Now showing 1 - 10 of 26
  • Publication
    Major and trace element geochemistry of neutral and acidic thermal springs at El Chichón volcano, Mexico Implications for monitoring of the volcanic activity
    (2008-07-07) ; ; ; ;
    Taran, Y.; Instituto de Geofísica, UNAM, México DF, Mexico
    Rouwet, D.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Palermo, Palermo, Italia
    Inguaggiato, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Palermo, Palermo, Italia
    Aiuppa, A.; University of Palermo, Italy
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    Four groups of thermal springs with temperatures from 50 to 80 °C are located on the S–SW–W slopes of El Chichón volcano, a composite dome-tephra edifice, which exploded in 1982 with a 1 km wide, 160 m deep crater left. Very dynamic thermal activity inside the crater (variations in chemistry and migration of pools and fumaroles, drastic changes in the crater lake volume and chemistry) contrasts with the stable behavior of the flank hot springs during the time of observations (1974–2005). All known groups of hot springs are located on the contact of the basement and volcanic edifice, and only on the W–SW–S slopes of the volcano at almost same elevations 600–650 m asl and less than 3 km of direct distance from the crater. Three groups of near-neutral (pH≈6) springs at SW–S slopes have the total thermal water outflow rate higher than 300 l/s and are similar in composition. The fourth and farthest group on the western slope discharges acidic (pH≈2) saline (10 g/kg of Cl) water with a much lower outflow rate (b10 l/s). Water–rock interaction modeling of main types of the El Chichón thermal waters using regular log Q/K graphs (saturation indices vs temperature) showed maximum equilibrium temperature slightly higher than 200 °C. Acidic waters are equilibrated with some clay minerals at about 120 °C. Three main sources of the salinity of thermal water are suggested on the basis of mixing plots and isotopic data: a magmatic source for CO2, boron, sulfur and a limited part of Cl; volcanic rock source for the major cations and trace elements; the oil-bearing evaporitic basement source (oil-field brine?) for NaCl, Br, a part of Ca and some trace elements. All flank thermal springs end up in the river Rio Magdalena that has a variable seasonal flow rates from 4 to 20 m3/s. Any changes in the chemistry of springs must notably change the composition of the streams draining hot springs and eventually, Rio Magdalena. A monthly geochemical monitoring of Rio Magdalena and streams draining main hot springs would be a useful tool for surveying the activity of the volcano.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Nitrogen Isotopes in Volcanic Fluids of Different Geodynamic Settings
    (2009-06-21) ; ; ; ; ;
    Inguaggiato, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Palermo, Palermo, Italia
    Taran, Y.; Instituto de Geofisica UNAM Coyacan Mexico D.F.04510 Mexico
    Fridriksson, T.; Iceland GeoSurvey grensasvegur 9, 108 Reykjavik
    Melian, G.; ITER, 38611, Granadilla, S/C de Tenerife, Spain
    D'Alessandro, W.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Palermo, Palermo, Italia
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    Nitrogen isotopes , N2/36Ar and 3He/4He were measured in volcanic fluids within different geodynamic settings. Subduction zones are represented by Aeolian archipelago, Mexican volcanic belt and Hellenic arc, spreading zones – by Socorro island in Mexico and Iceland and hot spots by Iceland and Islands of Cabo Verde. The δ15N values, corrected for air contamination of volcanic fluids, discharged from Vulcano Island (Italy), highlighted the presence of heavy nitrogen (around +4.3 ±0.5‰). Similar 15N values (around +5‰), have been measured for the fluids collected in the Jalisco Block, that is a geologically and tectonically complex forearc zone of the northwestern Mexico [1]. Positive values (15N around +3‰) have been also measured in the volcanic fluids discharged from Nysiros island located in the Ellenic Arc characterized by subduction processes. All uncorrected data for the Socorro island are in the range of -1 to -2‰. The results of raw nitrogen isotope data of Iceland samples reveal more negative isotope composition (about -4.4‰). On the basis of the non-atmospheric N2 fraction (around 50%) the corrected data of 15N for Iceland are around -16‰, very close to the values proposed by [2]. In a volcanic gas sample from Fogo volcano (Cabo Verde islands) we found a very negative value: -9.9‰ and -15‰ for raw and corrected values, respectively.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Dynamics and mass balance of El Chichón crater lake, Mexico.
