Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Post-yelding behavior in porous sandstones
    (2007-09-25) ; ; ;
    Zhu, W.; Univ. of Maryland, USA
    Baud, P.; IGP, Strasbourg, France
    Wong T.-f.; Stony Brook, USA
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    Vinciguerra, Sergio
    Bernabé, Yves
    see Abstract Volume
      95  7354
  • Publication
    Understanding Slow Deformation Before Dynamic Failure
    (2010) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Ventura, G.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Vinciguerra, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Moretti, S.; Univ. of Florence, Italy
    Meredith, P. G.; UCL, UK
    Heap, M .J.; UCL,UK
    Baud, P.; Univ. of Strasb., France
    Shapiro, S. A.; Freie Univ., Berlin, Germany
    Dinske, C.; Freie Univ., Berlin, Germany
    Kummerow, J.; Freie Univ., Berlin, Germany
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    Beer, T.; Csiro, Australia
    Slow deformation and fracturing have been shown to be leading mechanisms towards failure, marking earthquake ruptures, flank eruption onsets and landslide episodes. The common link among these processes is that populations of microcracks interact, grow and coalesce into major fractures. We present (a) two examples of multidisciplinary field monitoring of characteristic “large scale” signs of impending deformation from different tectonic setting, i.e. the Ruinon landslide (Italy) and Stromboli volcano (Italy) (b) the kinematic features of slow stress perturbations induced by fluid overpressures and relative modelling; (c) experimental rock deformation laboratory experiments and theoretical modelling investigating slow deformation mechanisms, such stress corrosion crack growth. We propose an interdisciplinary unitary and integrated approach aimed to: (1) transfer of knowledge between specific fields, which up to now aimed at solve a particular problem; (2) quantify critical damage thresholds triggering instability onset; (3) set up early warning models for forecasting the time of rupture with application to volcanology, seismology and landslide risk prevention.
      438  87
  • Publication
    Compaction and failure in high porosity carbonates: mechanical data and microstructural observations
    (2009) ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Baud, P.; EOST, France
    Vinciguerra, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    David, C.; Univ. Cergy Pontoise, France
    Cavallo, A.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Walker, E.; EOST, France
    Reuschlè, T.
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    We investigate systematically the micromechanics of compaction in two carbonates of porosity above 30%, Majella grainstone and Saint Maximin limestone. The composition, grain size and pore surface area of these rocks were determined. Hydrostatic compression experiments were performed in dry and wet conditions beyond the onset of grain crushing pore collapse. A significant weakening effect of water was observed in both rocks. Series of conventional triaxial experiments were performed in dry conditions at confining pressures ranging from 3 to 31MPa. Microstructural observations were carried out on the deformed samples. Results show that the mechanical behaviour of these high porosity carbonates is dominated by shear-enhanced compaction associated in most cases with strain hardening. Stress induced cracking and grain crushing are the dominant micromechanisms of deformation in both rocks. In Majella grainstone compactive shear bands appeared at low confinement, in qualitative agreement with the deformation bands observed in the field. At higher pressures, compaction localization was inhibited and homogeneous cataclastic flow developed. In Saint-Maximin limestone, compaction localization was observed in all deformed samples. An increasing number of compactive shear bands at various orientations appeared with increasing strain. Our new data suggest that compaction localization in an important feature of the mechanical compaction in carbonates of high porosity.
