Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Water in Mid Ocean Ridge Basalts: Some Like it Hot, Some Like it Cold
    (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 2011-11) ; ; ; ; ;
    Ligi, M.; Istituto di Scienze Marine - CNR
    Bonatti, E.; Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory - Columbia University, New York (USA)
    Brunelli, D.; Dipartimento Scienze della Terra, Università di Modena
    Cipriani, A.; Dipartimento Scienze della Terra, Università di Modena
    Ottolini, L.; Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse - CNR
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    Brugnoli, Enrico; DTA-CNR
    Cavarretta, Giuseppe; DTA-CNR
    Mazzola, Salvatore; IAMC-CNR
    Trincardi, Fabio; ISMAR-CNR
    Ravaioli, Mariangela; ISMAR-CNR
    Santoleri, Rosalia; CNR
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    The presence in the Earth’s mantle of even small amounts of water and other volatiles has major effects: first, it lowers drastically mantle’s viscosity, thereby facilitating convection and plate tectonics; second, it lowers the melting temperature of the rising mantle affecting the formation of the oceanic crust. H2O concentration in oceanic basalts stays below 0.2 wt% except for basalts sampled near “hot spots” that contain significantly more H2O than normal MORB, implying that their mantle plume sources are unusually H2O-rich. Basalts sampled in the Equatorial Atlantic close to the Romanche transform, a thermal minimum in the Ridge system, have a H2O content that increases as the ridge is cooled approaching the transform offset. These basalts are Na-rich, being generated by low degrees of melting of the mantle, and contain unusually high ratios of light versus heavy rare earth elements implying the presence of garnet in the melting region. H2O enrichment is due not to an unusually H2O-rich mantle source, but to a low extent of melting of the upwelling mantle, confined to a deep wet melting region. Numerical models predict that this wet melting process takes place mostly in the mantle zone of stability of garnet. This prediction is verified by the geochemistry of our basalts showing that garnet must indeed have been present in their mantle source. Thus, oceanic basalts are H2O-rich not only near “hot spots”, but also at “cold spots”.
      177  435
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Birth of an ocean in the Red Sea: Initial pangs
    (2012-08-18) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Ligi, M.; CNR-ISMAR Bologna
    Bonatti, E.; CNR-ISMAR Bologna
    Bortoluzzi, G.; CNR-ISMAR Bologna
    Cipriani, A.; CNR-ISMAR Bologna
    Cocchi, L.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2, Roma, Italia
    Caratori Tontini, F.; GNS Science
    Carminati, E.; Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
    Ottolini, L.; CNR -Pavia
    Schettino, A.; Università di Camerino
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    We obtained areal variations of crustal thickness, magnetic intensity, and degree of melting of the sub- axial upwelling mantle at Thetis and Nereus Deeps, the two northernmost axial segments of initial oceanic crustal accretion in the Red Sea, where Arabia is separating from Africa. The initial emplacement of oceanic crust occurred at South Thetis and Central Nereus roughly $2.2 and $2 Ma, respectively, and is taking place today in the northern Thetis and southern Nereus tips. Basaltic glasses major and trace element com- position suggests a rift-to-drift transition marked by magmatic activity with typical MORB signature, with no contamination by continental lithosphere, but with slight differences in mantle source composition and/or potential temperature between Thetis and Nereus. Eruption rate, spreading rate, magnetic intensity, crustal thickness and degree of mantle melting were highest at both Thetis and Nereus in the very initial phases of oceanic crust accretion, immediately after continental breakup, probably due to fast mantle upwelling enhanced by an initially strong horizontal thermal gradient. This is consistent with a rift model where the lower continental lithosphere has been replaced by upwelling asthenosphere before continental rupturing, implying depth-dependent extension due to decoupling between the upper and lower lithosphere with man- tle-lithosphere-necking breakup before crustal-necking breakup. Independent along-axis centers of upwell- ing form at the rifting stage just before oceanic crust accretion, with buoyancy-driven convection within a hot, low viscosity asthenosphere. Each initial axial cell taps a different asthenospheric source and serves as nucleus for axial propagation of oceanic accretion, resulting in linear segments of spreading.