    (2004-07) ; ; ;
    Rouwet, D.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Palermo, Palermo, Italia
    Taran, Y.; Instituto de Geofisica, UNAM, Mexico
    Varley, N.; Universidad de Colima
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    The mass balance of El Chichón crater lake is controlled by precipitations, evaporation and seepage through the lake bottom. The main non-meteoric source of water and Cl for the lake is a boiling spring (Soap Pool) discharging saline and neutral water with a variable flow rate from 0 to 30 kg/s inside the El Chichón crater. Variations in lake volume over time were approximately determined from digitized photographic views of the lake using an empirical relationship between depth of the lake and surface area, obtained after four bathymetric surveys. The best correlation between the observed changes in lake volume, Cl content and the measured flow rate of Soap Pool was obtained by a box-model for the Cl mass balance. Based on a trend in the Cl content of the Soap Pool water a model of a “buried” initial crater lake is proposed.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    First volatile inventory for Gorely volcano, Kamchatka
    We report here the very first assessment of volatile flux emissions from Gorely, an actively degassing volcano in Kamchatka. Using a variety of in situ and remote sensing techniques, we determined the bulk plume concentrations of major volatiles (H2O 93.5%, CO2, 2.6%, SO2 2.2%, HCl 1.1%, HF 0.3%, H2 0.2%) and trace-halogens (Br, I), therefore estimating a total gas release of 11,000 tonsday1 during September 2011, at which time the target was noneruptively degassing at 900C. Gorely is a typical arc emitter, contributing 0.3% and 1.6% of the total global fluxes from arc volcanism for CO2 and HCl, respectively. We show that Gorely’s volcanic gas (H2O/SO2 43, CO2/SO2 1.2, HCl/SO2 0.5) is a representative mean end-member for arc magmatism in the north-west Pacific region. On this basis we derive new constraints for the abundances and origins of volatiles in the subduction-modified mantle source which feeds magmatism in Kamchatka
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Gas Emissions From Volcanoes of the Kuril Island Arc (NW Pacific): Geochemistry and Fluxes
    The Kuril Island arc extending for about 1,200 km from Kamchatka Peninsula to Hokkaido Island is a typical active subduction zone with 40 historically active subaerial volcanoes, some of which are persistently degassing. Seven Kurilian volcanoes (Ebeko, Sinarka, Kuntomintar, Chirinkotan, Pallas, Berg, and Kudryavy) on six islands (Paramushir, Shiashkotan, Chirinkotan, Ketoy, Urup, and Iturup) emit into the atmosphere>90% of the total fumarolic gas of the arc. During the field campaigns in 2015–2017 direct sampling of fumaroles, MultiGas measurements of the fumarolic plumes and DOAS remote determinations of the SO2 flux were conducted on these volcanoes. Maximal temperatures of the fumaroles in 2015–2016 were 5108C (Ebeko), 4408C (Sinarka), 2608C (Kuntomintar), 7208C (Pallas), and 8208C (Kudryavy). The total SO2 flux (in metric tons per day) from fumarolic fields of the studied volcanoes was measured as 1,8006300 t/d, and the CO2 flux is estimated as 1,2506400 t/d. Geochemical characteristics of the sampled gases include dD and d18O of fumarolic condensates, d13C of CO2, d34S of the total sulfur, ratios 3He/4He and 40Ar/36Ar, concentrations of the major gas species, and trace elements in the volcanic gas condensates. The mole ratios C/S are generally <1. All volcanoes of the arc, except the southernmost Mendeleev and Golovnin volcanoes on Kunashir Island, emit gases with 3He/4He values of >7RA (where RA is the atmospheric 3He/4He). The highest 3He/4He ratios of 8.3RA were measured in fumaroles of the Pallas volcano (Ketoy Island) in the middle of the arc.
