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  • Publication
    Open Access
    A method for the detection of shallow buried objects
    (2000-12) ; ; ;
    Hickey, C. J.; National Center for Physical Acoustics, University of Mississippi, University, U.S.A.
    Sabatier, J. M.; National Center for Physical Acoustics, University of Mississippi, University, U.S.A.
    McGee, T. M.; Center for Marine Resources and Environmental Technology, University of Mississippi, University, U.S.A.
    ; ;
    Numerous geophysical techniques have successfully contributed to geotechnical engineering and environmental problems of the shallow subsurface. Geophysical surveys are used to: delineate geologic features, measure in-situ engineering properties, and detect hidden cultural features. Most technologies for the detection of shallow buried objects are electromagnetic methods which measure the contrast in ferrous content, electrical conductivity, or dielectric constant between the object and surrounding soil. Seismic technologies measure the contrast in mechanical properties of the subsurface, however, scaled down versions of conventional seismic methods are not suitable for the detection shallow buried objects. In this paper, we discuss the development of a method based on acoustic to seismic coupling for the detection of shallow buried object. Surface vibrations induced by an impinging acoustic wave from a loudspeaker is referred to as acoustic to seismic coupling. These vibrations can be remotely detected using a laser-Doppler vibrometer (LDV). If an object is present below the surface of the insonified patch, the transmitted wave is back scattered by the target towards the surface. For targets very close to the surface, the scattered field produces anomalous ground vibrational velocities that are indicative of the shape and size of the target.
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