      170  56
  • Publication
    Thermal weakening of the carbonate basement under Mt. Etna volcano (Italy): Implications for volcano instability
    (2013) ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Heap, M. J.; Institut de Physique de Globe de Strasbourg
    Mollo, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Vinciguerra, S.; Università di Torino
    Lavallee, Y.; University of Liverpool
    Dingwell, D. B.; University of Munich
    Baud, P.; Institut de Physique de Globe de Strasbourg
    Iezzi, G.; Università Chieti
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    The physical integrity of a sub-volcanic basement is crucial in controlling the stability of a volcanic edifice. For many volcanoes, this basement can comprise thick sequences of carbonates that are prone to significant thermally-induced alteration. These debilitating thermal reactions, facilitated by heat from proximal magma storage volumes, promote the weakening of the rock mass and likely therefore encourage edifice instability. Such instability can result in slow, gravitational spreading and episodic to continuous slippage of unstable flanks, and may also facilitate catastrophic flank collapse. Understanding the propensity of a particular sub-volcanic basement to such instability requires a detailed understanding of the influence of high temperatures on the chemical, physical, and mechanical properties of the rocks involved. The juxtaposition of a thick carbonate substratum and magmatic heat sources makes Mt. Etna volcano an ideal candidate for our study. We investigated experimentally the effect of temperature on two carbonate rocks that have been chosen to represent the deep, heterogeneous sedimentary substratum under Mt. Etna volcano. This study has demonstrated that thermal-stressing resulted in a progressive and significant change in the physical properties of the two rocks. Porosity, wet (i.e., water-saturated) dynamic Poisson's ratio and wet Vp/Vs ratio all increased, whilst P- and S-wave velocities, bulk sample density, dynamic and static Young's modulus, dry Vp/Vs ratio, and dry dynamic Poisson's ratio all decreased. At temperatures of 800 °C, the carbonate in these rocks completely dissociated, resulting in a total mass loss of about 45% and the release of about 44 wt.% of CO2. Uniaxial deformation experiments showed that high in-situ temperatures (>500 °C) significantly reduced the strength of the carbonates and altered their deformation behaviour. Above 500 °C the rocks deformed in a ductile manner and the output of acoustic emissions was greatly reduced. We speculate that thermally-induced weakening and the ductile behaviour of the carbonate substratum could be a key factor in explaining the large-scale deformation observed at Mt. Etna volcano. Our findings are consistent with several field observations at Mt. Etna volcano and can quantitatively support the interpretation of (1) the irregularly low seismic velocity zones present within the sub-volcanic sedimentary basement, (2) the anomalously high CO2 degassing observed, (3) the anomalously high Vp/Vs ratios and the rapid migration of fluids, and (4) the increasing instability of volcanic edifices in the lifespan of a magmatic system. We speculate that carbonate sub-volcanic basement may emerge as one of the decisive fundamentals in controlling volcanic stability.
      164  23
  • Publication
    Brittle creep in basalt and its application to time-dependent volcano deformation
    (2011) ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Heap, M. J.
    Baud, P.
    Meredith, P. G.
    Vinciguerra, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Bell, A. F.
    Main, I. G.
    Time-dependent brittle deformation is a fundamental and pervasive process operating in the Earth's upper crust. Its characterization is a pre-requisite to understanding and unraveling the complexities of crustal evolution and dynamics. The preferential chemical interaction between pore fluids and strained atomic bonds at crack tips, a mechanism known as stress corrosion, allows rock to fail under a constant stress that is well below its short-term strength over an extended period of time; a process known as brittle creep. Here we present the first experimental measurements of brittle creep in a basic igneous rock (a basalt from Mt. Etna volcano) under triaxial stress conditions. Results from conventional creep experiments show that creep strain rates are highly dependent on the level of applied stress (and can be equally well fit by a power law or an exponential law); with a 20% increase in stress producing close to three orders of magnitude increase in creep strain rate. Results from stress-stepping creep experiments show that creep strain rates are also influenced by the imposed effective confining pressure. We show that only part of this change can be attributed to the purely mechanical influence of an increase in effective pressure, with the remainder interpreted as due to a reduction in stress corrosion reactions; the result of a reduction in crack aperture that restricts the rate of transport of reactive species to crack tips. Overall, our results also suggest that a critical level of crack damage is required before the deformation starts to accelerate to failure, regardless of the level of applied stress and the time taken to reach this point. The experimental results are discussed in terms of microstructural observations and fits to a macroscopic creep law, and compared with the observed deformation history at Mt. Etna volcano.
      137  20
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Deformation and failure in high porosity carbonate rocks: Mechanical data and microstructural observations
    (2007-09-25) ; ; ; ;
    Baud, P.; IPG, Strasbourg, France
    Vinciguerra, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Cavallo, A.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Reuschlé, T.; IPG, Strasbourg, France
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    Vinciguerra, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Bernabé, Y.; MIT, USA
    see Abstract Volume
      154  246
  • Publication
    Micromechanics of brittle faulting and cataclastic flow in Alban Hills tuff
    (2011) ; ; ; ;
    Zhu, W.
    Baud, P.
    Vinciguerra, S.; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Roma, Italia
    Wong, T.
    An understanding of how tuff deforms and fails is of importance in the mechanics of volcanic eruption as well as geotechnical and seismic applications related to the integrity of tuff structures and repositories. Previous rock mechanics studies have focused on the brittle strength. We conducted mechanical tests on nominally dry and water-saturated tuff samples retrieved from the Colli Albani drilling project, in conjunction with systematic microstructural observations on the deformed samples so as to elucidate the micromechanics of brittle failure and inelastic compaction. The phenomenological behavior was observed to be qualitatively similar to that in a porous sedimentary rock. Synthesizing published data, we observe a systematic trend for both uniaxial compressive strength and pore collapse pressure of nonwelded tuff to decrease with increasing porosity. To interpret the compaction behavior in tuff, we extended the cataclastic pore collapse model originally formulated for a porous carbonate rock to a dual porosity medium made up of macropores and micropores or microcracks.
      105  19