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  • Publication
    Hydrothermal systems of the Karymsky Volcanic Centre, Kamchatka: Geochemistry, time evolution and solute fluxes
    Karymsky Volcanic Centre (KVC) at the middle of the frontal volcanic chain of the Kamchatka arc consists of two joined calderas (Akademii Nauk and Karymsky volcano) and hosts two hydrothermal systems: Akademii Nauk (AN) and Karymsky (K). The AN is a typical boiling system, with Na-Cl waters (TDS ~ 1 g/l), low gas content (CO2-N2), with deep calculated temperatures of ~200 °C. In contrast, springs of the K systemhave lower temperatures (up to 42 °C), strong gas bubbling, TDS ~2.5 g/l, and are enriched in HCO3 − and SO4 2−, with Mg2+ as the main cation. There are two intriguing characteristics of the K field: (i) their CO2-rich gas (N97 mol%) has the highest 3He/4He ratios ever measured for hydrothermal systems in Kamchatka of ~8 Ra (where Ra = 1.4 × 10−6) and (ii) their thermal waters have an unusual cation composition (Mg N Na N Ca). After the 1996 sublimnic eruption within AN caldera, new hot springs appeared close to the eruption site. In this paper we synthesize all published and new geochemical data sets. The Karymsky Lake and post-1996 new thermal springs demonstrate exponential decreases in their main dissolved species, with a characteristic time of 5 to 8 years. The chemistry of AN and K springs did not change after the eruption. However, the concentration of chloride in the lake water approached ~35 mg/l, compared with a background of 8–11 mg/l revealing a possible new source of hot water within the Karymsky Lake. All thermal fields of the KVC are drained by the Karymsky River with an outflow rate at the source of ~2 m3/s (flowing out from Karymsky Lake) and at the exit from the Karymsky caldera of ~4.5 m3/s. Using the measured solute fluxes at the source (AN springs) and at the exit (AN+K springs) the natural heat flux fromthe two systems can be estimated as ~67MWand ~120MW, respectively, and ≥20 t/d for the chloride output from both systems.
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  • Publication
    Estimating thermal inflow to El Chichón crater lake using the energy-budget, chemical and isotope balance approaches
    (2008-04-16) ; ;
    Taran, Y.; Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 04510, México
    Rouwet, D.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Palermo, Palermo, Italia
    El Chichón crater lake appeared immediately after the 1982 catastrophic eruption in a newly formed, 1-km wide, explosive crater. During the first 2 years after the eruption the lake transformed from hot and ultraacidic caused by dissolution of magmatic gases, to a warm and less acidic lake due to a rapid “magmatic-tohydrothermal transition” — input of hydrothermal fluids and oxidation of H2S to sulfate. Chemical composition of the lake water and other thermal fluids discharging in the crater, stable isotope composition (δD and δ18O) of lake water, gas condensates and thermal waters collected in 1995–2006 were used for the mass-balance calculations (Cl, SO4 and isotopic composition) of the thermal flux from the crater floor. The calculated fluxes of thermal fluid by different mass-balance approaches become of the same order of magnitude as those derived from the energy-budget model if values of 1.9 and 2 mmol/mol are taken for the catchment coefficient and the average H2S concentration in the hydrothermal vapors, respectively. The total heat power from the crater is estimated to be between 35 and 60 MW and the CO2 flux is not higher than 150 t/day or ~200 gm−2 day−1.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Helium and carbon isotopes in thermal waters of the Jalisco block, Mexico
    (2002) ; ; ; ; ;
    Taran, Y. A.; Instituto de Geofísica, UNAM, Coyoacán, México, D.F., México
    Inguaggiato, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Palermo, Palermo, Italia
    Varley, N.; Universidad de Colima, Colima, México
    Capasso, G.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Palermo, Palermo, Italia
    Favara, R.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Palermo, Palermo, Italia
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    The Jalisco block is a geologically and tectonically complex part of western Mexico. It is considered a distinct crustal unit bounded toward the mainland by rifting and toward the Pacific ocean by the SW section of the Mid-America trench, a contact between the subducting Rivera plate and the continent. On the basis of chemical, helium, and carbon isotopic analyses of 37 groups of thermal springs widely distributed over the Jalisco block, several major tectonic environments can be distinguished. The highest R= 3He/4He ratios with R/Ra (Ra being the atmospheric 3He/4He ratio) approaching MORB values were observed along the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) and within the Colima volcanic complex. For springs in the inner part of the block and close to the Pacific coast, including submarine springs at Punta de Mita, typical values were much lower, with R/Ra down to 0.4. A negative correlation between 3He/4He and δ13C of CO2 is suggested to be the result of coupling between radiogenic He and CO2 formed by oxidation of organic-rich sediments. C/3He ratios vary from ~109 for TMVB, typical for volatiles released from the mantle, to > 1011 thus suggesting a substantial addition of carbon from the crust.
