Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Kinematics of the Iberia-Maghreb plate contact from seismic moment tensors and GPS
    (2006) ; ; ; ;
    Stich, D.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Bologna, Bologna, Italia
    Serpelloni, E.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione CNT, Roma, Italia
    Mancilla, F.; Instituto Andaluz de Geofísica, Universidad de Granada, Spain
    Morales, J.; Instituto Andaluz de Geofísica, Universidad de Granada, Spain
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    The Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb experience moderate earthquake activity and oblique, ∼ NW–SE convergence between Africa and Eurasia at a rate of ∼ 5 mm/yr. Coeval extension in the Alboran Basin and a N35°E trending band of active, left-lateral shear deformation in the Alboran–Betic region are not straightforward to understand in the context of regional shortening, and evidence complexity of deformation at the plate contact. We estimate 86 seismic moment tensors (MW 3.3 to 6.9) from time domain inversion of near-regional waveforms in an intermediate period band. Those and previous moment tensors are used to describe regional faulting style and calculate average stress tensors. The solutions associated to the Trans-Alboran shear zone show predominantly strike-slip faulting, and indicate a clockwise rotation of the largest principal stress orientation compared to the regional convergence direction (σ1 at N350°E). At the N-Algerian and SW-Iberian margins, reverse faulting solutions dominate, corresponding to N350°E and N310°E compression, respectively. Over most of the Betic range and intraplate Iberia, we observe predominately normal faulting, and WSW–ENE extension (σ3 at N240°E). From GPS observations we estimate that more than 3 mm/yr of African (Nubian)–Eurasian plate convergence are currently accommodated at the N-Algerian margin, ∼ 2 mm/yr in the Moroccan Atlas, and ∼ 2 mm/yr at the SW-Iberian margin. 2 mm/yr is a reasonable estimate for convergence within the Alboran region, while Alboran extension can be quantified as ∼ 2.5 mm/yr along the stretching direction (N240°E). Superposition of both motions explains the observed left-lateral transtensional regime in the Trans-Alboran shear zone. Two potential driving mechanisms of differential motion of the Alboran–Betic–Gibraltar domain may coexist in the region: a secondary stress source other than plate convergence, related to regional-scale dynamic processes in the upper mantle of the Alboran region, as well as drag from the continental-scale motion of the Nubian plate along the southern limit of the region. In the Atlantic Ocean, the ∼ 3.5 mm/ yr, westward motion of the Gibraltar Arc relative to intraplate Iberia can be accommodated at the transpressive SW-Iberian margin, while available GPS observations do not support an active subduction process in this area.
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  • Publication
    Source analysis of the February 12th 2007, MW 6.0 Horseshoe earthquake: Implications for the 1755 Lisbon earthquake
    (2007-06-29) ; ; ; ;
    Stich, D.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Bologna, Bologna, Italia
    Mancilla, F. de Lis; Seismological and Computational Rock Physics Laboratory, School of Geological Sciences, University College Dublin, Ireland
    Pondrelli, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Bologna, Bologna, Italia
    Jose, M.; Instituto Andaluz de Geofísica, Universidad de Granada, Spain
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    While very large earthquakes are generally confined to subduction zones, the SW Iberian margin –setting of the famous Mw 8.5–8.7, 1755 Lisbon tsunami earthquake- may be an exception to this rule. Evidence for active subduction is not conclusive here, but instead plate convergence in old oceanic lithosphere with large brittle layer thickness can account for the occurrence of great earthquakes along moderate-length faults. We estimate the source parameters of the February 12th 2007, Horseshoe earthquake. Regional moment tensor inversion yields an Mw 6.0, reverse to strike-slip faulting source in the upper mantle. Modelling teleseismic, surface-reflected body waves (pP, pwP, sP) indicates a source depth of 40 km beneath the seafloor. Analysing apparent source time functions allows identifying the preferred fault plane (strike N245°E/ dip 55°/ rake 50°), and estimating rupture area (53 km2) and average slip (0.27 m). Scaling the source characteristics to the size of the 1755 earthquake suggests a fault length of 230–315 km, being compatible with the length of mapped faults in the area.
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  • Publication
    Q_{P} and Q_{S} in the upper mantle beneath the Iberian peninsula from recordings of the very deep Granada earthquake of 2 April 11, 2010.
    (2012) ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Mancilla, F.
    Del Pezzo, E.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione OV, Napoli, Italia
    Stich, D.
    Morales, J.
    Ibañez, J.
    Bianco, F.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione OV, Napoli, Italia
    Granada (Southern Spain) is a place of rare and enigmatic very deep focus earthquakes, the last one on April 11, 2010, with magnitude of 6.3 and depth of 620 km. We use regional broadband recordings to estimate QP and QS in the mantle for frequencies between 0.25 and 8 Hz, computing the spectra of the direct P- and S-waves with their early P- and S coda. We use the spectral decay method, constraining crustal Q to values given in the literature. We obtain robust estimates of QP in 6 frequency bands (0.25, 0.5,1, 2, 4 and 8 Hz) and of QS in 4 bands (0.25, 0.5,1, 2 Hz). QP in the mantle ranges from 13 at 0.25 Hz to 346 at 8 Hz and QS from 59 at 0.25 to 183 at 2 Hz. The frequency dependence is well fitted by Q = Q0f a with a equal to 0.6 for QS and 1.0 for QP, and Q0 equal to 109 for QS and 63 for QP. The QP/QS ratio is less than 1. These are extreme values within the ranges of mantle Q, QP/QS and a values reported in the literature, indicating strong scattering attenuation and absence of melt. We propose that such values, rather than being an exception, may approximate the average upper mantle, with solid olivine composition and small-scale heterogeneity.
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