      623  2204
  • Publication
    Geochemical heterogeneities in magma beneath Mount Etna recorded by 2001-2006 melt inclusions
    (2015) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Schiavi, F.; Università di Pavia
    Rosciglione, A.; Università di Palermo
    Kitagawa, H.; Okagawa University (Japan)
    Kobayashi, K.; Okagawa University (Japan)
    Nakamura, E.; Okagawa University (Japan)
    Nuccio, P. M.; Università di Palermo
    Ottolini, L.; CNR-IGG Pavia
    Paonita, A.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Palermo, Palermo, Italia
    Vannucci, R.; Università di pavia
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    We present a geochemical study on olivine- and clinopyroxene-hosted melt inclusions (MIs) from 2001-2006 Etna basaltic lavas and pyroclastites. Three MI suites are distinguished on the basis of trace element fingerprinting. Type-1 MIs (from 2001 Upper South and 2002 Northeast vents) share their trace element signature with low-K lavas erupted before 1971. Critical trace element ratios (e.g.,K/La, Ba/Nb), along with Pb isotope data of Type-1 MIs provide evidence for a heterogeneous mantle source resulting from mixing of three end-members with geochemical and isotopic characteristics of EM2, DMM and HIMU components. Type-1 MIs composition does not support involvement of subduction-related components. Type-2 (from 2001 Lower and 2002 South vents) and Type-3 (2004 eruption) MIs reveal “ghost plagioclase signatures”, namely lower concentrations in strongly incompatible elements, and positiveSr, Ba and Eu anomalies. Both Type-1 and Type-2 MIs occur in 2006 olivines, which highlight the occurrence of mixing between Type-1 and Type-2 end-members. Type-2/Type-3 MIs testify to en-route processes(plagioclase assimilation and volatile fluxing) peculiar for “deep dike fed” eruptions. The latter are strongly controlled by tectonics or flank instability that occasionally promote upraise ofundegassed, more radiogenic primitive magma, which may interact with plagioclase-rich crystal mush/cumulates before erupting. Type-2/Type-3 MIs approach the less radiogenic Pb isotopic compositionof plagioclase from prehistoric lavas, thus suggesting geochemical overprinting of present-day melts by older products released from distinct mantle sources. Our study emphasizes that MIs microanalysis offers new insights on both source characteristics and en-route processes, allowing to a link between melt composition and magma dynamics.
      343  79
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Ultrafast syn-eruptive degassing and ascent trigger high-energy basic eruptions
    Lithium gradients in plagioclase are capable of recording extremely short-lived processes associated with gas loss from magmas prior to extrusion at the surface. We present SIMS profiles of the 7Li/30Si ion ratio in plagioclase crystals from products of the paroxysmal sequence that occurred in the period 2011-2013 at Mt. Etna (Italy) in an attempt to constrain the final ascent and degassing processes leading to these powerful eruptions involving basic magma. The observed Li concentrations reflect cycles of Li addition to the melt through gas flushing, and a syn-eruptive stage of magma degassing driven by decompression that finally produce significant Li depletion from the melt. Modeling the decreases in Li concentration in plagioclase by diffusion allowed determination of magma ascent timescales that are on the order of minutes or less. Knowledge of the storage depth beneath the volcano has led to the quantification of a mean magma ascent velocity of ~43 m/s for paroxysmal eruptions at Etna. The importance of these results relies on the application of methods, recently used exclusively for closed-system volcanoes producing violent eruptions, to open-conduit systems that have generally quiet eruptive periods of activity sometimes interrupted by sudden re-awakening and the production of anomalously energetic eruptions.
      64  83
  • Publication
    The Campanian Ignimbrite (southern Italy) geochemical zoning: insight on the generation of a super-eruption from catastrophic differentiation and fast withdrawal
    (2007) ; ; ;
    Pappalardo, L.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione OV, Napoli, Italia
    Ottolini, L.; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche—Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse (IGG), Sezione di Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy
    Mastrolorenzo, G.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione OV, Napoli, Italia
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    More than ca 100 km3 of nearly homogeneous crystal-poor phonolite and ca 100 km3 of slightly zoned trachyte were erupted 39 ka during the Campanian Ignimbrite super eruption, the most powerful in the Neapolitan area. Partition coefficient calculations, equilibrium mineral assemblages, glass compositions and texture were used to reconstruct compositional, thermal and pressure gradients in the pre-eruptive reservoir as well as timing and mechanisms of evolution towards magma chamber overpressure and eruption. Our petrologic data indicate that a wide sill-like trachytic magma chamber was active under the Campanian Plain at 2.5 kbar before CI eruption. Thermal exchange between high liquidus (1199 C) trachytic sill and cool country rocks caused intense undercooling, driving a catastrophic and fast (102 years) in situ fractional crystallization and crustal assimilation that produced a water oversaturated phonolitic cap and an overpressure in the chamber that triggered the super eruption. This process culminated in an abrupt reservoir opening and in a fast single-step high decompression. Sanidine phenocrysts crystal size distributions reveal high differentiation rate, thus suggesting that such a sill-like magmatic system is capable of evolving in a very short time and erupting suddenly with only short-term warning.
      460  29