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  • Publication
    Fluid Geochemistry of Tacaná Volcano-Hydrothermal System
    Tacaná hosts an active volcano-hydrothermal system, characterized by boiling temperature fumaroles, near the summit (3,600–3,800 m asl), and bubbling degassing thermal springs near its base (1,000–2,000 m asl). The magmatic signature of gases rising to the surface is attested by their high CO2 contents (δ13CCO2 = −3.6 ± 1.3 ‰), and relatively high 3He/4He ratios (6.0 ± 0.9 RA), with a CO2/3He ratio typical for the Central American Arc (2.3 × 1010–6.9 × 1011). Such magmatic signature is practically identical for the near-summit fumaroles, and the bubbling gases at the base of Tacaná edifice. Besides the HCO3-enrichment in thermal spring waters, the springs (pH 5.8–6.7) show a SO4-and minor Cl-enrichment: a CO2 and H2S + SO2- rich magmatic steam condenses into a deeper geothermal aquifer, and the resulting hydrothermal fluid mixes with meteoric waters near the surface. The recharge area for the thermal springs is located at higher elevations (>400 m higher than spring outlet elevation), as inferred from the δD-δ18O data for rivers, thermal and cold springs. These general insights of the Tacaná volcano-hydrothermal system serve as the baseline for future volcanic surveillance, and geothermal prospection. The main locus of hydrothermal activity is located inside the Tacaná horseshoe-shaped crater in the northwestern sector of the volcanic edifice. In terms of volcanic hazard, this sector can be considered the most probable site for future phreatic activity.
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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Chemical and isotopic compositions of thermal springs, fumaroles and bubbling gases at Tacaná Volcano (Mexico–Guatemala): implications for volcanic surveillance
    (2009) ; ; ; ; ;
    Rouwet, D.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Palermo, Palermo, Italia
    Inguaggiato, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Palermo, Palermo, Italia
    Taran, Y.; Instituto de Geofisica UNAM, Mexico
    Varley, N.; universidad de Colima, Colima Mexico
    Santiago, J. A.; Instituto de Geofisica UNAM, Mexico
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    This study presents baseline data for future geochemical monitoring of the active Tacaná volcano– hydrothermal system (Mexico–Guatemala). Seven groups of thermal springs, related to a NW/SE-oriented fault scarp cutting the summit area (4,100m a.s.l.), discharge at the northwest foot of the volcano (1,500–2,000m a.s.l.); another one on the southern ends of Tacaná (La Calera). The near-neutral (pH from 5.8 to 6.9) thermal (T from 25.7°C to 63.0°C) HCO3–SO4 waters are thought to have formed by the absorption of a H2S/SO2–CO2-enriched steam into a Cl-rich geothermal aquifer, afterwards mixed by Na/HCO3-enriched meteoric waters originating from the higher elevations of the volcano as stated by the isotopic composition (δD and δ18O) of meteoric and spring waters. Boiling temperature fumaroles (89°C at ~3,600m a.s.l. NW of the summit), formed after the May 1986 phreatic explosion, emit isotopically light vapour (δD and δ18O as low as −128 and −19.9‰, respectively) resulting from steam separation from the summit aquifer. Fumarolic as well as bubbling gases at five springs are CO2-dominated. The δ13CCO2 for all gases show typical magmatic values of −3.6 ± 1.3‰ vs V-PDB. The large range in 3He/4He ratios for bubbling, dissolved and fumarolic gases [from 1.3 to 6.9 atmospheric 3He/4He ratio (RA)] is ascribed to a different degree of near-surface boiling processes inside a heterogeneous aquifer at the contact between the volcanic edifice and the crystalline basement (4He source). Tacaná volcano offers a unique opportunity to give insight into shallow hydrothermal and deep magmatic processes affecting the CO2/3He ratio of gases: bubbling springs with lower gas/water ratios show higher 3He/4He ratios and consequently lower CO2/3He ratios (e.g. Zarco spring). Typical Central American CO2/3He and 3He/4He ratios are found for the fumarolic Agua Caliente and Zarco gases (3.1 ± 1.6 × 1010 and 6.0 ± 0.9 RA, respectively). The L/S (5.9 ± 0.5) and (L + S)/M ratios (9.2 ± 0.7) for the same gases are almost identical to the ones calculated for gases in El Salvador, suggesting an enhanced slab contribution as far as the northern extreme of the Central American Volcanic Arc, Tacaná.
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