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  • Publication
    The Impact on Geological and Hydrogeological Mapping Results of Moving from Ground to Airborne TEM
    (2014-03) ; ; ; ; ;
    Sapia, V.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2, Roma, Italia
    Viezzoli, A.; Aarhus Geophysics Aps
    Jørgensen, F.; Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland
    Oldenborger, G. A.; Geological Survey of Canada
    Marchetti, M.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2, Roma, Italia
    ; ; ; ;
    In the past three decades, airborne electromagnetic (AEM) systems have been used for many groundwater exploration purposes. This contribution of airborne geophysics for both groundwater resource mapping and water quality evaluations and management has increased dramatically over the past ten years, proving how these systems are appropriate for large-scale and efficient groundwater surveying. One of the major reasons for its popularity is the time and cost efficiency in producing spatially extensive datasets that can be applied to multiple purposes. In this paper, we carry out a simple, yet rigorous, simulation showing the impact of an AEM dataset towards hydrogeological mapping, comparing it to having only a ground-based transient electromagnetic (TEM) dataset (even if large and dense), and to having only boreholes. We start from an AEM survey and then simulate two different ground TEM datasets: a high resolution survey and a reconnaissance survey. The electrical resistivity model, which is the final geophysical product after data processing and inversion, changes with different levels of data density. We then extend the study to describe the impact on the geological and hydrogeological output models, which can be derived from these different geophysical results, and the potential consequences for groundwater management. Different data density results in significant differences not only in the spatial resolution of the output resistivity model, but also in the model uncertainty, the accuracy of geological interpretations and, in turn, the appropriateness of groundwater management decisions. The AEM dataset provides high resolution results and well-connected geological interpretations, which result in a more detailed and confident description of all of the existing geological structures. In contrast, a low density dataset from a ground-based TEM survey yields low resolution resistivity models, and an uncertain description of the geological setting.
      312  61
  • Publication
    Open Access
    3D modeling of buried valley geology using airborne electromagnetic data
    Buried valleys are important hydrogeologic features of glaciated terrains. They often contain valuable groundwater resources; however, they can remain undetected by borehole-based hydrogeologic mapping or prospecting campaigns. Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys provide high-density information that can allow detailed features of buried valleys to be efficiently mapped over large geographic areas. Using AEM data for the Spiritwood Valley Aquifer system in Manitoba, Canada, we developed a 3D electric property model and a geologic model of the buried valley network. The 3D models were derived from voxel-based segmentation of electric resistivity obtained via spatially constrained inversion of two separate helicopter time-domain electromagnetic data sets (AeroTEM and versatile time-domain electromagnetic [VTEM]) collected over the survey area. Because the electric resistivity do not provide unequivocal information on subsurface lithology, we have used a cognitive procedure to interpret the electric property models of the aquifer complex, while simultaneously incorporating supporting information for the assignment of lithology in the 3D geologic model. For the Spiritwood model, supporting information included seismic reflection data and borehole records. These data constrained valley geometry and provided lithologic benchmarks at specific borehole sites and along seismic transects. The large-scale AeroTEM survey provided the basis for modeling the regional extent and connectivity of the Spiritwood Valley Aquifer system, whereas the local-scale VTEM survey provided higher near-surface resolution and insight into a detailed shallow architecture of individual buried valleys and their fill.
      197  217