; Pondrelli, Silvia* ; Salimbeni, Simone* ; Sun, W* ; Yuan, H.* 
2006Detection of earthquake clusters on the basis of waveform similarity: an application in the Monferrato region (Piedmont, Italy)Massa, E.* ; Eva, E.* ; Spallarossa, D.* ; Eva, C.* 
2007E adesso cosa faccio???Solarino, Stefano* ; Eva, Elena* 
Jun-2017Earthquakes in the western Alpine mantle wedgeMalusà, Marco Giovanni* ; Zhao, Liang* ; Eva, Elena* ; Solarino, Stefano* ; Paul, Anne* ; Guillot, Stéphane* ; Schwartz, Stéphane* ; Dumont, Thierry* ; Aubert, Coralie* ; Salimbeni, Simone* ; Pondrelli, Silvia* ; Wang, Qingchen* ; Zhu, Rixiang* 
5-Dec-2022Esercitazione nazionale “Exe Sisma dello Stretto 2022” 04-06 novembre 2022. Rapporto di sintesi del Gruppo Operativo SISMIKO.Alparone, Salvatore* ; Anselmi, Mario* ; Antonioli, Andrea* ; Augliera, Paolo* ; Baccheschi, Paola* ; Bagh, Samer* ; Biagini, Damiano* ; Bono, Andrea* ; Bucci, Augusto* ; Buttinelli, Mauro* ; Calamita, Carlo* ; Calvagna, Francesco* ; Cappuccio, Pasqualino* ; Carandente, Antonio* ; Carannante, Simona* ; Cardinale, Vincenzo* ; Carluccio, Ivano* ; Castagnozzi, Angelo* ; Cavaliere, Adriano* ; Chiaraluce, Lauro* ; Ciaccio, Maria Grazia* ; Colasanti, Marco* ; Consoli, Salvatore* ; Contrafatto, Danilo* ; Costanzo, Antonio* ; D'Alema, Ezio* ; D'Ambrosio, Michele* ; De Gori, Pasquale* ; De Luca, Gaetano* ; De Luca, Giovanni* ; Della Bina, Emiliano* ; Di Stefano, Raffaele* ; Errico, Maddalena* ; Eva, Elena* ; Falcone, Sergio* ; Famiani, Daniela* ; Famiglietti, Nicola Angelo* ; Fares, Massimo* ; Farroni, Stefano* ; Fonzetti, Rossella* ; Frepoli, Alberto* ; Galluzzo, Danilo* ; Garcia, Alexander* ; Gasparini, Andrea* ; Gaudiosi, Guido* ; Giandomenico, Edoardo* ; Iannarelli, Mirko* ; La Piana, Carmelo* ; Ladina, Chiara* ; Larocca, Graziano* ; Lauciani, Valentino* ; Mandiello, Alfonso Giovanni* ; Marchetti, Alessandro* ; Margheriti, Lucia* ; Martelli, Leonardo* ; Marzorati, Simone* ; Materni, Valerio* ; Memmolo, Antonino* ; Messina, Alfio Alex* ; Miconi, Luca* ; Migliari, Matteo* ; Minichiello, Felice* ; Morabito, Simona* ; Moretti, Milena* ; Moschillo, Raffaele* ; Munafò, Irene* ; Nardi, Anna* ; Nardone, Lucia* ; Pantaleo, Debora* ; Pastori, Marina* ; Piccinini, Davide* ; Pintore, Stefano* ; Pondrelli, Silvia* ; Quintiliani, Matteo* ; Rao, Sandro* ; Rapisarda, Salvatore* ; Roselli, Pamela* ; Rossi, Paolo* ; Rubonello, Alessio* ; Ruzza, Giuseppe* ; Salimbeni, Simone* ; Saraceno, Benedetto* ; Sciarra, Alessandra* ; Scognamiglio, Laura* ; Solarino, Stefano* ; Soldati, Gaia* ; Ursino, Andrea* ; Valoroso, Luisa* ; Zaccarelli, Lucia* ; Zuccarello, Luciano* 
2020Evidence for a serpentinized plate interface favouring continental subductionZhao, Liang* ; Malusà, Marco Giovanni* ; Yuan, Huaiyu* ; Paul, Anne* ; Guillot, Stéphane* ; Lu, Yang* ; Stehly, Laurent* ; Solarino, Stefano* ; Eva, Elena* ; Lu, Gang* ; Bodin, Thomas* 
1998Evidence for ongoing extensional deformation in the western Swiss Alps and thrust-faulting in the southwestern Alpine forelandEva, Elena* ; Pastore, Stefania* ; Deichmann, Nicolas* 
Mar-2022The focal mechanism of the 7 September 1920, Mw 6.5 earthquake: insights into the seismotectonics of the Lunigiana–Garfagnana area, Tuscany, ItalyEva, Elena* ; Pettenati, Franco* ; Solarino, Stefano* ; Sirovich, Livio* 
Oct-2008The Grosmarin experimentSolarino, S.* ; Dessa, J. X.* ; Bethoux, N.* ; Beslier, M. O.* ; Hello, Y.* ; Anglade, A.* ; Desprez, O.* ; Ruiz Fernandez, M.* ; Manchuel, K.* ; Verdier, E.* ; Deschamps, A.* ; Courboulex, F.* ; Brunel, D.* ; Klingelhoefer, F.* ; Bellier, O.* ; Lefeldt, M.* ; Flueh, E.* ; Eva, E.* ; Eva, C.* ; Pavan, M.* ; Zunino, E.* ; Scafidi, D.* ; Spallarossa, D.* ; Ferretti, G.* 
2011The GROSMarin experiment: three dimensional crustal structure of the North Ligurian margin from refraction tomography and preliminary analysis of microseismic measurementsDessa, J.-X.* ; Simon, S.* ; Lelievre, M.* ; Beslier, M.-O.* ; Deschamps, A.* ; Bethoux, N.* ; Solarino, S.* ; Sage, F.* ; Eva, E.* ; Ferretti, G.* ; Bellier, O.* ; Eva, C.* 
1-Nov-2019Guida per "Terremoti: attenti agli elementi! - Dettagli che salvano la vita"Musacchio, Gemma* ; Marino, Salvatore* ; Scandolo, Lorenzo* ; Solarino, Stefano* ; De Lucia, Maddalena* ; Eva, Elena* ; Meroni, Fabrizio* 
17-Apr-2015How fair are we? Italian students rate the ethics of Geoscientists.Eva, E* ; Musacchio, G* ; Piangiamore, G L* ; Solarino, S*