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Authors: Inguaggiato, S.* 
Rouwet, D.* 
Vita, F.* 
Morici, S.* 
Title: CO2 degassing system of Stromboli volcano inferred by summit, peripheral and hydrothermal continuous measurements.
Issue Date: 14-Dec-2009
Keywords: CO2 flux
Volcano monitoring
Subject Classification04. Solid Earth::04.08. Volcanology::04.08.01. Gases 
04. Solid Earth::04.08. Volcanology::04.08.02. Experimental volcanism 
04. Solid Earth::04.08. Volcanology::04.08.06. Volcano monitoring 
Abstract: Stromboli is an open conduct volcano characterized by “Strombolian” activity. This activity is the result of a “delicate” dynamic equilibrium between continuous refilling of deep volatiles exsolved from the magma batch and superficial degassing. The volatiles, reaching the surface, interact with superficial fluids modifying peripheral and summit degassing processes. In particular, the main peripheral manifestations are represented by dissolved volatiles in the basal hydrothermal aquifer, as well as structurally controlled soil degassing at the lower parts of the volcanic edifice. Summit degassing is manifested by active (explosions from the conduct) and passive degassing (plume degassing from the conduct and diffuse soil degassing). During “normal” Strombolian activity this dynamic equilibrium allows the discharge of the volatiles in the atmosphere arriving from the depth. When the deep volatile flux increases, we observe that the system reacts by first increasing the diffuse volatile discharge from the superficial system. In fact, the result is the increase of Strombolian activity (frequency and energy of explosions due to the increase of the total volatiles pressure) and the increase of the total dissolved volatiles in the hydrothermal aquifer and soils anomalous flux. During overpressure of the plumbing system paroxistic activity is necessary to maintain the dynamic pressure equilibrium, allows to maintain the dynamic equilibrium between deep and superficial volatiles. In fact, through the opening of new fractures and consecutive lava flow or by major explosions and paroxysms the system decreases the total pressure of volatiles and restores the dynamic equilibrium of the Stromboli plumbing system. On the basis of the experiences acquired during the last two eruptions (2002-2003 and 2007) we improved our geochemical monitoring network by installing new equipments for monitoring, continuously, selected fluid manifestations located on the peripheral areas. In particular, we installed two automatic equipments for measuring dissolved CO2 in the thermal wells located in the N-E side of Stromboli (Stromboli village). In this way we covered wider area of fluid degassing of Stromboli volcano to better understand the relationships between the degassing regimes of the summit and basal hydrothermal systems.
Appears in Collections:Conference materials

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